Elden Ring: Essential Quest Guide (2024)

Unlock the Mysteries of Elden Ring with our comprehensive Essential Quest Guide! Embark on an epic journey through the Lands Between with expert insights into every facet of the questing experience. Dive deep into ‘Understanding Quest Mechanics’ to grasp the foundational elements, meet the ‘Key Quest NPCs’ integral to your adventure, and master the art of ‘How to Complete Complex Quests’ with ease. Every decision counts, so explore the ‘Consequences of Quest Choices’ to shape your destiny and uncover the ‘Reward Expectations’ to gauge the treasures that await. Get ready to elevate your gameplay and conquer Elden Ring like never before!

Understanding Quest Mechanics#

Navigating the vast world of Elden Ring can feel overwhelming, especially when it comes to understanding its quest mechanics. Unlike typical RPGs that offer clear quest markers and objectives, Elden Ring opts for a more mysterious and hands-on approach. Here’s what you need to know to master the game’s questing system.

Quest Structure#

In Elden Ring, quests are often incomplete puzzles scattered across the lands. Instead of traditional linear quests, you’ll encounter characters (NPCs) who offer cryptic clues or tasks. Here are some important points to remember:

  • Non-linear Progression: Many quests don’t have a clear beginning or end. You might start a quest without realizing it by simply talking to an NPC and triggering an event.
  • Multiple Endings: Some quests can be resolved in different ways, leading to different outcomes. Your choices matter, and they may not always be obvious.
  • Interconnected Stories: NPC storylines often intersect. Helping one character could affect another’s quest.

Talking to NPCs#

In Elden Ring, never underestimate the power of a good chat. NPCs can provide crucial information that isn’t noted anywhere else. Make sure to:

  • Exhaust Dialogue Options: Talk to each NPC multiple times until they start repeating themselves. Often, the last bit of dialogue is the most crucial.
  • Revisit NPCs: Characters may move around or have new things to say as you progress through the game. Make a habit of checking back with them.
  • Pay Attention to Details: Subtle hints in their dialogue can guide you to hidden locations or items essential for their quest.

World Exploration#

Exploration plays a huge role in quest completion. You might need to:

  • Explore Thoroughly: Look for hidden paths, secret doors, and less obvious locations. Quests often require you to think outside the box.
  • Note Important Locations: Discover key areas that characters mention. These might not be marked on your map, so keep a journal if necessary.

Item Collection#

Quests often involve finding specific items that don’t always scream “important.” Keep an eye out for:

  • Unique Items: Anything that seems out of the ordinary or is given a unique name.
  • NPC Requests: Some characters may ask for specific things. Make a mental note of these requests as you explore.

Decision Making#

Your decisions can significantly impact the game’s world and story arcs:

  • Dialogue Choices: Some NPCs will present you with choices. Choose carefully, as there’s no going back.
  • Moral Decisions: Occasionally, you’ll face moral choices where there’s no “correct” answer. Go with what feels right for your character.

Keeping Track of Quests#

It’s easy to lose track of what you’re supposed to do without a formal quest log. Here’s how to stay organized:

  • Take Notes: Write down key information about each quest, including who gave it to you, where, and what they need.
  • Use In-Game Markers: Use your map’s markers to remind yourself of points of interest related to your quests.
  • Refer to Outside Resources: Don’t hesitate to use wikis or community guides if you’re stuck. Elden Ring’s community is great about sharing tips and secrets.

Tips for New Players#

  • Stay Curious: Always question and explore. Curiosity is often rewarded with hidden quests or valuable information.
  • Patience is Key: Don’t rush through dialogues and areas. Take your time to understand what’s happening around you.
  • Enjoy the Journey: Remember, part of the fun is the mystery and discovery. The sense of accomplishment from solving these quests on your terms is unmatched.

By embracing these quest mechanics, you’ll find that Elden Ring’s world is rich with stories waiting to be uncovered. Good luck, Tarnished, and may your quest log be ever complete!

Key Quest NPCs#

In “Elden Ring,” NPCs (Non-Player Characters) are crucial to your journey. They offer quests, lore, and sometimes, vital items. Here’s a breakdown of the essential quest NPCs you’ll meet on your adventure. Keep an eye out for these characters to make the most of your playthrough.


