Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)

rope the PAGE TWO PUBLIC OPINION, CHAMBERSBURG, PA. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1948 NUPTIALS 1 wish you all the loy that you can wish." -Shakespeare. -M'NEW-WINGERT Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Helen Wingert, 245 East Washington street, daughter Wingert, of the late Mr. and Mrs. C.

8. to Harry Jr. son of Mrs. Harry C. McNew, of 312 South Main street, and the late Mr.

McNew. The ceremony was performed pastor by Rev. S. Prankiin Haas, the Calvary Methodist Church of Frederick, the parsonage on Pebruary 13. McNew is a graduate of secretary to Attorney J.

McDowell is Chambersburg High School and Sharpe. Mr. McNew is graduate of Chambersburg High School and 1s employed by the Chambersburg Post Office. ACTIVITIES of the CHURCHES "A church la God between four walls." -Victor Hugo. First Lutheran At the Lenten seryice this evening at 7:30 o'clock, a series of sermons on the subject, "People Jesus Helped" will be begun.

The sermon this week will be on the topic, "The Woman by a Well." There will be special music. The congregational singing will be led by the choir. Following this service, there will be a meeting of the church council in the Gelwix room. Falling Spring Presbyterian The Rev. Dr.

Charles G. Richards addressed Group One of the Women's Association last evening on the topic of the Divided Kingdoms in Jewish history. Twenty-four persons attended the meeting, which was held at the home of Mrs. Robert B. Nelson, of 809 Philadelphia avenue.

Mrs. D. Holland Speer and Mrs. E. Hunter Riddle assisted Mrs.

Nelson as hostesses. The meeting of Group Two also held last evening. District MARS torney Rudolf M. Wertime showed pictures of Mexico. Mrs.

Elliott and Mrs. H. A. were hostesses. Thirty members attended the meeting, which was held in the Church House.

Real Estate News The Embly real estate agency has reported the following sales: Richard and Gladys Embly, of Waynesboro, to Dorothy Catherine Barnhart, of Greencastle, and Paul D. Harbaugh, of Antrim Township, lot in Fairview avenue in the borough of Waynesboro; Homer J. and Naomi Breininger, of Waynesboro, to Merle L. Geesaman of Waynesboro, property in North Franklin street, Fairmount Heights, Waynesboro; James and Vivian Fishack, Hagerstown, to Samuel E. and Nellie E.

Ray, and Beatrice J. Young, of Hagerstown, property in Summit ave- nue, Hagerstown. L. H. Huber, real estate agent, has sold the following: For Otis W.

Eyer, building contractor, a new semi-bungalow in South Fifth street, between Kraiss and Highland avenues, to Juell M. and Grace D. Jones, of Philadelphia avenue, who will get early, possession. For James V. and Mary J.

Pananas, of Upper Strasburg, their dwelling, 1352 Scotland avenue, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Beardslee, of Harrisburg, who will take possession March 1. WITH the LODGES The Jolly Glee Club will meet tomorrow evening at the lodge hall, 144 Lincoln Way East.

Group Five will entertain. TWO FACE CHARGES OF DISORDERLY CONDUCT Raymond O. Hoover of Chambersburg, R. R. 3, and his daughter, Mrs.

Betty Miller, of Scotland, were taken into custody yesterday afternoon by State police on disorderly conduct charges filed before Justice of the Peace Shirley J. Zarger, of Stoufferstown, by Mrs. Lavona R. Hoover, a daughter-in-law of Mr. Hoover.

Police and District Attorney Rudolf M. Wertime said the informations were filed as the result of-8 prolonged disturbance at the Hoover home, involving the two defendants and J. B. Miller, of Scotland, husband of Mrs. Betty Miller.

Mr. Hoover is being held at the county jail pending arraignment and further investigation. Mrs. Miller was released last night after her father-in-law appeared before Mr. Zarger and paid $8.50 fine and costs.

