Salt Lake Telegram from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

ug 4 31 News A Trie 's Salt Lake Telegram Friday Evening August 21 1942 Financial 25 ORDERED 1 Ir HEARING Jugar gar steel and other opposing railroad freight lases ases at an interstate com- ission com com- hearing which conducted at the te Hotel week ek Friday were given ot ober er 15 to file fe briefs in i- nI in- I I- I Iby by Claude R. Porter I D. C. I ICe member rt and George S. Baliff Utah tah public service corn corn- Conducted conductedthe hearing planned to leave Salt Salty Sal Saturday He said it borne some ome time before a final will wi be forthcoming from ate rates on low-grade low tik coal and co*ke lime lime- ar beets molasses and and- are and- ire are involved in the case Contends contends that lower in- in- tes in- in ites tes 'S created a hardship ate shippers The Utah vice ce commission sion refused increases on intrastate I last April Ic- 1 Escapee Spreads for an year old es- es the te Salt Sal Lake City jail jai read ad to other western police had been iff an automobile theft ter the te escape Thursday Daniel Hugh Mc'S Mc- Mc 'S Albuquerque N.

M. I fr for investigation of a rt violation climbed ventilator shaft at the the- te te- I tier cel cell block and and- ay I ay to the roof of the te Barlow 1215 East Fourth jet et t. reported his automo- automo st stolen len from in front of Thursday hy is described as 5 feet taU weighing ith dark complexion and hair and a tattoo mark te I. I rr ram for the te annual ejof the Utah Peace Of- Of to be held at ate use ouse hotel Thursday Auwas Au- Au was announced Friday em nl are being made Headmanchairmanof committee in i charge WwI swill register at p. band concert will wI be inference I will wI becalled at 9 15 and will wi feature program A business scheduledfor 11 1 a.

a m. contest majorjor classes casses team com com- free for free for will wi beg be- be g-arn rani isalso being are ar- ie ar- ar ie auxiliary dier ier Heads vy Post owed wed Garb Garb- an an arl ad Clinton Bolton Los I- would have had trifle tIme passinginspection i-ast i ast st he lie was clothed in in- as Friday as he departed I andhis new assign assign- ra 1 ig officer a buck pr- pr at the te army air air- ll ment tra trainingning center was sworn in I as an en- en las but his traveling permit time to have I 1 torm made Ing lik a soldierhe could Ii the he army uniform Regu- Regu Reg- Reg squire re that service ervice men men- II 1 i-i uniforms so Ensign Ensig Is in a 0 quandary enlisted men of the City recruiting station clothing for him laija LS Is a navy man forthe coat where he will wi ac- ac e- tW iw uniform of the ensign to Talk pith pith- ti th Harvey former forer prin- prin Methodist girls girls' school more ore and an evacuee of 11 1 address a 8 meeting in Methodist church End nd South street Sunday The Rev Rev- REv Raymond C. astor stor will wl preside arvey who left Singapore 30 0 will wl relate her e- xI ex- as ex- ex Irey fas as I a social worker in i visiting Miss Mis Fl Florence rence general secretary Salt A A while here I dinner er Hotel T. Grant W. W.

company eoy nW Squire Square Veterans of Foreign Wars and auxiliary Moose Moos 1161 Second East Eat atre street t. Salt ac-Salt Lake lodge No 2 hallball al 41 4 PostPoat Office IDAY board bard Brother Brother- Brother if of If Railway Clerks of oC Amer- Amer Dams Pacific system New New- tel fel Obituaries 1 Sarah L. N. Emery Mrs tr Ir Sarah Laur Laurena na Emery 66 43 North Seventh West est street died at her home Thursday at p. pm m.

of a heart hear ailment Born In t. Laketown Uth Utah October 20 1875 she wax wAA Wa a a. a daughter of William WIlam Parry and Sarah Saral Neb ke ker 1 I I Mrs r. Emery had lived Ivd In Salt SAIL Sal Lake I City lly 60 years and jid ad jid- as was as a member of ot of- le the le Daughters of the I Pioneers She I Iso was active In the he Women Women's can club a and was ne of IUt the original organizers of ththe Jackson ackson district ParFar TeachersTeachers' asso- asso asso atlon clatton eaton She Is survived by her husband huband William L. 4 Emery two sons cone Captain Hugo A.

A Emery nerving with the he U. S. army my at Sits Mrs Emery Fort ort Lewis Wash Wah and Willis Jr L. Emery Emer of AmeR Ameo mes Iowa a daughter Mrs Ethel E. Visser isser of Salt Lake City three sisters afro Mr rs Maude N.

Thompson of Cedar City MissMine Mary P. and ad MrsMra Laura N. Parks arks of Salt Sat Lake City and ad two grand grand- I children Leo eo C. Funeral services for LeoLoo C. 422 of 1434 South Sout First West street who diedled Tuesday In Cal Cat will wi be bet be- conducted Monday vat at conduced Mont 11 1 a.

a at 36 East a. a Seventh South street FriendsFrienda call at at- at- the may cal the place of funeral Saturday Sunday and Monday to time Ume V. of services tl Mr waswac wa Sa born bor In I 1 i ii a a. a Mont June une 29 f. tF 1890 a I son lon of Charles Chalu C.

and Thressa Thres- Thres Thre sa Kursh Surviving are his widow Mrs Olive Olve S. Mundi three 5 daughters daughter 1 Berniece ee June and Carol Jean four sonseons 4 Frank Ray Raymond 0 Donald and Leigh all al of Salt Sal Lake City a brother Orlando H. 1 of EurekaEurella two Iwo sinters sister sisters sissin ter Mrs Era M- A. A D. Pe- Pe Pe Mr lr of Victorville Cal Ca al and Mrs Rose Edwards of Oakland Cat Cal al two half hal brothers W.

J. Moon of Eureka Eurela and Ed Moon of Salt Sal Lake City and nd a half sister Mrs Idella Idela McCoy of Denver Colo Cob ISarah Sarah arah Walker MrsMra Sarah Ellen Elen Maxwell Walker 76 mother of Charles Charle L. Walker Salt Sal Lake manager for the Twentieth Fox Century Film Fum corporation died Thursday at 6 p. m. at her home S- First avenue of causes cs' incident to tog to- ll age Mrs iu Walker was WS born June 29 18661666 at i Peoa a i dd daughter i of Ralph andIsabella McGavin Maxwell a well She moved to Salt i.

i Lake City In 1912 At the tintstime tie of ot her death she was a J. member of the Second Sec Sec- Sec ond 1 ward dJ She was wa the widow of oC Stephen M. Walker Walker Walker Wal Walker Surviving are ae three sons Ralph M. Walker Walker Walker Wal Walker and Charles Charle L. Walker of Salt Sal Lake City and Lieutenant Mrs Walker Colonel Ja James in ea M.

Walker lr of the United States State State army 12 grandchildren and six great grandchildren onene brother Robert H. Maxwell Maxwel of Los Angeles Cal Cal and a sister Mrs Mr NettleNettis Nels Miles Mies of Bytes MYlon Utah ISarah Sarah arah Peart Woodbury Woodbur Mrs SarahSarab Peart Peat Woodbury 68 1810 Fourth East Eat street di tiled died in a Salt Lake hospital Fi- day Friday at a. a m. of causes cause Incident to age Mrs Woodbury was born orn ln In In Salt Lake City ity April Apri 17 18741814 a daughter of Jacob and nd Margaret Gray Peart She was wa mar- ed mar mar- nedried ed to Charles Charle Lambert Woodbury June 6 6 1901 in the Salt Lake City DS temple Mr Woodbury died II in September lt 1941 irPle An active worker in the I. S8 church MrsIrs Woodbury Woodbur was wa the first secretary of the We Belvedere 1 Sward ward Relief ReleC so so- clety ety She also was a I block teacher for for- the for- thethe he Relief society and a worker in the the- LL i DS 8 temple She is survived by five daughters daughter Mrs Mr Norma W.