Melina is one of the first NPCs you’ll encounter. She appears early on in your journey to offer you the ability to level up. You can find Melina at Sites of Grace, where she’ll help you grow stronger in exchange for Runes. Stay close to her as she also provides insights into the world and the story.

  • Location: First seen at the Site of Grace after defeating the first couple of enemies.
  • Important Quests: Unlocks your ability to level up and various story elements.
  • Notes: Always talk to Melina when you can; she helps you progress through the game.


Ranni the Witch is a mysterious and important character with a significant quest line. Interacting with her involves a deeper dive into the story and offers one of the game’s multiple endings. Her quest is multi-staged and takes you across several locations.

  • Location: Found at the Church of Elleh (initial encounter).
  • Important Quests: The Age of Stars ending.
  • Notes: Pay attention to her instructions and the items she provides. They are essential for progressing her quest.

Kenneth Haight#

Kenneth is an NPC with a noble quest related to reclaiming Fort Haight. His quest involves combating enemies and can net you some decent rewards, including Runes and potential future assistance.

  • Location: Found at the top of a ruined watchtower in Limgrave.
  • Important Quests: Reclamation of Fort Haight.
  • Notes: Follow his directions and clear out Fort Haight to complete his quest line.


Diallos is initially a grief-stricken noble with his quest revolving around avenging his family. He offers significant insights and quests that involve multiple steps and traveling between locations.

  • Location: First met at the Roundtable Hold.
  • Important Quests: Revenge for his family.
  • Notes: Talk to him regularly as his quest updates over time.

Iron Fist Alexander#

Affectionately known as the “warrior jar,” Alexander is a memorable NPC who offers combat challenges and camaraderie. His quest line leads to challenges and significant rewards.

  • Location: Initially found stuck in the ground in Limgrave.
  • Important Quests: Alexander’s journey to become stronger.
  • Notes: Don’t forget to help free him when you first find him; it kicks off his series of quests.


Fia is a Deathbed Companion who offers unique interactions and a quest line that intertwines deeply with the lore. She can be found at the Roundtable Hold and provides buffs, items, and critical quests.

  • Location: In the room next to the Roundtable Hold’s main hall.
  • Important Quests: The quest involving the Cursemark of Death.
  • Notes: Visiting Fia regularly can unveil more story elements and lead to consequential choices later in the game.

Keep an eye out for these NPCs as you explore the expansive world of “Elden Ring.” They hold key roles that enrich the lore and provide essential quests that can lead to powerful rewards and unique endings. Happy adventuring!

Stay tuned for more detailed guides and walkthroughs.

What to Expect from Complex Quests#

Elden Ring is packed with intricate quests that can sometimes feel more like puzzles than straightforward missions. This guide is your roadmap to navigating these adventures. Here’s how to effectively tackle those daunting quests.

Follow the Clues#

NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) in Elden Ring often drop vague hints about where you should go or who to talk to next. Listen carefully to their dialogue and read any notes or messages you find.

For example, an NPC might mention a landmark like “the ruined tower in the east.” Use your map and compass to locate it and keep an eye out for anything unusual when you get there.

Don’t Skip the Reading#

Keeping track of your quest notes and item descriptions can reveal important information. These descriptions often contain key clues.

For instance, a seemingly random item description might mention, “used by a forgotten king in the depths of the forest.” These tiny details can offer big hints for completing a quest.

Engage With the World#

Sometimes, quests in Elden Ring require you to interact with the environment in unexpected ways. Look for environmental cues like suspiciously placed levers, hidden doors, or unusual landmarks.

Imagine you receive a quest to find a hidden cave. You might notice a cluster of rocks that look different from the rest. A closer inspection could reveal an entrance. Always explore your surroundings thoroughly.

Keep a Quest Journal#

Elden Ring doesn’t always update your objectives like other games. Make a habit of noting:

  • Who gave you the quest.
  • What they asked you to do.
  • Where you need to go next.
  • Any clues or items related to the quest.

This will help you stay on track, especially if you take a break from the game and come back later.

Pay Attention to NPC Behavior#

NPCs are smarter and more dynamic in Elden Ring. Their actions can change based on your progress. Check back with them periodically to see if they have new information or can offer additional help.