CHURCH MISSIONARY TAKES UP DUTIES IN CHAMBERSB'G Elder Robert Koch, missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, arrived here yesterday from his home in Salt Lake City, Utah. He will assist Elder Walter H. Durtschi for six weeks prior to his departure for Uruguay. The new missionary replaces Elder Peter G. Burt, who has been transferred to Waynesburg after serving here for five and a half months.

As is customary for Mormon missionaries, Elder Koch will pay his own living and traveling expenses! while serving in Uruguay. The two local missionaries reside at 19 West Catharine street. MOTORIST FINED GETTYSBURG, Feb. 18-George K. Spahr, of Chambersburg, paid a fine of $2 and costs to Justice of the Peace William L.

Dentler, Cashtown, on a charge of falling to have a proper inspection sticker on his automobile, State police of the Gettysburg substation, who fled the charge, said yesterday. H. Hodgkinson, Gall Gishi, Either Clugston, Wayne N. Clugston, Goldie McFadden, Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Payler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Hornbaker, Mr. and Mrs.

Kenneth Tayler, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Wolf, Bruce M. Martin, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles E. Brake and Harold Lee Brake, and Mr. and Mrs. Edgar George, all of St.

Thomas. Chambersburgers who attended were W. 8. Herry, Mr. and Mrs.

K. Rife, Miss Arlene Donley, nesboro was represented by Mr. Way: Mrs. Paul V. Sollenberger and Miss Pauline McCleaf, and Miss Jean Phillips.

Mr. and Mrs. Melvin E. Little came from Gettysburg. Guests from Fort Loudon were Mr.

and Mrs. Calvin McFadden Mr. and Mrs. C. D.

McFadden, and Mrs. Beulah McFadden. Charles Pyles, of Romney, W. and Mrs. Blanche Barnhart, of Mercersburg, were also at the PAPER DRIVE FEBRUARY 25 IN THEE COMMUNITIES Boy Scout Troop 125 of St.

Thomas will conduct a wastepaper and rag collection -in St. Thomas, Edenville and Williamson on Wednesday, February 25, beginning at 3:30 P. M. The bundles of papers and the bags and cartons of rags will be picked up from the front door steps of donors. DON'T WAIT.

Place Your Order NOW for the New General Electric or Norge. Refrigerator Use Our Payment Plan MODERN HOME APPLIANCE COMPANY 300 SOUTH MAIN STREET BARBOUR FUNERAL HOME 66 The Funeral Home of Friendly Service 152 South Second Street Telephone 813 Robert R. Barbour, Funeral Director Lady Assistant See the Blind Man for CUSTOM MADE VENETIAN BLINDS Prices as low as stock blinds Buy direct from our Hagerstown Factory and Save CALL 874 FOR FREE ESTIMATES OLD BLINDS RE: -TAPED -CORDED -PAINTED VENETIAN BLIND MFG. CO. 105 North Potomac.

Street Phone 874 SOCIAL CALENDAR Supper Party Attracts 100 To Republican Gathering The Franklin County Counell of Republican Women entertained approximately 100 men and women at covered supper on Monday evening in the Republican clubroom the Chambersburg Trust Company building. During a brief business session, the council members decided to Easter "treats" to guests of the Shook, Sollenberger and Danaberger homes. Games were played by the guests during the evening. Mr. Brake Feted at Party In St.

Thomas on Monday Charles Brake, of St. Thomas, was the guest, of honor at a surprise birthday party given Monday evening at his home. Guests at the party included Mrs. ALL PERSONS INTERESTED In playing in Chambersburg's Own Symphonette are urged to attend an Organization Meeting and Auditions on Friday Evening, February 20 at 7:30 P. M.

in the studios of WCHA, Craft Press Building. For further information phone 1110 E. D. PLUMMER SONS General Contractors Phone 116-M Shovels, Bulldozers and Backhoes for Rent! Cellar Excavation, Black-top Driveways Built and Repaired Industrial Building Alterations and Repairs OIL WASHABLE PASTEL WALL PAINT $3.25 PER GALLON AFELTON SIBLEY Product 1863 1948 Eighty-five colorful years of quality A. L.