Wallace Mrs Vilate W. Schank Mrs Mr June W. Gallagher Galagher Salt Lake City Sirs Irs Afton Aton W. Taylor Los Ls Angeles Angel Cal Cal and nd Gladys W. Quist Holladay Holaday four tour titers tit sin ten ers Mrs Mra Margaret P.

Cannon Logan an MrsIrs Saphonia Saphona MalletMaliet Male Palo Alto Alo Cal Cal Mrs May Mallet Malet Tooele and Mrs Amelia Amela cDonald Salt Lake City and nd 12 grandchildren grand grandchildren Funeral ral services will wi be conducted Monay Mon Monday ay at p. is I. I in the Belvedere DS S- wardward chapel chape with wit N. J. officiating Friends may call at 1445 IUS South State Sunday from cal 10 a a.

a a m. to 9 p. m. and Monday londay from 10 a a. a m.

to 2 p. m. and and- at the family home from Crom 2 p. m. until time me of oC services Burial Buia will wi be In City cemetery Vilma van Sluis Koster Funeral services for Mrs Wilma Wima van luls Sluis KosterRoster 63 who died In a Salt Lake hospital Wednesday will wl be conducted Saturday Sat Sat- at 2 prpe m.

in the Fourth DS ward chapeL in Friends may a call Jf at 36 ia East Sev nth South street until Saturday at p. us m. MrsMra Roster Koster who resided at South South- West South- West Sout West st Temple street was born bor in Franeker Franek Netherlands December 29 1878 1875 a a. dau daughter of Rients and Jetske a Bouma van Sluis She was Wa married to Walle KostKoster in tn the Netherlands on November Novem Novem- Wale ber 12 1899 She Joined the 0 church hurch in 1911 and came to Salt Lake City In 1922 For sev several ral years she ehe he was wal a visiting teacher in the Fourth ward Relief Rele society surviving Surviving are her husband three daughters daugh daugh- ers Mrs John HoningKoning Mrs John Heistra and Mrs William Arthur Roberts Robert all al of Salt Lake Wilam City tW two brothers and a I sister residing dl I In ll the Netherlands and eight i grandchildren Josephine Fasselin Mrs Mrs- fr Josephine Fasselin wife of Mike Fasselin dl died at the family amly residence 2559 Lake street Thursday at 2 30 p. m.

Mrs Fasselin was wa born bor In Sparta Greece a daughter of Nick and Josephine Flora Surviving are her husband two sonssone Pete and Nick Fasselin of Salt Sal Lake City two daughters daughter Mrs Mr Nelsa Neta Davis of oC Price and Miss Flora Flora of oC Salt Sal Lake City a brother Tony Helper two sisters gilk Mrs both Mary of 1 Greece Int and and four gur Eugene grand grandchildren Funeral services will wl be conducted conduced Tuesday Tuesday Tur Tues Tuesday at 11 a. a m. at ththe th Greek Orthodox church Friends may call cal at 36 East Eat Seventh Sev Sev- I nth South street strett prior to services Burial Buria will be in the ML Mt Olivet cemetery Shirley Ilene Bush Shirley Ilenellene Bush Such month 7 month l' daughter taugh daugh- taugh ter tT of ot George and Ruby Elizabeth Morrow Bush of oC Las 18 Vegas Vega Nev HeY died while en route to Salt Lake CityThursday afternoon alernon of rout natural causes The child chUd was wa being rushed here hee by airplane for treatment an and was dead on arrival arrival wa She was wa born In Las Lu Vegas Veru December 29 1941 Surviving are her parents a sisteraister 2 Joyce a brother Gerald Gerad all al o- Las of oC of- LasLas Vegas Veu and two grandmothers Mrs Ls Linus Morrow of Midvale and Mrs John Job Bush of RIverton Henry Earl Ear Adams Henry Earl Adams 422 a a veteran o- the of the World war and husband of Jean M- Donald Mcd McDonald Mc- Mc Donald Tucson Adams ArtZ hospital of Wednesday vJ street died after at a along a long illness according to word received In Salt Lake City Thursday Mr Adam me was born rT in DickenS Texas Texa Texa October 1 8 8 1899 Surviving are hi widow a daughter Maureen Mauren two brothers Walter and Roy Adams and two sisterslisters Edna and Fune Adds Ada at services and burial will wl take tak place In Tucson DRUGGISTS HOLD OUTING Annual summer outing of th the Associated Druggists of Salt Lake Lak county Was as held Friday afternoon at Maxfield ld lodge in Big Cottonwood Cottonwood Cottonwood Cotton Cottonwood canyon and more than 4 45 members and their wives attended the program and dinner Charles Charle F. King was In charge carge of arrange arrangements Phyllis hyllis Elaine Player Funeral services forlor Phyllis Elaine Player 20 WestVest Fourth Worth North street will be conducted Saturday at 2 p. m.

ill the Twenty eighth I ward chapel Robert L. I ridge bishop off I. I I I Miss JIma Player Hied I att herhome Thursay Thurs Thurs- Iday ay at aa. a mrn m- I sarcoma She was- I was I born orn In Salt Lake Lake- II City December 4 I 1921 a daughter of of- Ray Ray and Anna A- I A I Hanei Player I Friends may call- I call I Friday evening until I 9 o'clock at SeeSec I ondnd East street and and- II Saturday from 10 a. a m.

until timeof at the farn- I fara- fara I residence Burial will bbe In Cityity cemetery MissMine Luella uella Luela Glenn Word was received In lit Salt Lake City Friday of the death deat of Mrs Lou Luela ell a Glenn former Salt Lake City resident Mrs Mr Glenn Glen died I Thursday evening cuing In a hospital le at Fond du Lac Wis She was wa the wife of Harry Harr Glenn former regional directorof oC the Loyal Order of Moose loose with i headquarters In lii Salt a Lake City Mr Ir and Mrs Glenn rim left Salt I Lake a City in 1940 Finnis innis Lester Mock Lot Lester Mock ock 499 of Butte Butt Mont died in a Salt Sai Lake Thursday at 7 02 p. m. of chronic arthritis Mr Mock a veteran of the World war had been confined to the hospital seven years His HII widow resides In Butte Bute William Wiliam E. Barton KA William E. Barton 72 retired railroad man died In a Salt Sal Lake hospital Wednesday at 1020 p.

m. of oC a heart ailment A native of Kaysville KaysHays yule ville he was born March 31 31 1870 1570 a a- on a- sonsoneonon of John A. A and Elizabeth Elzabeth Wally Waly Baron Bar Bar- eon on He married Mar Mary Mary- AnnAnn Clark May 2 27 1897 in the Salt Lakeake Li temple tm w- to She died October ct 11 11 1924 4 ledo On April 7 1932 he married Winifred A A. Latham Mr Barton spent most of his life as a a railroad man and had been employed by the Bamberger Railroad for 33 year ears before his re- re In 1939 HeBe alsohad been em em- loyed nine years by by- the by- thethe he Union Pacific Railroad company Surviving are his air Mr lr widow two sons Golden 1 Barton of oC WilliamWiiiiam C. Barton Barlon of Rays Kays- yule ille three daughters dau Mrs Sirs E.