Example: The Fickle Merchant#

An NPC might refuse to help you at first but later change their mind if you complete another task nearby. Revisit NPCs often to see if their dialogue has changed or if they’re offering new quests.

Cooperate with Other Players#

Online forums and Elden Ring communities can be invaluable. Players often share tips, hints, and incomplete steps that can help you out.

Asking for Help#

If you’re stuck, don’t hesitate to ask another player who seems to be around the same quest stage. Sometimes, a fresh pair of eyes can spot what you’ve missed.

Don’t Fear the Revisit#

Complex quests often require multiple visits to key locations. Just because you didn’t find something the first time doesn’t mean it’s not there. Keep track of places you’ve explored and consider revisiting them later with new items or information.

Example: The Locked Door#

That locked door you found early in the quest might only open after you find a specific key or item much later. So, don’t write it off right away.

Final Tips#

  • Save Often: Frequent saves can prevent loss of progress.
  • Explore Everywhere: Leave no stone unturned, literally.
  • Experiment: Try different approaches if you’re stuck.

By following these strategies, you’ll be well-equipped to tackle the complex quests in Elden Ring. Just remember, patience and attention to detail are your best friends in this expansive world. Good luck, Tarnished!

Feel free to screenshot this guide on your next Elden Ring questing session so you have a handy reference while you navigate through the lands Between. Happy adventuring!

Consequences of Quest Choices#

In Elden Ring, the choices you make during quests can significantly alter the game’s narrative, character interactions, and even your ending. Let’s dive into some of the key consequences you might face, so you can navigate this intricate world with confidence.

NPC Friend or Foe?#

Throughout Elden Ring, you’ll run into a variety of NPCs (Non-Player Characters) who will offer quests, items, and lore about the world. How you treat these NPCs can impact their behavior toward you and even the game’s story.

  • Example: Blaidd the Half-Wolf
    • Path A: Ally - Helping Blaidd with his quests can make him a valuable ally. He may offer unique lore insights and assist you in challenging boss battles.
    • Path B: Enemy - Ignoring or betraying Blaidd can lead to fierce confrontations. You might miss out on his aid and some special items.

Quest Outcomes#

Many quests in Elden Ring have multiple outcomes based on your decisions. These can affect the game’s world, including which areas are accessible or how some events unfold.

  • Example: Save or Destroy a Village
    • Choice A: Save - Saving a village from a monstrous threat can earn you the villagers’ gratitude and a safe place to rest.
    • Choice B: Destroy - Letting the village be overrun by monsters (or attacking it yourself) can darken the game’s atmosphere and potentially lead to rare item drops from the ruins.

Reputation System#

Your interactions with NPCs and choices in quests contribute to your overall reputation in the game world. Positive actions can increase your reputation with certain factions, opening up new dialogue options and benefits.

  • Example: Helping the Wandering Merchant
    • Choice A: Protect - Defending a wandering merchant from bandits can raise your standing with merchant guilds, giving you access to better trade deals.
    • Choice B: Ignore - Walking away might result in the merchant’s death, leading to fewer trade opportunities and a more hostile environment in certain regions.


The decisions you make throughout Elden Ring heavily influence the ending you receive. Multiple endings are available, each reflecting the path you chose. Some quests and character interactions are crucial for unlocking specific endings.

  • Example: The Fate of the World
    • Choice A: Harmonious Ending - Completing quests that encourage peace and unity can lead to a brighter, more hopeful conclusion.
    • Choice B: Chaotic Ending - Opting for choices that sow discord or destruction might cause a darker, more tragic end.

Permanent Consequences#

Be mindful that many choices you make in Elden Ring are irreversible. If you kill an important NPC or make a critical decision, you can’t go back unless you reload an earlier save or start a new game.

  • Example: The Irreplaceable NPC
    • Action: Permanent Death - If you slay an irreplaceable NPC, they’re gone for good. You’ll lose their quests, items, and any storyline they were part of.

Tips for Navigating Choices#

  1. Talk Often: Always exhaust dialogue options with NPCs. You’ll gather more information to make informed choices.
  2. Save Frequently: Save at every Site of Grace before making major decisions, in case you want to revisit a prior state.
  3. Do Your Research: Refer to guides and community discussions. Other players’ experiences can provide insights into potential outcomes.

