The Perry County News from Tell City, Indiana (2024)

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The Perry County Newsi

Tell City, Indiana

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MI TUESDAY AUGUST 1M8 THE CANNELTON TUESDAY NEWS CANNELTON INDIANA Around Town Cannelton Character Study AM to what we can do In this nation's I criminal opportunities Legion Notes menting the changes that must be Going into a discussion of crime The captain is a native of Louisiana A VS said THE EMPLOYMENT of both disabled veterans and the handicapped Is of utmost concern to The American Legion At the 49th National Convention last year in Boston The American Legion adopted Resolution 341 cooperate with the and Committee on Employment of the Handicapped'' This ride was with Jim in 1965 He later went to flight school at ort Rucker Ala Be fore returning to the United States Captain Caryl completed 900 hours of combat flying In Vietnam THE VISITING officer said be has two more years left in service His next our of duty will be at ort Rucker where be will serve as instructor Jim is now flying too He is employed as pilot for an Owensboro flrm and as 'such takes his employers and their guests all over the country Of course he still finds time to come home to Cannelton to see his parents Mr and Mrs Edgar' Braun and his sister Mrs Jerry Sabelhaus Mr Sabelhaus and family Captain Ray Caryl 26 and his buddy Jim Braun held a reunion in Cannelton on July 28 They had been army buddies in Georgia and had maintained close friendship even though their paths changed course They have one thing in common Each had a tour in Vietnam Captain Caryl had just completed his one year tour in the scene of war action when he stopped here to see his friend He is a captain in the Army Air Corps HE GRADUATED with Jim at ort Benning Ga in 1956 from Candidate School The pair roomed together from Septem ber 1965 until June 1966 first plane' not speak to strangers any more because of their fear of crime 21 percent say they use cars and cabs at night because of their fear of crime 2 20 percent say they would like to move to another neighbor hood because of their fear of With such fearsome facts con She looked big and picturesque way down river as we got cur first look at her As we waited we thought back about our reasons for wanting a trip aboard a tow boat The first dated way back to our boy hood when we used to plow and do other farmwork on the family places between Derby and Rome When a steamboat whis tie sounded we usually managed to work over to the river bank for a look The Southland was familiar to us as we Had been a passenger on her many times The boat that intrigued us a lot was the Gen oral Craghill a giant towboat that was helping in buildup Addison Dam which is today officially designated as Dame 45 or many years it has been a part of our life We have never forgotten the big towboat that helped build it We from that date wanted to ride a towboat After World Warn when annual vaca move in tank cars The cargo is worth near a half million and is inside a barge field that is nearly a third of a mile long The Allied Ashland was built in Chicago larger in august or we wruie a Chamberlain a letter asking it such a Since that time we have been in Mr hands That is why at 8:10 pm today we boarded the Allied Ashland at Newburgh As we stood at the locks with cur baggage we saw the first section of boat's tow move into them A figure climb ed from a barge and beaded our way We soon learned it was Walker Beemer He was a steering man on the Allied Ashland and our benefactor He led us aboard showed us our quarters and took us to meet the captain Lopez Lanius Thus began an association on the Allied Ashland that is proving to be most plea We left Cannelton about 5:30 aster talk ing to Lockmaster Scott at Newburgh He told us he would be able to provide a safe place for our auto so our vacation trip of 1968 was underway We hoped to make it both entertaining and education al Enroute to Ne wburgh we stopped at Top pers for dinner We had been reading about his special rib eye steaks in the adver tisem*nts he runs in The News They tasted every bit as good as he promised in those ads' We can recommend them We found two very personable people at Newburgh Locks number 47 They were Thorp Willson whose family originally News PuMishkug Company Tell City Indiana Ine Publisher ROBERT CUMMINGS Editor scale and people will ceneanng 5 about us down this way through the Schweizer est This is one of those things where boosts and everybody wins" We say again go to Tell City where I stand I see and record the sights that live long In the hearts of typical CannoHonians (ae told to reddie Katool) in the effort to reduce crime amnna lie nprfainlv there 1S ffiUCfa evervone of us can do The reduc sant ar af Awima wi rnmn in uiuuui" tion to the amount of effort we He is a veteran river man poised po make and the promptness with lite andfriendly glad to be aboard which we start at tne tasx LEONARD Weedman who recently pur chased the Schmuck Building on the corner Seventh and Washington streets is hav ing the interior of the building remodeled He plans to open a bait ana tacrue snap in the structure ATTORNEY Norman Hay of Cannelton a long time friend of Joe Uehleln former Cannettonian in his own right who now lives in Tennessee received a letter recently from his buddy He enclosed the following will of which Mr Hay has brought in for us to publish "A will filed for probate in Anderson County Texas 1 am writing of my will mineselluf that dam lawyer want he should have too much money he asked to many answers