Parley SmIth mith of Grace Idaho Mrs Clarence Layon Layton Layton Lay- Lay ton on and nd Mrs H. P. Mathews of Kays Kaysville a stepson Leland A A. Latham of oft Salt alt Lake City two stepdaughters Mararet Marcaret Mar Marcaret aret E. a and Kathleen Latham er of Salt rt Lakeake City a brother Joseph T.

Barton of oC St St. St t. George Geore a sister Mrs Mr Sarah Dailey of oC OmahaNeb 16 grandchildren and two tWI great Funeral services service will be conducted Sat Fat Saturday at at 2 m. In the Ka I First Firt ward tabernacle by Wi William ism E. Gal Gal- Icy ey bishop Friends railcall att the may Ida family amily residence i in Kaysville FridayFridey fr from 6 to 9 pp.

m. and Saturday from 10 a. a m. until time tle of servicescervices Ann Eliza Wight PROVO PROVO Mm Ann Eliza Wight WI ht 53 wife alfe Ife of D. O.

Wight manager of the Utah Valley alley Valey hospital service plan died Thursday morning in a Salt Sai Lake City hospital of an acute infection Mrs Wight was wa born April Apri 5 5 1889 In Wellsville e. a daughter ofThomas Thoma R. and Alice Alce Shaw Leavitt Lavit Her parents moved to Alberta Canada where she attended Leavitt public schoolsand Cardston high school chool She was married to David Osborn on July 22 1910 at Logan Following their marriage mariage they lived In Cardston for many years year before beCore coming comin- go to Provo in 1936 where they hadsince resided A A. member of oC the tie I. tad church curch she lie was wa a member oftheAlberta stake Sunday school board for a number of years andndalso was a stake worker In both the Primary andRelief societyorganizations She he was a regular temple worker In the ardston Cardston temple mple for a a number of years Since ince coming to Provo she ser served asa a- relief elief society class leader in the Provo Fourth ward i She waswaa a memberof thetho Provo Women Women's council counci and served asaa vice president of of- ie the ie art section She Shea was a a member of the th he discussion section surviving besides beides herhusband are three sons eons and a daughter Ross ROBS D.

Wight of Salt Lake City Edgar L. Wight of Spo- kanekane tane kant Wash JJ. Monte Wight and Mrs r. Roma Wight Walters Waler of Provo five sisters and nd two brothbrothers rs Mrs Sadie L. Matkin SIrs Irs May Mav L.

CahoonCaboon Mrs Emma L. BroadBroad- bent bent ent Mrs Ai- ce Alice L. Olsen Matthew Mathew Leavitt and nd Ralph Leavitt of Leavitt Alberta Canada and Mrs hOrs Elva Redford dord of Cardston Alberta Albert Canada Six grandchildren grand grandchildren hildren also survive Funeral services will wl be conducted Sunday Sun Sunday ay at p. m. in the Provo Fourth ward chapel with Victor Vitor J.

Bird bishop presiding Burial will wi be in the Provo city burial park underthe direction ofthe Hatch funeralhomehouse Olive Smith Bawden I GRANGER Olive CHANGER GRANGER OI Olive Smith Bawden 6761 West Wet South street died here lere Friday at a a. a m. of a heart ailment Mrs Mr Bawden had been illiii 1 for several months Born in Salt Sal Lake City May 19 9 1875 she he was wa a daughter of Manasseh and Mary MaryAnn MaryAnn Mary- AnnAnn White Smith She had resided In Salt Lake county all al her life and was wa an active memberofthe church She was thewidowof John Howard Howad Bawden kindergarten Mrs Bawden teacher ar was tr the in irs the first tG Granger 1 5 church ward andalso alo was wa a visiting teacher forthe the- the- LL Relief Rele society for several severa years She was president ofthe he Granger ward na religion cr class forthree years and was was- aa councilor In the MIA I A for Cor severa several yea years rs Surviving are seven sonseons John II I. I Bawden Baw Bawden V- iard Willard G. den Bass William O.

Bawden Richard G. Bawden M. Smith Bawden Ferris N. Bawden and Marwood Marood W. Bawden Gran Granger er six daughters Mrs Helen lelen len B.

Daw Day SouthCottonwood Mrs Alice Alce B. Mackay Mrs Mary B. Bangerter Mrs Isabelle Bangerter Mrs Mn Louis Lows B. Inkey Ink Ink- Icy ley ey and Miss Mis Ann Lorraine Bawden Granger Oranger Orang- Orang er three brothers Daniel E. Smith John John- tc Smith andend George E.

Smith GrangerOranger four our sisters Mrs Mr Susan E. Grant Mrs Mr Laurell Laurl A. A Mrs Mr Lucy E. Mackay Granger Grange and Mrs airs Mr Arva H. Crofts Salt Lake City 30 grandsons 31 granddaughters grand gran grand dau daughters and 20 great Ag Agnes es H.

Householder AMERICAN FORK FORK- FORK rs Agnes Agne Hunter Hunte Householder 83 resident of ot American Fork Tor for many years ears died at herfter home lal isle lale Wednesday any of infirmities Incident to age Mrs Householder was WI born bor In Scotland February 18 1859 a daughter of Ebenezerand Agnes Martin Martn Hunter Bunter ShShe came to America with her parents ta i In 1863 1563 Wj a sodand settled In American rl Fork She was wa married marred to Joseph Householder May i 1 1877 During the construction 0 o- the of iy the LIb 5 temple in Salt fe Lake City Mrs Householder served as a I. cook for tor workers worker on the structure seret Surviving are four daughters Mrs Elsie Elsi Gordon of Salt Sai Lake City Mrs Mr Hazel Haze GallonCalton of Dividend Mrs LuellaLucila Luela Wilcox of Calon Copperton and Mrs Fay Chipman of Go Gob Gob- conda Nev nt two sons os Bert Householde of or California and John Householder of Bingham ham seven brothers John Frank Thomasand Walter HunterBunter of American America Thoma Waler Fork Robert HunterBunter of Alpine endand Alma Aim Hunter rp of Provo and six 1 sisters Air Mr Mrs Mary OlsonOleon Mrs Elsie Ashton Mrs Jen Jeri- nbc Gordon and Mrs Mr Martha Marha Kirkpatrick of American Goron Fork Mrs Jessie Olsen of Provo oo and eMr Mrs Alit Alie McDaniel Tle of oP Idaho Funeral services will wl be conducted Sunday Sunday Sun Sunday at 2 p. m. In the American Fork For Third tL jc chapel pel Friends may anco anc call a a- the at at- thethe family residence nc prior to service Burial cemetery will lr be In the American For Fork Wilson Gwendolyn W. P.