In summary, choices in Elden Ring are profound and far-reaching. Whether you aim to be a harmonious hero or an agent of chaos, understanding the consequences of your actions will help you shape the world to your liking. Happy adventuring!

Reward Expectations#

In the vast world of Elden Ring, every challenge you conquer offers some form of reward. From rare weapons and powerful spells to unique items and new abilities, knowing what to expect can help you decide which quests to prioritize. Here, we break down what kind of rewards you can expect from different types of quests and activities.

Main Story Quests#

Boss Defeats: When you tackle the big, bad bosses in the game, expect massive rewards. These usually include high-level weapons, significant amounts of runes (the game’s currency), and sometimes even unique abilities or spells.

Story Progression: Advancing the main plot often grants you access to new areas, which come packed with fresh challenges and treasures. Some story quests will also reward you with items that are crucial for progressing further in the game.

Side Quests#

Character Quests: Many of the game’s NPCs (Non-Playable Characters) have their own story arcs. Completing their quests can reward you with unique gear, important lore, or even powerful allies. Sometimes, these character quests also open up new game mechanics or provide shortcuts to difficult areas.

Exploration Rewards: Roaming the game’s open world can lead you to hidden areas containing valuable treasures. Keep an eye out for secret caves, hidden towers, and other out-of-the-way places. Exploration often rewards you with rare items, including materials needed for crafting high-level gear.

Exploration and Collectibles#

Mini-Bosses: The game world is dotted with smaller but still formidable foes. Defeating them can yield rare materials and useful items. These mini-bosses often guard treasures or new locations, so taking them down is worth the effort.

Treasure Chests: Scattered throughout Elden Ring are numerous treasure chests tucked away in dungeons, castles, and other locations. These chests can contain anything from valuable crafting materials to upgrade your gear to new spells and weapons.

Secret Areas: Discovering secret areas is always a treat. These areas can be filled with high-level loot, hidden quests, or even shortcuts that make your journey easier. Keep an eye out for hidden doors, breakable walls, and other clues that might lead you to these secrets.

Crafting and Materials#

Resource Gathering: Collecting materials from plants, enemies, and special locations allows you to craft powerful items. You’ll often need these materials to upgrade your weapons, so keep an eye out for anything that seems collectible.

Crafting Recipes: As you explore, you’ll find recipes that allow you to create useful items such as potions, bombs, and other consumables. These recipes can usually be found in chests or as rewards from defeating specific enemies.

Multiplayer Rewards#

Co-op Play: Helping other players defeat bosses or complete difficult sections of the game can reward you with items and runes. It’s a great way to earn some extra rewards while making the game a bit more social.

PvP (Player vs. Player): Engaging in PvP battles can net you unique rewards, including exclusive items and gear. Winning against other players usually grants you special tokens that can be exchanged for rare goods.


In Elden Ring, every corner turned and every enemy defeated offers the promise of rewards. Whether you’re diving deep into the main story, exploring hidden areas, or completing character quests, understanding what rewards to expect can guide your decisions and boost your overall game experience. So, get out there and start collecting those treasures—you never know what might be waiting just around the next corner!

Elden Ring: Essential Quest Guide (2024)


Is Millicent's questline missable? ›

You can do Millicent's quest at any point in the game, even after having beaten the final boss. The only quests that can be missed due to main story progress are the ones that involve NPCs or items in Leyndell (so, Corhyn & Goldmask, the Dung Eater, and Bernahl's optional assassination contract).

What is the hardest questline in Elden Ring? ›

Millicent is an NPC with deep ties to Malenia, Blade of Miquella, the game's hardest and most infamous boss. In order to fully complete the quest and earn its final reward, the player must engage in battle with that boss and come out on top — a challenge that's become legendary in a short time.

Should I tell Hyetta they are human eyes? ›

Take the Shabriri Grape to Hyetta who is patiently waiting for you near the Gate Town Site of Grace. She should be due north against a rockface. Give her your quarry and then tell her the truth: inform her that the Shabriri Grapes are actually human eyes.