SHERK SON Main and Queen Sts. Chambersburg, Pa. CLUB ENDORSES CENTERS PROJECT (Continued from page Arthur St. Clair. Vocal solos by Mr.

St. Clair, of a patriotic nature, was also a feature of the entertainment, planned by the social committee for the month, George La Danner and Milton R. Correll. Johnson also spoke and commended the members for their long record of activities in the civic life of the community. He said every businessman should take time out for recreation and social gatherings.

Service clubs, he stressed, are a definite asset to every community. Unique refreshments were served. Entertainment for the next meetIng, March 16, will be provided by J. M. Harvie and J.

Arthur St. Clair. DU PONT PAINT Sold by FARM EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 500 Broad Street Freezer Paper, Locker Boxes and Frozen Food Containers FARM EQUIPMENT SUPPLY 500 Broad Street PAINTING Interior and Exterior Specializing in Interior Decorating All work done with best quality of oil paints. Call for free estimates PHONE 1415 WANT A GOOD HAIRCUT TRY MILLS BARBER SHOP 12 WEST QUEEN STREET WEAKNERVOUS cranky 'every month'? Are you troubled by distress of female functional periodic disturbances? Does this make you feel so tired, high-strung, nervous- at such times? Then DO try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to relieve such symptoms! Pinkham'8 Compound is made especially for women.

It also has what Doctors call' a stomachic tonic effect! Any drugstore. 'LYDIA E. PINKHAM'S COMPOUND JWR Hand Fashioned Sweaters John W. Rodenhaver Men's Apparel N. Second St.

at 16 NOTICE! Important Changes In Bus Schedules in the City of Chambersburg on East and West Routes Effective February 25 Consalt the Drivers or Telephone 636-J CARD PARTY PLANNED Hall in St. Thomas under the aus. A card party will be held at 8:30 pices of the Open Hand Club of the Monday evening at the 1. 0. 0.

lodge. PERSONALS "Welcome the coming. speed the parting guest." Pope. -Mr. and Mrs.

Robert P. EngJerth and family have moved from 14 South Frankiin street to Chambersburg, R. R. 3. Lester I.

Ricker, of Pine Camp, N. Y. is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank.

Ricker, of 678 Cumberland avenue. Clifford De Keefer, who is stationed at the Port Jay Hospital, New York, has returned there after visiting at his home, 235 South Water street. -Mr. and Mrs. T.

A. Zullinger, of 205 Lincoln Way East, and Mr, and Mrs. Charles Peters, of the Lakeside apartments, Commerce street, left Monday for Florida, where they will spend. six weeks, -Mrs. Paul Robinson, of 470 East Liberty street, has returned to her home following a six-day stay in the Waynesboro Hospital, where she had been admitted for treatment after recent major operation.

Her condition was described today as satisfactory G. G. Stratton, of 360 East Cathsrine street, has been confined to his home by- illness the past two weeks. Mr. and Mrs.

8. H. Coldsmith, of Greencastle, will observe their 53rd wedding anniversary, on Saturday, February 21. Mrs. Nettle Young, of 445 East King street, is confined to bed by illness following an attack of grip.

Girl Scout Notes At the meeting of Troop 9 on Monday evening in the Trinity Lutheran Church, the names and addresses of Girl Scouts in England, Yugoslavia, Netherlands, and Germany were given to five girls as pen pals. The first order of cookies had been sold and a request was made for more boxes. The meeting next week will be held at the home of the leader, Mrs. Helen Wingert, at which time work on the baby's layette will be continued. Mrs.

Wingert lives at 447 Broad street. BIRTH ANNOUNCEMENTS Mr. and Mrs. Richard Yocum, of Shippensburg, a son, yesterday, Chambersburg Hospital. HOSPITAL REGISTER Admitted: Donald Blattenberger, Mercersburg, R.

R. Dwight Rager, 109 North Main street; Mrs. John Snyder, Knobsville; Mrs. Annie Myers, Pleasant Hall; Eugene E. Keyser, Greencastle; Ira B.

Wenger, 243 Park avenue; Mrs. Sadie Smith, 516 South Main street. Discharged: Mrs. L. L.