PAYSON PAYSON Mrs Gwendolyn W. Perkins Perkin PAYSON Wilson 38 38 widow of Howard Wilson Wison die died Wednesday night in a Salt Sal Lake Lale hospital where she hadbad beenbren critically ill I for on one week Mrs Wilson Wison was wa born at I Idaho December 16 1903 a daughter of i JohnJohn Francis and Minnie Wilds Perkin Her father diedcued in 19091009 and several year yea years later laer Mrs Perkins Perkin a returned to her bel native family city of PaysonFayson with her attended high school an and She Payson also Se entered the employ of B. F. Otto Ott which she held Until a position druggist her marriage to ito Mr Wilson In June 1928 1926 He was marage a teacher in Wison Payson Payson schools schola cho an an- died and died wa in June a 1938 after an oP operation IO Mrs WR Wilson had been active tUr Ur in civic and was serving as a a and church a affairs Irl wa 8 teacher In jn the ts Gleaner class elsa If the the Ml I A and the Sunday Gener school of the tte Fourth Fourt 1 S8 ward Mr Mrs She Is survived by her mother Minnie Perkins two sonseons howard th dD Avard of or Payson and two ob brothers Dean Dea Perkins of Grass Gras Valey Valley Cal Cat and Lewis pe Perkins erkins of Ely Hey Nev Funeral services cr will 1 be conducted Sunday Sun Sunday ay In is the Fourth ward wad chapel and burial burl 1 I will wi be in Payson ayson city cemetery under direction of Deseret mortuary Annie Marie Kissel I OGDEN OGDEN Mrs Annie Marie bOnnet Kissel 66 I of Thirtieth street died Thursday at- a at ati 4 0 a a. a m.

in an Ogden hospital following a I brief ef tn illness u. I Mrs KisselMissel was born brn April Apri 26 1874 I is In Frederick Norway a daughter I of John and Oliva Jorgenson Hassell Husel At Ate Atthe I I- thethe age of oC nine sine Olva shesite came to this country I with wih her parents and moved to southern I Utah tah She later moved to Ogden where I ht her er father was a a pioneer shoemaker I I- OnOn al March 8 1891 she es was married to I Henry enry Kissel Kinsel Kisse In Ogden Mr KisselKinsel a vet vet- I eranan Ogden tailordied January 19 1934 I In Ogden I She was wa a member ofthe Ogden Ninth I ILL 1 ID ward and of oC Queen City Rebekah Rebeka lodgedge I IO 0 0 F. Surviving are ae I two iwo wo sons and two daugh- daugh I rs Walter P. Kissel son of Denver ColoCoin Mrs Mrs rs MargaretMargartt Koble ofDallas Dala Texas I Mrs Hrs Ogden rs Clara Clara Brinton andFred Ired A. A A Kissel Kinsel of I I Martha E.

W. PARAGONAH Funeral services for Mrs Irs Martha Erzula Williamson 42 2 were conducted Monday in Paragonah LDS ward chapel chape Mrs aIrs died August 13 at Iron County hospital Cedar City Ity Utah after a long Illness caused by heart icart ailment Mrs was wa born bor December 14 1899 at Toquerville a daughter of John H. I. I and B. Williamson On June H.

4 1920 she Ehe was wa married to Jesse Jese Wlliam WI Wll- Wll iam lam Surviving are her husband three daugh daugh- tern ers Velva Lena and EvonEven one son lon Wil- Wil Wi lam nm Ervin her hr parents Mr and Mrs John Williamson all al of oC Paragonah and one sisala cr Mrs Mr Irene McBrideof Richfield Burial was In Paragonah cemetery Floyd loyd Earl PROVIDENCE Cache County GraveGrave- side de services service for Floyd Earl 22 native nathe of Providence who died Monday in Oak Oakland and land Cal Ca of injuries received in anso automobile automobile auto automobile mobie collision were conducted Friday at- i al at 3 i p. m. In the Providence cemetery by Oliver liver Hansen Maude Lathan Powell Powel TREMONTON Maude TREMONTON-Maude Maude Lay Laythan than Powell Powel 62 2died at herber home in tn Thursay Thurs Thurs- Thur day ay after a short illness iness Mrs Powell Powel was wan wa born In Ohio July 27 7 1880 a a daughter of oC William and Rebecca Re Rebecca Lay Laythan than Surviving area son Ion Wll- Wll WI lam ham lam Powell Powel of Magna a brother Henry Ly Laythan thanof Dayton Ohio and three grandchildren Emma mma Louise Sorrow MURRAY MURRAY Emma Emma Louise Luise Sorrow 54 56 East tast Fire Clay avenue died at her home Thursday sr a at a. a m. of fd diabetes Mrs Sorrow was born In Rochedale England and had been a resident of Muray Murray Mur Murray ay 13 years Surviving are her husband James Jame C.

Sorrow two sons Herbert Sorrow of Salt Lake City and Barnard Sorrow of MurrayHurray a sister Mrs Mr Flock Brown of Roy Four othother sisters and a brother residing In England also survive Priority Orders The Te following orders were issued Friday by bv ththe war production boardFurther uter information oon specific orders may be obtained blamed by bv calling the te WV priorities division divIsion 5 Issued order directing tureure anddistribution of oC specified spied carded cotton otton coton textiles to the production of a specified list of men's mens mes me's work garments Issued order 7 restricting thesale and distribution of oC metal cutting band saw sw blades lades and hack saw blades to a rating of A 9 or Low grade It steelhack saw rade ee blades lades may be sold without preference rating Issuedorder 21 scheduling production ment lon tion ton and nd ad delivery of treating heat equip equip Produce Market BUTTER IN BULK LOS BULK LOS ANGELES 92 2 BUTER score score 455 91 1 score 43 43 90 0 score 43 43 89 59 9 score cr 40 CHEESE SAN SAN FRANCISCO Triplets 23 EGGS SALT ROllS SALT LAKE CITY Large arge white wie SALT EGG specials dozen 45 45 Large arge white extras dozen 42 2 Lar Large arge standards dozen 40 40 Medium white extras extra ones dozen dzen 40 40 NEW YORK Au Aug 21 AP AP AP Butter Receipts firmer Creamery higher high higher than 92 score and premium marks 42 92 score sore cash cah market 88 91 score 40 87 85 score 38 c. Eg Eggs Wits Whites fancy to extra fancy 422 48 specials 41 standards fancy Cancy heavy mediums mediums 40 Ic c. Pacific coast whites Jumbo andadd ad pre- propre pre 48 specials 47 41 45 45 42 I Dressed poultry firm all al fresh and frozen prices unchanged Live poultry weak by grade gade A unless otherwise specified chickensRocks 2 colored fowls Cowls colored 25 Leghorn pullets Rocks old roosters rosters ducks by express Rocks crosses 29 She Reds es 26 broilers Rocks crosses 27 1 Reds Leghorns 26 fowlscolored Leghorns 1 pullets crosses 4 lbs Ibs CHICAGO Aug 21 AP Butter AP-Butter Butter Al-Butter Butter Receipts Re Ste firm fir prices as a quoted bv by 90 score the reC Chicago 41 Pi price other rei ei current prices unchanged creamery Poultry live lve firm henshene over 5 lbsIbs 5 Ibs lbs and down own Leghorn Leghorn Leg Leghorn hor hens hess broilers broiler 2 Ibslbs and down colored Plymouth 21 Rocks White Rocks 2 springs 4 0 lbsIbs bs up colored Plymouth Rocks 24 sc I Wi- te White Rocks under 4 0 Ibslbs colored Plymouth Rocks 24 sc c- WhiteWhite Rocks bareback chickens 18 15 0 roosters sc Leghorn roosters ducks 4 lbs Ibs up color colored 14 sc c- whitewhite sc small Imal colored 14 white I e. sc geese geee lIe turkeys toms 22 hens New York Curb list NEW YORK Aug 21 AP AP Is a list of oC Fridays Friday's transactions on the New York curb exchange Sales In Hundreds ISale I 1 Low I 1 Clone Cose Bunk if I 2 91 sI 91 91 Junk CIties CItes Service Serice 2 4 2141 i 21 2 El Bond iS 9 II 11 1 15 I 1 4 do pfd 4 44 44 3 He Hecla a MIs i 5 II 4 4 Hud Bud Pow Pow 1 41 1 14 Technicolor 21 7 1 7 Lux 21 I si 11 11 I 1 I Million 2 Milion 2 Trouser Bids Asked Wanted Wanted just just pairs of wool serge trousers with finished bottoms The government hasasked forbids forbids for for- bidsbids to supply thisorder Gus P. Backman secretary of the Salt Sal Lake chamber of commerce said aid Friday Purchases will wi be made through the commanding general Philadelphia Philadelphia PhiladelPhiladel- phia quartermaster depot 2800 SouthTwentieth street Philadelphia Philadelphia Philadel Philadelphia Pa Pat 18 RECEIVE RAISES Pay increases ranging from 5 to 20 20 per month mont for 18 of the Salt Lake general hospital were approved Friday by Salt Lake County commissioners effective effective ef ef- ef- ef September 1 SL SI 8 LI L.