Does Killing Godrick lock any quests? ›

Nothing triggers upon Godrick's death save Rogier moving to the round table, which does not prevent you completing his quest, which doesn't grant anything upon completion anyway. If you don't use a guide, you will miss quest stuff.

Can you still do Millicent quest after killing Melanie? ›

Millicent has a questline related to Gowry, but also appears as an NPC Invader at the Aeonia Swamp. The quest can be completed after reaching the Haligtree Roots site of grace, and can still be completed after defeating Malenia.

Is Millicent questline worth it? ›

This is one Elden Ring's best side quests for anyone playing with the intent of getting every ending. Millicent's side quest will get you an Unalloyed Gold Needle, which keeps you from being locked into one particular ending of the game upon doing Malenia's boss fight.

Which is harder Elden Ring or Skyrim? ›

I'd have to give it to Elden Ring simply because of the combat and harder difficulty. Skyrim is great game with lots of to do, plenty of immersion and lots of . If you had to choose just one, Skyrim.

What is the hardest class to play as in Elden Ring? ›

There is no questioning that the Wretch provides Elden Ring's most challenging experience by far, particularly in the early game. It continues the tradition of the "Deprived" class from Dark Souls by starting the player as a half-naked warrior with low (albeit balanced) stats and a nigh-useless club.

What's the longest quest in Elden Ring? ›

This key item consumes FP to summon different types of spirits to help in battles. Ranni's questline is one of the longest quests in Elden Ring. It requires traveling to different locations and defeating many bosses, including two Demi-Gods. It's a long treacherous road, but the rewards are definitely worth it.

What do you get from killing Hyetta? ›

Unfortunately, this also kills her once you exhaust her dialogue, leaving you once again Maidenless. Your consolation prize is the Frenzied Flame Seal, which boosts Frenzied Flame incantations, and a single Frenzyflame Stone.

What happens if you make Hyetta your maiden? ›

After you see the Three Fingers, return to speak to Hyetta where she will offer to become your Finger Maiden. She will request that you touch her. Unfortunately, while you need to do that to finish her questline, the act of touching her causes her to begin to burn. She will eventually die in agony.

Why is the human eye so good? ›

The eye is one of our most important sensory organs – hardly any another organ is as complex. The human eye is capable of absorbing and instantly processing more than ten million pieces of information per second.

Does killing Rennala ruin any questlines? ›

There's nothing missed if you kill her. The only big thing that'll change is Brother Corhyn (faith seller at Roundtable) will leave to start his quest. So if you want his faiths better get them now or rush his questline.

Does Killing Godfrey end the game? ›

Once you beat Godfrey, you'll unlock the doors to the final boss and finish the game.

Does going into Altus plateau break quests? ›

No quests are locked out. They're just shifted forward and steps are skipped. Reaching Altus kicks off the Radahn Festival, for example, which moves Alexander and I think Blaidd to Redmane Castle. Bypassing Stormveil Castle moves Rodrika to Roundtable, and you'll find her Golden Seed back at her shack.

Can you miss RYA's questline? ›

At Volcano Manor

It seems that if you do not find Rya again before completing the Tanith Questline you are unable to progress her questline, so be sure to continue her quest before finishing up with the Volcano Manor assassinations.

What locks you out of Millicent's quest? ›

If you go with the red summon sign, you'll have to fight Millicent. If you successfully defeat her, you'll earn Millicent's Prosthesis and prematurely end the quest. If you do this, you will not be able to continue past this point.

How to advance Millicent's quest? ›

Elden Ring: Millicent Quest Guide
  1. Find and speak with Gowry. ...
  2. Defeat Commander O'Neil. ...
  3. Visit Gowry twice. ...
  4. Speak to Millicent at the Church of the Plague. ...
  5. Go back to Gowry's Shack yet again. ...
  6. Find the Valkyrie's Prosthesis at the Shaded Castle. ...
  7. Speak with Millicent in Altus Plateau.
May 11, 2022

Can you respawn millicent? ›

You could bring her back to life by performing an Absolution at the Church of Vows, but this is no longer possible unless you haven't updated your game yet. The only way to obtain both items now is to complete the quest again in New Game Plus. That's everything you need to complete Millicent's questline in Elden Ring.


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