Crist, 350 Sixth street; Mrs. Charles Hamburg, R. R. Dolores Spahr, Fayetteville, R. R.

Dwayne Kauffman, 167 Garfield street; Benjamin H. Mitchell, Fayetteville, R. R. Mrs. James Hays, 446 Lincoln Way East: William W.

McKelvey, Fayetteville, R. R. 1. West Winfield, has a modern recreation room and dance hall in an old mine 300 feet under ground. THE MARKETS Newburger Hano, members of the New York Stock Exchange, report the following quotations through their district office, 212 North Second street, Harrisburg, Pa.

Phone "Enterprise 1-0544." Close Today Noon American Tel Tel. 150 149 Anaconda 31 Atlantic Balt Ohio. 11 Bethlehem Steel. 31 7 Chrysler Motors. 55 Curtiss-Wright.

DuPont de Nem. 170 169 Elec. Bond General Electric. 333 General Foods. General Motors Internat'l Nickel.

26 Internat'1 12 Kennecott Montgomery Ward National New York Pennroad Corp. Penney, J. Can Pennsylvania Pub Serv of J. Radio Corp. Sears, Roebuck.

33 Socony Vacuum. 15 Stand Oil of 707 Swift 32 United Air Corp. 24 UGL 21 Steel Westinghouse Elec. The Markets LIVESTOCK and PRODUCE LOCAL GRAIN MARKET Furnished by Walker Bros. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Wheat (at barn) $2.15 Corn (70 pounds) $1.90 LOCAL FLOUR MARKET Furnished by Lakeview Milling Co.

WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 18 Flour (100 lbs.) I DEATHS "Death is the golden that opens the palace eternity." -Milion. MISS ANNA M. REIGLE SHIPPENSBURG, Feb. 18 Anna Mary Reigle, of 228. North Prince street, died last evening at 6:10 o'clock at the Carlisle Hospital.

She was born on Shippensburg, R. R. 1, and was a daughter of late: Jacob and Sarah Johnson Reigle, Miss Reigle was a member of the Memorial Lutheran Church, where she taught in the Sunday school for more than 30 years. She was recording secretary of the P. O.

of A. Surviving are two brothers and a sister, William and Maude Reigle, of Shippensburg, and Harry, of York. Funeral services will' be held at the M. Garfield Barbour funeral home at 2 o'clock Saturday afternoon in charge of the Rev. John F.

Sammel. Burial will be in Spring Hill cemetery, MACEDON E. KEEFER MERCERSBURG, Feb. 18-Macedon Eveny Keefer, 91, of R. R.

1, died this morning at his home. He was a retired farmer and stock dealer. Mr. Keefer was a son of the late Isace Sarah Jane Hitchco*ck Keefer. He is survived, by Clifton and a daughter, Pearl' both at home, and a sister, Mrs.

Newton Baker, of Hanco*ck, Md. Prayer will be held at the Lininger funeral chapel at 9:30 Sunday morning, followed by services at the Union Church, R. R. 1. The Rev.

W. A. Miller will officiate. Burial will be made in the Pine Grove cemetery, R. R.

1. Friends may call at the funeral home from 7:30 to 9 o'clock Saturday evening. Services for Dr. Reaser Funeral services will be held at 2 P. M.

tomorrow for Dr. Matthew H. Reaser, president emeritus of Edgewood Park Junior College, Briarchiff Manor, N. who died at his home night before last. The services will be at the home of his daughter, Mrs.

Harriet Sowell, of Edgewood Park. In addition to his wife, Mrs. Harriet Magill Reaser, the former president of Wilson College leaves three daughters, Mrs. Sowell, Mrs. Temple.

Agnes Wallace, and Mrs. Helen and four grandchildren. Dr. Reaser was a brother-in-law of Dr. Frank S.

Magill, emeritus of Penn Hall Junior College and Preparatory School. He was a native of Leavenworth, Kan. MISS SUSAN E. PALSGROVE MERCERSBURG, Feb. 18-Miss Susan Elizabeth Palsgrove, 89, of Oregon street, died last evening at her home.