EXCHANGE TURNSSPOTTY Trading was spotty on the Salt Lake ake stock exchange Friday with wih shares of five issues traded Walker Mining made the onlyoxly olly gain fain of the day opening even at 20 0 cents and aId closing cosing at 21 cents up 1 cent Crescent Eagle Oil Oi was even at 12 2 cents Mountain City Copper at was off 10 cents Silver Siver Shield at cent was off 4 cent andTintic Standard at was off 5 cents Salt Lake Stock IStock Exchange FRIDAY QUOTATIONS I 1 Bid I Asked Alta Ala Tunnel 01 Am Met Mm Co Co 01 Beaver Gold Cop 1 ot 01 Rig BIg Hill Hi 04 04 06 01 Metals 03 03 03 Black Rack Metals 01 03 Bonanza Mining Bristol Silver OsOJ 07 Bullion Bulon 0 Ot t- Cardiff Cedar Talisman I 1 Central 00 01 Chief Chie Con 24 IA 28 Clayton Silver 25 gm Con 00 22 5 01 5 01 Combined Metals 4 05 Comet Coalition Coalton 06 OR 10 Commonwealth Lead 00 00 I 14 01 Crescent Crecent Eagle 11 12 Croff Crof 02 Crown Point 01 01 02 Dragon 05 East ifo Crown rown i Point int 8 00 8 00 3 East Standard 1 I 01 East Tintic Coal Coa 01 06 East Utah 00 01 I Empire Mints Mines 02 03 Eureka Eurela BullIon Bulon 1 1 1 13 Eureka Furka Lilly Con 15 16 IA Eur Eureka kaMints Mines 01 01 Eureka Standard 06 10 I Gold Chain 01 03 Western 01 Horn SIlver Siver 04 04 i a 07 07 Howell Ho 04 05 Indian Queen 01 Kennebec 00 00 00 03 03 Keystone 07 14 14 Leonora 00 LIttle Lite May 00 4 IA Magnolia Magnola Lead 02 Mammoth 28 28 35 35 MUr I I I 00 on Ih 02 Miners Gold 00 00 02 Missouri Monarch 02 Moscow s. c. oo lit City Copper I Mountain View 01 1 04 0 07 Jh 15 New Park Park 28 2 30 New Premier 1 1 01 New Quincy OO 00 01 North Lily Liy 42 44 40 North Standard a Ohio hc Copper 1 I 05 11 gk Park I 03 i 03 Park City Wh Con 1 1 II 04 Park Konold 01 01 I 02 Park Nelson nl 00 11 I 1 02 Park Park Utah PremIer le 01 I I 1 03 Pioche Bristol 00 02 Mines 02 01 OR Prince Con i II 23 Rico Argentine 46 46 41 Royston Coalition Coalton 00 01 Silver RingKing Coal oat 212 IA Silver King Kin West Vet 11 10 21 21 Shyer Slyer Shield 00 I 00 00 Silver Standard Sioux Stifles Minn 1 I 02 So Iron Blossom South Standard 03 03 SwanSea Con Tar Baby abio gg 00 i 00 TinticCentral Centra Lead Os 05 07 Standard Union Chief Chief 03 Utah Con 00 01 Utah Wyo Con Oil 01 03 06 Victor Con 02 02 05 Walker Mining 20 21 21 West Toledo 00 Wilbert 01 Yankee a Con Zuma 01 02 Utah Idaho Bug Sug corncom 2 17 1 2 30 do rid td I 90 I 1012 FRIDAY SALES gALES Crescent Eagle Eale Oil Oi at 0 at at Ml Mt Mt City Copper at 75 atst 75 a Silver Siver Shield 10001001 At Jhc c. Tintic Standard at at at Walker at at It Unlisted Industrials I Bid I Asked Sugar pfd I 1 76 Con Wag Mach Utah Fire Clay Clay 65 1000 Utah 6 6 pfd 1 do 1 pfd 42 00 I I 39 6 gg 50 gg Salt Lake Curb Quotations I Bid Sid I Asked Arall Sugar rom corn comS IS 1 5 First Fist Seem Ity Corp Crp I 21 75 I 22 25 Mountain Fuel Supply I Utah Oil Refining 1 ln I I I 800 Utah Home Firs 00 1148 00 BONDS I Bamberger St It I I 1 I 66 0 Fruits and Vegetables Following are the fruit frit and nd vegetable quotations as a issued at the growers growers' market market mar market Friday Fruits Apricots 25 to io 17 per box ap apples ap- ap ap pleaples Early June to to 50 lug Red Astrachan to box Berries Blackberries crate crale red re rupber Ties crate strawberries to crateerate currants sive sa crate Melon MeIne Cantaloupes H. B.

per crate crae Southern Southern rn Utah to 2 rear Bartlett Batet per box bOL Vegetables Beaus green string aIrIng 60 lbIb i yellow eow string lb Ib beets per dozen bunches bunche broccoli per lbIb Sc cabba cabbage per lb Ib 2 carrots carrot pr per dozen dozes bunches cauliflower per Iblb U. 5 No 1 lie cauliflower U. rS S. bNO No 2 celery pe per f- dyen corn per dozes dozen 1 12 2 tto cucumbers per 1 lug to 0 egg plant ant per Iblb per crate 7 garlic per Iblb iso lettuce pc per crate to leek leek pet pt dozen onions crystal wax 50 lbs Ibs yellow Spanish gi to 1 green per ir dozen doze e- en bunches peasper Iblb parsley dozen bunches Rg lIe peppers per pr ib Ib swee sweet to chill chi per lbIb lOco lOc Potatoes Irish Cobblers to 10 lbsIbs Ohr Ohio Bliss 5 Radishes per dozen bunches rhubarb rhubarb rhu barb per Iblb spinach per Iblb 74 Cil squash jh summer per Iblb pe per Jb b. turnips per dozen bunches 20 Tomatoes PerFer lugkig lg to Bank ank Clearings In Salt Lake I ThursdaysThursday's baskbank debits Same slay day last Jut year lame bank clearings Same day last lat New view York Stock List DAILY STOCK SOCK A AVERAGES Compiled by Associated Press 30 15 15 60 Rails Stocks S' ock Net et change a 4 i 1 Ral 2 2 2 2 1 Friday g.

