Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (2024)

by Jenny 3 Comments




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Updated December 2020

Ready for a Christmas Pasta Salad that is quick and easy? As I’ve gotten older, I’ve come to realize how important it is to make dishes that are both quick ând easy to transport from one holiday gathering to the next. This Christmas Pasta Salad is sprinkled with the colors of the holiday and the fresh vegetables of the season. Plus, it transports like a charm so it’s a win-win.

Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (1)

In case you haven’t noticed yet, my girls love pasta and this Christmas Pasta Salad is no exception—they would eat it seven days a week if I allowed it. I do my best to incorporate fresh vegetables and fun pasta shapes into my Christmas Pasta Salad, so this was the perfect easy lunch idea for Riley’s 6th birthday party.

Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (2)

Christmas Pasta Salad – Tips

  • Don’t cut the vegetables too small
  • Try a creamy Italian dressing for more richness
  • Substitute balsamic vinegar for Italian dressing for a sweet-tart taste
  • Make sure not to overcook the pasta
  • Try all different kinds of veggies
  • Make enough for leftovers!

What Ingredients Are Needed For Christmas Macaroni Salad?

The beautiful thing about a cold pasta salad for Christmas is that you can use whatever ingredients you have on hand in the fridge right now. Of course, I used vegetables that are red and green in color, just to reinforce the holiday theme.

I used zucchini for my green vegetable, but you can also use broccoli, cucumber, celery, or green peppers. For red vegetables, I like grape tomatoes and red bell peppers for this salad. Use any red vegetable variety you enjoy.

I like to integrate different pasta shapes as well. Usually, I’ll have half a box of pasta laying around from a single meal or side dish, so this is a great opportunity to use up those partial boxes of pasta.

For the recipe as written, you will need:

  • Tri-color pasta
  • Wagon wheel pasta
  • Zucchini
  • Grape tomatoes
  • Red pepper
  • Zesty Italian dressing

Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (3)

How Do You Make Christmas Pasta Salad?

Start by cooking both pasta shapes as per the package directions in boiling, salted water. Drain and set aside.

Slice your vegetables and add them to your cooled pasta.

Add in your dressing and mix well.

Refrigerate until cold and serve.

Tools To Help Make A Festive Pasta Salad

A large bowl with a lid is great for keeping the salad before serving.

Some large serving spoons are very impressive when scooping the Christmas-themed deliciousness onto guests’ plates.

Keep the holiday season in mind with a festive serving bowl reflecting the joyous occasion.


Why Is This Pasta Salad Only Served At Christmas?

While you can certainly make and eat this kind of pasta salad at any time of year, this particular Christmas Pasta Salad is served during the holidays because of the bright green and red colors in the salad. As long as the veggies are festively green and red, your pasta salad will look and taste like Christmas!

Can I Use Gluten-Free Pasta?

This recipe was tested exclusively with regular pasta; however, you can use gluten-free pasta in a holiday pasta salad if needed. Keep in mind that gluten-free pasta may change the texture of the salad.

How Long Will Christmas Pasta Salad Keep In The Fridge?

This holiday pasta salad will not last long in the fridge because your family will finish it by the next day! However, if you need to make this Christmas macaroni salad in advance, it will keep for up to 1 week in the refrigerator.

Can I Add Meat To The Christmas Macaroni Salad?

This easy, festive pasta salad is vegetarian initially; however, you could add cold, shredded chicken to make the salad more filling and add so

me extra protein. I like to have a few vegetarian options at my festive gatherings to include everyone, and to also make sure there is enough for those with dietary restrictions.

Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (4)

Can I Use Another Dressing In A Cold Pasta Salad For Christmas?

Holiday pasta salad is so great with an Italian-style dressing, and most people already have that in their pantry. You could also use a vinaigrette-style dressing such as balsamic or sweet onion. If you are feeling adventurous, you can also make a homemade salad dressing, such as my Honey Mustard Dip!

Christmas Pasta Salad

This Christmas Pasta Salad is super easy to create and has all the colors of the holiday season. All of your guests and friends will love the freshness of this holiday salad recipe.

Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (5)

Christmas Pasta Salad

A fresh and colorful Christmas Pasta Salad.

4.20 from 5 votes

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Course: Appetizer, lunch

Cuisine: American

Keyword: holiday, pasta salad

Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes minutes

Total Time: 15 minutes minutes

Servings: 8 servings

Calories: 33kcal


  • 1 box tri color pasta
  • ½ box wagon wheel pasta
  • 1 zucchini sliced
  • 8 oz grape tomatoes halved
  • 1 red pepper sliced
  • ½ cup zesty Italian dressing


  • Cook both pastas according to the box instructions.

  • Let the pasta cool and then add in the sliced vegetables.

  • Add in the Italian dressing and mix well.

  • Refrigerate and serve.



Serving: 8servings | Calories: 33kcal | Carbohydrates: 3g | Protein: 1g | Fat: 2g | Saturated Fat: 1g | Sodium: 100mg | Potassium: 117mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 2g | Vitamin A: 501IU | Vitamin C: 18mg | Calcium: 6mg | Iron: 1mg

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Reader Interactions


  1. Vale

    Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (6)
    Delicious and easy


    • Jenny

      Thank you for the kind words!