She was a member of the Evangelical Reformed Church. Miss Palsgrove was a daughter of the late Henry and Margaret Ann Gehrelt Palsgrove. She is survived by a sister, Mrs. Edward Crum, of Mercetsburg, and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at the Lininger funeral chapel at 2:30 tomorrow afternoon, in charge of the Rev.

James 'W. Moyer. Burial will be in Fairview cemetery. BOY SCOUT NEWS Vice Chairman Russell H. Frantz, William J.

Hell of St. Thomas and Pield Executive J. K. Hollingsworth represented the Conococheague district at a meeting of the camping and activities committee of the Harrisburg Area Council held last night at the Boy Scout headquarters in Harrisburg, Plans were made for extensive improvements to the Loysville camp, and. for the summer camping program there.

COURTHOUSE NEWS REGISTER RECORDER Deeds: Ethel C. and Jay B. Wolf to Robert L. and Madaline V. Schriver, property in Scotland, nominal; February 16.

Heirs of William Bakner to Eugene F. and Mildred Bakner, Quincy Township tract, $30; May 16, 1942. Jessie L. Vanderau to Jacob E. Trimmer IV, property in West Seminary street, Mercersburg, nominal; February 14.


Edwards, 75. a native of Columbia, and noted designer and Illustrator, died Monday at the home of his son, Albert K. Edwards. FRANK KRIVSKY FRANK KRIVSKY BRYN MAWR, Feb. 18 (P) -Frank Krivsky, 48, bandmaster at the Valley Forge Military Academy in nearby Wayne, died yesterday of a heart attack at Bryn Mawr Hospital.

REP. JOHN M. ROBSION BARBOURVILLE, Feb. 18. (P) -Representative John M.

Robsion, 75, long-time Republican lawmaker from Kentucky's Ninth Congressional District, died unexpectedly here last night at the home of friend. DR. WARREN P. LAIRD BRYN MAWR, Feb. 18 (P) Dr.

Warren P. Laird, 86, first dean of the School of Fine Arts at the University of Pennsylvania and a world famous architect, died today at his home. About $7,000 worth of is ried as equipment on modern sherry presents special attractions for this sale of newly .00 spring skirts 5.00 yummy pastels and light plaids to pep up your in-between season wardrobe. be sure to see these add a blouse or garland sweater a pure silk scarf and a piece of costume jewelry mix all well together and you'll have a "tasty dish" at an "easy-on-yourbudget" price! "fashionland 30 lincoln way west sherry says: "juniors, come on the run bargain hunting is so much fun!" here is another famous fashionland $5 dress sale 49 fine quality fall and winter dresses drastically reduced. sizes 7 to 15 and formerly priced at 16.95 to 29.95.

"for the best bargains of the day!" fashionland 30 lincoln way west sherry says: "a sale-ing we will go!" now all winter coats -price robes house and coats $5 and $10 suede cloth, prints and. crepes. this week-end only garland sweaters $5 and $6 sizes 34 to 40. slip-ons cardigans all colors new plastic hand bags navy, red, black, in plastic calf and plus plastic patent tax fashionland 30 lincoln way west At Save On Fine Home During Our February SALE Substantial Store-Wide Reductions Here's the year's greatest opportunity to buy Home Furnishings of high quality and fine design at worthwhile savings. Our buyers have combed the markets to find better Furniture within reach of moderate incomes and this sweeping.

storewide sale is our way of proving we can do it. Exciting modern creations, classic 18th Century reproductions, picturesque maple and endless other styles to choose from. Look for the big sale tags and compare the savings for yourself. The Store for 55 57 Thrifty People South Main St. SIERER'S.

Public Opinion from Chambersburg, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: The Hon. Margery Christiansen

Birthday: 2000-07-07

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Hobby: Sketching, Cosplaying, Glassblowing, Genealogy, Crocheting, Archery, Skateboarding

Introduction: My name is The Hon. Margery Christiansen, I am a bright, adorable, precious, inexpensive, gorgeous, comfortable, happy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.