53 53 4 17 17 7 23 8 37 37 1 Previous slay day 53 4 17 5 23 6 370 Month ago ajo 16 iLl 1 23 4 36 6 Year ear ago 61 4 18 0 31 9 43 1 alO 1942 high 61 56 0 17 6 27 3 38 7 1942 low 46 0 14 1 4 21 1 32 0 1941 high 63 63 9 19 0 35 5 35 5 1941 hll low 51 7 13 24 5 STOCK 60 RANGE SINCE 1927 40 1938 34 1032 29 1927 lEigh 54 47 7 75 3 Low Lw 33 7 7 16 9 61 8S NEW JEW YORKTORK A Aug 21 AP AP Following Followings Is a a. tabulation an et of fy Fridays Friday's dr stock ios Lions ons on the New York stock exchange a STOCKS Sales Sale In Hundreds I I salU Sales I I I 1 Low Lw I I Close I gi Chg Net Adams Ext Ex 91 6 6 6 3 1 sidY 41 3 33 3 3 33 11 Alaska Just 5 2 2 Lud SUStI 2 21 17 1751 17 17 1 14 Allied Aled CD 6 1335 sA 1 Allied 1 5 54 1 Mfg 3 224 224 224 Am Airline 1 Si 39 39 39 Am Can 1 6767 67 Am as 1 24 5 24 3 24 Xo Arcs Am 7 1 i 1754 Am Loco 2 77 7 77 1 IFs 3 Am Metal i 19 1 19 19 Am 6 4 42 4 R- AmAm Rol 3 42 9 07 9 Am Smelt 3 a 14 1 rg rr 8 Am StI re ret Fd 1 15 19 4 Ant Am ts 22 2219 19 Am Tob 11 1 1 43 42 43 Ih ee 1 18 2 26 2 27 2 27 3 Am Zinc I 3 37 7 3 3 i Anaconda 14 26 21 26 4 IA14 Armour III Ill 1 6 3 2 2 lb 1 Armstr Crh- A 4 26 26 A SF F- All 27 4 44 1 All Ati Coast st 21 I 29 20 2954 4 AU Ati 2 1714 17 17 AvlaAvia Avla Corp 17 11 331 3 3 1 Bald Lo ct 9 12 1151 HaltBait kJ 0 2 She lAt lAa i 31 5 10 9 93 10 Beth Jeth Beh Steel 1 54 5 54 54 5 1 JM Boeing Air 4 15 3 1514 Borden orden Co 9 21 21 2114 War Borg I 5 25 2514 25 4 a 1 IA 1 8SI 81 SI 81 4 ept 2 21 21 Budd Mfg 2 Buddudd Wh 6 6 6 6 6 Burl url Mills Mis 1 18 1811 18 lR 18 IA Cal al HecHee 8 61 6 6 1 anad Canad Pac ac 5 4 4 4 1 Cane lase I 2 69 6 89 6 69 Tr 1 36 36 36 4 I Celanese I 1 20 I 20 2011 i Cerro erro de 1 31 3131 4 Ih Ches 0 20 a Chrysler str 1 i 17 59 I 11 i 9 I I 8 81 1 14 Cl 2 31 31 4 Col GEl 15 1 1 4 Cred 6 8 22 i- i 51 ComCorn In Tr 5 27 27 1 Com Coin So 32 7 32 3 16 ComCorn Edis I 11 1 1914 18 bIb 4 JA 16 Con 11 1611 Con Copp 3 4 i 4 4 I 14 Con Edis 26 1351 1 Con Consol sol Oil Oi 78 8 6 3 4 11 Cont Corp I 1 12 1212 Cont BakRak 2 2 2 2111 1 ContCan 21 3 24 23 23 24 I- I 14 ContCost Mot Hot I 91 31 I 1 I 3 1 I 1 I- ConCon 0 Del I 23 I 1 2311 I 23 41 1 1 Copper Sti 31 I 1 10 I 1 10 I 10 It I Coty Inc 1 1 2 2 3 14 1 Crane Co Co- 2 1 I 1 16 1 I 1101 Cruc Cloe SteelSled Stee 1 27 I 27 1 27 I I. I Cub Cub-A Sug SI 11 15 Curt Wrt 77 7 11 I 1 I- Del 4 23 2314 23 4 Del Sc HudBud I 1 I 0 9 I 2311 i 91 I IV 81 35 31 3 3 3 1 1 DetroitEd 61 15 1 1554 15 1 Dome Mn I Rt 11 1111 41 Dresser Mft fl il II 15 15 I 15 I Du dedc NI Nl 1131 1 1 East A I. L- East 4 26 25 26 I I. I East Kod Rod Kod- El 1 1129 I I- El I- I 12 2 El EI Lite A-Lite I 2626 26 14 RIce Elec Boat Boat- 1 1114 1 I I 1 VH I 11 II 14 10 i i 4 I 2 1 In 1111 1111 1 0 Cable 1 al 21 2 2 21 i 21 Gen Elec 2 26 1 27 I- I Gen 61 JI I 32 Va Gen 1 Mot 1 1638 f.

31 I 1 48 11 11 IA Gen TR 21 11 11 11 Gillette SR 1 4 1 gl Bro 2 4 I 4 Goodrich 30 20 20 20 11 Goody Goodyear tar 37 18 18 18 1 Gt a Ry pf 12 23 23 23 Va 1 Greyhound 3 12 12 12 a a- Becker A HeckerBecker Pr13 5 4 4 Homestake a I 30 29 29 1 i 8 Houd-H Houd B- Houston 21 a 10 10 Ho Houston ston Oil 01 I 33 3 III 1 Central 5 1 7 7 Ins Co Cop COl 27 It 11 1 10 I Vs I Interlake I 1 6 6 11 I 6 6 Int mt Harv 4 48 4 i FI 4 48 14 Int mt Mar Mar- Int 0 IA 11 I Int Can 39 27 26 2711 Int mt Paper 41 9 9 I 9 Int mt A 91 01 2 2 2111 Man Man- Jone 57 57 s. 11 I Jone JoneL 5 20 20 20 17 11 30 30 30 I Kresge SS Sl II 1 1191 19 19 I 1 19 Lehman Lhman 2 21 21 LOF Gla Glass Glans 1 6 26 21 I a 2614 I 7 71 4 4 Hl 4 Lockheed 11 5 In 17 I 1711 1711 I 6 Loews Loew's Les Le's Inc It 6 51 43 I 3 1 43 1 1 Star CernCem 2 3535 3 34 4 Mack 31 2931 2911 29 j. Hacy I 1 lill if 19 1 1 19 i 1011 Mar MIdI ill 3 3 Mars Field Feld 5 9 9 91 a I 1 33 3 HeR Mcl 6 51 1211 1212 11 A Miami Cop 4 5 5 5 1 Mid Mid-C Pet 12 1614 1614 16 1611 1 11 Mont 7 30 30 30 4 Mur Corp 3 7 1 55 I 1 elv 49 9 6 57 6 Ii Nat Acme 1 1414 4 114 Nat 1 6 7 73 IH 7 Nat BIns 415 15 15 51 Nat Ref Reg 5 16 16 14 JA Nat Prod 7 15 15 1514 4 3 NatDIst 2511 2511 Nat Na Lead Led 17 13 a 1314 1 Nat 1 13 15 13 14 11 Nati Steel seel 3 1 48 45 I Nat 48 Nat Na 5 4 41 41 md i 6 8 hl a a- 2 27 9 9 a 54 1 2 22 22 22 No Am Co 32 77 Nor Fan 16 I 6 6 I a OhIoOil 01 12 81 a 55 8 III I 1114 0 III Cbs GISII 1 51 50 Pat Pac 1 0 A 2 18 1814 I 11 5 1 Pack Mot Hot SI 51 2141 2141 Pan A Air 19 1911 19 1 11 Par 11 Patho 0 39 19 li 14 IA Penney it 11 71 I 71 7 I 71 7 Penn RI 32 22 22 I 22 Vs Pep 1 12 21 ll 21 I 21 I Ph Dodge Dode I 11 25 25 1 2541 I PhIl Phi Pet Pd I1 SI 51 39 Post Tel pf it II 1614 11 I ets dl 3 11 4 Pub JI 2 23 97 10 4 Pullman I 51 2511 25 25 Pure Oil 01 1 19 9 99 1 Bak 4 4 11 1 11 1114 1154 Ji 11 Rad Am I 1 1 31 33 31 3 1 Rep Steel 81 14 HI 14 1414 Re Rey Tob 53 Iii 2 23 Rich OIl 01 4 7 7 7 Safe RaCe I 1 I 3731 I 37 37 37 37 1 St Rt Jo Lead 1 2914 29 2911 Say Sav Arms 6 61 10 10 0 14 4 DistDial I 91 4 1 Sears 61 51 I 555 1111 1 555 I Inc I SI 8 I I Shell i 41 1 13 IH 1 1 I 14 Simmons 1 1 21 1314 I 13 III- III i- i a 5 4 Ve I i 11 It I 1 14 a Slots I 114 Sell Su Ry 1 ai I I I 1 1 1 4 do dopf pf 30 1 IJ Sperry Cp 91 si 25 2571 Spicy Inc 51 2 el 2 1 si 27 27 Std 3 1 si 31 Std 0 Cal I 5 1 2 21 2 oI 22 tl 2 23 14 1 14 Std ld 0 Ind I 20 24 Its 24 I 24 24 7 1 I 11 0 SI 1 34 3 3 11 3 St 1175 I 1 as talL in th SI 4 4 i I t-I 41 21 I 1 2164 Texas Co Ci II 3 I 514 Tx Sul I 21 si 32 52 i. i Them I i iI Ii 23 I I 23 5 23 5 14 1 A. A A Oil 01 SI31 Sill I 6 I Ax I 41 25 25 1 Tim Br I 2 3 3 36 I 3 21 II 4 14 4 14 JA 4 I 14 TV 31 I 11 1 1181 TC.