  1. […] Full recipe and tips available on our site […]


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Christmas Pasta Salad - The Perfect Salad Recipe (2024)


Should you let pasta cool before making pasta salad? ›

My Best Pasta Salad Tips

I find that the higher time range listed on box instructions is usually just about right for pasta salad. Let your pasta cool completely before tossing it with the other ingredients. If it's still warm, the hot pasta will start to cook and wilt the veggies.

How do you make pasta salad not soggy? ›

Cook the pasta al dente: Al dente pasta is firmer and less likely to become mushy or soggy when mixed with other ingredients. Rinse the pasta with cold water after cooking: This helps to remove excess starch and cool the pasta, which can help to prevent it from becoming soggy.

What is pasta salad dressing made of? ›

  • ½ cup mayonnaise.
  • ½ cup olive oil.
  • ¼ cup red wine vinegar.
  • 1 ½ teaspoons Dijon mustard.
  • 1 clove garlic, minced.
  • 1 teaspoon white sugar.
  • ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.
  • ¼ teaspoon dried oregano.

Do I rinse pasta for a cold salad? ›

If you're making a dish that will be served chilled or at room temp—think cold soba, rice noodles, pasta salad—you do want to rinse so that you get toothsome (sorry) individual strands rather than one big gummy clump. Certain types of noodles benefit from a rinse in almost all applications.

Should pasta always be rinsed in cool water after cooking? ›

Do not rinse the pasta, though. The starch in the water is what helps the sauce adhere to your pasta. Rinsing pasta will cool it and prevent absorption of your sauce. The only time you should ever rinse your pasta is when you are going to use it in a cold dish like a pasta salad.

Should I dress my pasta salad the night before? ›

If you are using fresh herbs: be sure to make the dressing at least a couple of hours ahead of time or the night before. This will allow the full flavor of the herbs to be infused with the other ingredients.

How to stop pasta salad from drying out? ›

You may have heard of another method to prevent pasta salad from drying out — adding oil to the noodles before adding the dressing. This works because oil can act as a barrier that prevents the noodles from soaking up a lot of liquid.

Should you drain pasta for pasta salad? ›

How to Cook Pasta for Pasta Salad Recipes
  1. You should cook the pasta for 1 minute less than the time recommended in the package instructions.
  2. Then, drain the pasta, spread it out on a cooking sheet, drizzle a single layer of extra-virgin olive oil over it and allow it to cool.

Why does my pasta salad taste weird? ›

Vinegar and other acidic ingredients do strange things to the flavor of pasta when used in salad-level amounts. Ever notice an irritating acerbic aftertaste just about every time you've eaten pasta salad? That's the vinegar announcing itself, and it's not pleasant.

Why is my pasta salad not creamy? ›

The key to the best creamy pasta salad is to rinse the cooked pasta under cold water before tossing it with the dressing. Skipping this step means the dressing will be sticky. We also “de-flame” the onion, which tames the raw onion flavor so that it does not take over the salad.

Does pasta salad contain mayo? ›

Macaroni Salad Ingredients

Condiments: A creamy blend of mayonnaise and yellow mustard adds tons of flavor. Sugar and vinegar: White sugar adds a dose of sweetness, which is pleasantly balanced by white vinegar. Seasonings: This macaroni salad is simply seasoned with salt and ground black pepper.

What is Olive Garden's salad dressing made of? ›

Ingredients. Water, Soybean Oil, Distilled Vinegar, Sugar, Salt, Eggs, Romano Cheese (Pasteurized Part Skim Milk, Cheese Cultures, Salt, Enzymes), Dehydrated Garlic, Spice, Xanthan Gum, Dextrose, Annatto Color, Calcium Disodium EDTA Added to Protect Flavor, Natural Flavor.

How do you thicken pasta salad dressing? ›

Egg yolks are the ideal addition to pasta sauces, salad dressings and custards that need thickening. The protein in egg yolks thicken when heated and they also add a richness to sauces.

What are the seven things that you should not do when preparing the salad? ›

Common Salad Mistakes
  1. Here are seven things you should NOT do when making salads: Too much dressing. ...
  2. Pouring on the dressing. ...
  3. Wet salad leaves. ...
  4. Not seasoning it. ...
  5. Subpar salad dressings. ...
  6. Uncreative toppings. ...
  7. Served in a bowl.
May 13, 2013

When creating a salad what 5 factors should you consider? ›

But today, I am going to teach you how to make a salad without using a recipe so you, too, can become a salad artist. Sound like a deal? There are five elements to a perfect salad: greens, sweetness, creaminess, crunchiness, and dressing. Let's talk about each one.

What is necessary to avoid when making fresh pasta? ›

15 Mistakes To Avoid When Making Fresh Pasta
  1. Not using the well method to mix your pasta. ...
  2. Using the wrong type of flour. ...
  3. Using too many egg whites. ...
  4. Not using the correct dry-to-wet ingredient ratio. ...
  5. Not adding semolina. ...
  6. Under-kneading your pasta dough. ...
  7. Forgetting to rest your pasta dough. ...
  8. Rolling out your pasta by hand.
Feb 1, 2023


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Author: Kelle Weber

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Name: Kelle Weber

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Introduction: My name is Kelle Weber, I am a magnificent, enchanting, fair, joyous, light, determined, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.