CCF 61 a 12 1 14 14 14 Un Carb 69 19 I 89 Un tin 80 79 80 1 Un A 13 i 1 1 14 Unit 5 51 27 1 sI 27 14 Unit Corp I 1 5 9 32 5 32 1 Unit Druc 7 1 6 63 6 6 lt Unit Fruit 9 56 5 14 Un Cl Imp 28 3 34 3 31 14 A 1 I GyP I SI 51 51 50 1 I ii 11 2929 14 I IT 1 8 I Rub I 20 1914 IOU 2014 20 11 I 8 Steel 1 26 46 47 i- i Vanadium 1 SI 15 1 1514 1 15 1 5 1 I 21 4 Ill I 4 4 1 i 34 i- WarWar Br Sit 6 61 6 8 6 14 Un Tel 39 26 25 26 2674 11 1 AIr Br I 1 14 14 14 lv- lv A I I CI 4 14 Mot 21 13 1314 61 I 41 0 0 I I 2814 I 28 28 Yg ST 31 30 Zenith YI Rad 31 11 1 14 JA Total SRI sales Friday previous I day week ago year Mg two years ago 5 January 1 to date year ar ago alo I I 0 two years year ago WOOL TOP FUTURES NEW YORK A Aug Asic I 21 AP AP ed grease wool wol spot Wool top futures future closed 3 3 of a cei cent higher r. Dec Certificated spot wool ol tops top Bid Bid Nominal SELECT ISSUES RETAIN RET AIN STAMINA AMINA NEW YORK Aug 21 UP liP liP- I- I Rubbers together with Wih selected rails and industrials regained their rising stamina in FridaysFriday's stock stoc market although many issues continued continued con con- to loiter in the te losing column The list wassomewhat ragged att the start but the drying up of selling elling soon inspired bidding for favorites a number of which went into nto new high ground forthe year or longer with wit advances offrac- tions frac- frac tons ons to around a point Plus signs were reduced here andthere tere near the ic close cose anddeclines were fairly well veil weI distributed Transfers were in the neighborhood of shares hares The thought the market may have lave corrected the lengthy Upswing upswing up- up swing wing by its sidewise move of the te two wo previous sessions acted to restrain re retrain re- re train strain liquidation Stocks in the new high class in- in eluded Goodrich common and nd preferred preferred pre- pre erred Firestone Tire Goodyear U. J. S. Rubber Union Pacific and Texas Pacific Railway Resistant performers were Bethlehem Bethlehem Beth Bethlehem Steel Anaconda Kenne- Kenne cott ott Schenley Pan American Airways Airways Airways Air Airways United Air Lines ines Homestake Homestake Home- Home stake take Mining Marshall Marshal Field DuPont DuPont DuPont Du- Du Pont Allied Aled Chemical and Intercontinental Inter Inter- Iter- Iter continental Rubber Bonds improved At Chicago wheat was off of 14 to up i of of a cent In the curb mild mid support was received by Gulf Oil Oi Sherwin Sherin Wiliams Wil- Wil Wi- Wi hams iams lams International Petroleum and Cuban Huban Atlantic Sugar Occasional losers were Pantepec and American American Amer- Amer ican can Cyanamid Livestock Market NORTH JORTH SALT SAiT LAKE LAKi Au Aug 21 Utah Utah- ta USDA Catte Cattle ReceiptsIncluding trou through 58 for market and direct direct didl medium to good trucked trucked-ln steers steer steer 1050 1125 common steers 1000 news down good heifers brought 1125 12 common corn- mon corncom mon mOi to mediumkinds 8 251075 no good rows cows sold early cutter cutler cuter to medium cows ws canners down to oddd trucked trucked-in bulls buls good trucked ln veal calves calve 1400 1450 common to medium Hogs Receipts Hogs i Receipts including dl 6 th through and 15 for market weak ak to rower lower top 1475 on os 01 bestbeat ISO to pound butchers mixed weights 1425 14 50 sow sows 50choice lights hs to 1300 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts 1452 Including 1373 through 32 for market and 47 direct odd lots trucked trucked-in lambs 1100 1225 Aug 21 Utah USDA USDA Cattle Cattle fn Receipts Including h-f for market and Slid direct slow stow very few salable lable cattle catte offered prices steady late Thursday Thurs day and today except weaker account little Jle demand steer sales mo mostly ty odd head medium to good at 1050 1 mig db 1150 50 few common on dairy bred down to few common to medium heifershelfern good god cows cutter cuter to medium 7 canners canner down bulls buls scarce bulk vealer common to medium 1300 few good to choice 13 1350 50 dl 1450 Hogs Receipts Hogs Receipts Including 25 for market anddirect slow very ver few salable hogs here early salessalea weak to lower odd small lotslois good to choice to pounds 1475 top lighter lter and heavier weights mostly 1425 sows lOWS 11 1175 75 1300 Sheep Sheep Receipts Receipts Including 13 formarket maket and through no ito 10 early earle sales ThursdaysThursday's latemarket fully steady on all al classes clase top 1450 on four loads good to choice pound 99 Idaho a range spring 1 I lambs lamb bt two tivo loads 1440 4 six aix loads 14 1425 25 two loads 1400 six si cars car 70 to 75 pound Idaho feeders 1325 25 seven doublesdouble ei truck truck Ins ins shipped i eri at 1435 about six loads baSh loa Idaho Idah ewes eWe down few small smal lots truck ins down Aug 21 USDA AP-USDA ll Hogs gS ll Salable 1600 ur total ll 4 2600 moderately ac active active ac- ac tive lve barrows barrens and giltsgills gits to lower sowssown steady to lOc bc off of top 1450 good od and choice to pounds 14 rl 1450 to pounds pounds II up to pounds Ni bulk good sows sow pounds down dow 13751315 I 1400 lOO few Cew choice light weights 1410 good- over good good- overover pounds 14 50 5 13 75 mostly 13 60 up stags 14 Cattle Cattle Salable total 1000 calves Salable bl and total 50 i largely ge steady a except very uneven nto market on cows some cef interests in interests in- in bidding lower on this class killer kier supply small as several loadsstockers consigned smal to dealers severa most medium and and- ee good steers steer ee 12 loads medium weights held held ld above this i few good and choicechorce heifershelfers 13 1300 00 1425 common and medium 9 0 00 12 00 common and medium cows s.

co 1000 few medium and good god cutters canners medium and good native bulls 10 1000 00 8 1100 medium god buls and good 1150 1150 1350 dealers offering severalleveral hundred head medium and good stock steers at steady Prices price total fat tat Sheep Sheep Salable Salable lambs lamb mostly steady Instances lower on native springers sheep strong to higher feeding lambs steady to lower bulk good and choice range spring lambsIambs bulk sorted good and choice native spring lambs 1475 1490 medium to choice fat ewes good and choice range feeding lambs 1350 1385 CHICAGO Aug 21 USDA AP-USDA Hogs AP Hogs Salable total market closing elm- ing elm clos ing more active than early steady on all weights good to choice ISO to pounds 05 top 1510 to pounds 1470 a 1500 tota pounds 1435 1480 sows mostly lOc bc lower good and choice pounds down 1425 14 35 to pounds founds 1400 14 25 to lo pounds 1350 Cattle Salable Salable 1000 calves fed steers and yearlings steady to lower mostly steady to weak less desirable kill- Ing kill kill- Ing considered general undertone showed less strength than earlier In week however on all grades and clausesclasses excepting excepting exceptexcept- ing strictly good and choice steers and yearlings best steers today 1535 these scaling 1260 pounds bulk 1275 1475 no choice heifers heifer here best around 1400 medium grade heifers weak under weeksweek's high time beef cows dull and weak at Upward canners and cutcst cutters about steady bulls steady to weak with 1185 practical top firm at 1450 1600 Sheep Sheep Salable Salable 2000 total late Thursday spring lambs slow strong to lOc bc higher other classes steady best native springers 1550 Today's trade All classes steady to strong bulk good to choice fat native lambs lamb 15 00 1535 light 1050 down buck lambs discounted choice pound fat ewes several decks common to medium lots unsorted scaling SO to 85 pounds Chicago Grain Futures CHICAGO Aug 21 AP AP- AP Wheat Wheat- 6 Open High Low Close Sept 1186 Dec 1214 May a Corn Cornn Sept 83 i 85 83 65 Dec 86 87 86 87 May 90 91 90 91 oats oats- Sept 49 49 49 49 Dec 51 51 a 50 51 May 53 535353 Sept 77 12 85 Oct 12 87 7 Dec 12 1290 90 1290 Potato Market USDA AP-USDA Mho Idaho Ida Ida- CHICAGO Aug 21 ho Russet Burbanks U. S. No 1 Colorado Bliss Triumphs U. 8 No 1 Nebraska Cobblers U. S.

comme commer- dabs 1 85 to Wisconsin Round Whites U. No 1 1 85 Minnesota Bliss Triumphs U. S. NoHo 1 Business Business Today Today Today- Stock Melons More in War Months By JAMES MARLOW and WILLII VILLIAM PINKERTON riNKERTON NEW YORK Aug 21 WideWida World World Wall World World-WaI Wall Street isn't going off ff the deep end with wt hearty herty predictions pre- pre dictions dicton about stockholdersstockholders' future dividends but it has ha figures figue to show how that Stockholders received dividends from rom more common stocks stock listed on the te New York stock exchange in this country's first year half year hal of war than in the first six si months monts of peaceful 1941 But not But not as much money was muc paid aid In spite of high taxes and great gret shUts shifts in manufacturing activities 60 listed common stocks in the first six months month of this year paid dividends totaling compared with wt stocks which yielded in dividends in the same period of 1941 Although per cent of the te paying dividend dividend stocks reduced their heir years half payments 25 years hal payment per percent percent per- centcent increased them The estimated net result however however however how however was an an aggregate dividend payment 68 per cent less than tan Inthe in i- nte in- thethe te six ix months mont ended June Jue 30 1941 The Exchange magazine published pub- pub by the New NeW York stock exchange exchange exchange ex ex- ex- ex change says that the years year's performance as a whole indicates indicates indi cates statistically that tat apprehen- sionsion lest rising taxes and costs cause heavy dividend casualties was not borne out by results But But this does not mean that tat what was true in thefirst six si months of the te year will wl be repeated repeat repeated in the last six months The re result result re- re sultsuit of heavier taxes cannot canot be forecast nor nor can changes in i corporate corporate corporate cor cor- accounts and operating But the impact of higher taxes upon net income of corporations corporation with stocklisted on the te exchange was heavy leavy during the te first half hal of 1941 with a notable exception the exception te the railroads Among the groups arrangedby industries says the te Exchange the rails rais despite wage increases that applied throughout the period scored a gain of more moe than tan 42 per percent percent per- centcentnet income over the te same six si months of last year reflecting reflecting reflect reflecting heavy war traffic and economies economies econ econ- in train loading The results disclosed in a table table ta ta- t. ble of listed corporations by groups offer an almost complete reversal of last years year's earnings'earnings picture as of the te end of June Jue But despite despie the large tax al allowances allowances allowances al- al no less than of the te corporations were able to re report report report re- re port profits forthe half hal And And while some abrupt and substantial tal reversals occurred the average average average aver average decline of ne net income of the te groups as a whole was less than tan 20 per cent The street was particularly impressed impressed impressed im im- im- im pressed by a per cent increase of aggregate dividend distribution in the te electrical equipment group which has 16 issues listed on the te exchange Thirteen of those tose listings paid dividends three tree of them at an increased increased increased in in- in- in creased rate totaling an estimated While railroad dividends went up 64 per cent cert public utility payments payments payments pay payments dropped exactly 64 per cent The farm far machinery machiner group climbed per cent the tobacco group dropped per cent Shipbuilding working at capacity capacity capac capacity iy now paid its is stockholders 28 per cent more in dividends this year although theiron andsteel group group group-an an industry in i record production pro pro- increased ducton-increased increased dividend payments payments payments pay payments only 39 per cent cent Many financial men believe beleve that tt so 50 so I Ic ngg as high volume production continues a tall tal background of gross earnings for many listed companies should provide reasonable reasonable reasonable reason reasonable profits profs They say the dent the war is putting in profits varies widely from industry to industry and even eve from company to company in i the te same sae field New NewYork York Bond Market NEW YORK Aug 21 AP AP Following are Fridays Friday's sales closing cloning prices and set net change chance of bonds on the New Yorkstockclock exchange CORPORATION BONDS Sales In 1000 I Net Sales Close Cbs Alle cv 55 44 23 67 do cv 19 4 5 i 72 I A A 2030 Am 3 61 A 7 5 45 95 Beth Steel 52 55 45 a a- dodo 55 55 and 31 31 I 16 1 HI Dl Cent 66 44 Int 1st Paper 47 4 14 Mo Pac77 FI 5 So Pac 81 53 do 69 do 3 46 90 So Pac sa 42 Ore 77 SI 55 Pac 1st 45 47 4 Utah 44 54 West at Ut 55 51 5 83 Total bond sales Friday previous day week ago 7 year ago two years ago aco January 1 i to 10 date 51 i year ago year ago INSURANCE THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR PROTECTION in Strong Companies Agency Company BOSTON Dial 4.

Salt Lake Telegram from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.