about A' family first thing i want 1 dont want my brother oscar have a dam ting what i got he done me out of forty dollars fourteen years since I want it that hilda my sister she gets the north sixtie akers of at where i am homing it now i bet she dont get that loafer husband of hers to broke twenty akers next plowing time she cant have it if she lets oscar live on it i want it i should have it back if she does Tell mamma that six hundred dollars she been looking for for twenty years is berried from the smokehouse behind about ten feet down she better let little rederick do the digging and count it when he comes up Pastor luckhitz can have three hundred dollars if he kiss the book he wont 7 preach no more dumhead poloticks he should have a rocs put on the meeting house with (it) and the elders should the bills look at Mamma the rest should get but 1 want ji that adolph should tell her what not she do so no more slick irishers sell her vakum cleaners dy noise like hell and a broom dont cost so much 1 want it that mine brother adolph should be my execter and I want it that the jedje make adolph plenty bond put up and watch him like' hell Adolph is a good business man but only a dumkoph would trust him with a busted pfennig i want dam sure that schlemic oscar dont nothing get teU adolph be can have a hundred dollars if he prove tor jedje oscar dont get nothing that dam sure fix oscar (Signed) Herman Ms vessel REV CHARLES King former minister in Evansville is now director of human re lations in Gary He was trying to quiet a young Negro who was firing a pistol dur Ing the rioting at that steel city The youngs 1 man suddenly turned toward the former "LX minister and snapped his pistol twice with the weapon pointed into Rev face The gun had been fired until all shells were used or Charles King would have been another victim of present day rioting in American cities Rev King is well known here in Can neiton Some years ago he came to Can selten to talk before the Kiwanis Club On that visit he impressed with his sincerity and be made friends with his discussions Those who met him then are happy he had fata on Ms side4 a ANOTHER group of visitors found Can old cotton mill building intrigying last' week William Wadsworth and Janet Hutchinson and her son who were visiting Mr and Mrs rank Hawhee stopped by for a look at the 'structure returned and took photos and then secured litera ture about it from the Cantitop News office The old picturesque stone building indeed builds interest in our community Lightmn'" Strikes 1 NATIONAt NBWSPAP AAlijmn weSiould be writing this week i from aboard the Aetna turns cut we are writ Ronnie Davis of near Ashland and a real nice young fellow that everyone courts the cook Ralph Brickey He was married A two weeks and has been on duty for 30 days He is looking forward to returning (Continued on Page 7) Here is a picture of one of Cannel most famous baseball teams Taken back when the game of baseball was a way of life in this community as well as all others it shows sone of the ath letes of another year that brought fame to the city of Cannelton Not all of the players are identified In all probability the photo was taken in Garden and the baseball park was nearby ront lest to red Irvin George Collins Ben rizzell the bat boy un identifled Walker Beemer is from Owensboro He is ready to talk does it easily and in a way that quickly makes friends of stran gers He is what you might call our aboard the Allied Ashland His room is next to ours and he has told us tn call him If wn need anythin? Let us describe our quarters They which would require about 10 trains to are plush Not only are they clean and comfortable they are roomy and equips ped with large clothes closets and our own bath room They are much better ism KiKUkina CKn tremendously superior io muse wax were sne is powenui inis cran is owneu by Ashland Oil and Refilling Company of then butter and jelly Jacs Ditty told us Ashland Ky we would have plenty to eat on the Allied Ashland We have found out he was cor Tuesday July 30 red WALKER BEEMER told us to sleep By leaving Owensboro aster daylight as long as we cared but we wanted to fit we have been in almost so we Jen a cau ail slay for 5:30 At 4:20 we were up and could Our feet carried us back up to the pilot see we were standing off Owensboro house just as soon as we could end break Locks and Dam If we had waited for fast Captain Lanius and Walker Beemer boarding at Owensboro we would have had were there Walker was steering an all night waft We went back to bed At breakfadt we bad made new friends and when the call came and we bounced They included Bill Heins of Marion Ky out to get ready to eat at six we coura see we were in the locks and about to move out of them We passed under the Owensboro bridge as we ate two eggs three pieces of bacon two pieces of toast which we enjoyed with gravy and fest pvsdiuiv be music and dancing rides i Schweizer est A at this 'land Hundred other things that program arranged for that go to make up well planned cele eent shows there will be plenty bration 'x to do by everyone All agescan At the time Tell City is present have a good time ns opportunities for fun to all it filled with visitors for its Canno as a good place to come mat rams Jubilee Many of tnem came from Tell City Now it is time to be a good neighbor and return thevisit No doubt many Canneltonians will make their ways to Tell City during this week That is as it should be The Tell City Historical Society for its Schweizer est You will be which arranges every Schweizer showing the traits of a good neigh est has gone all out in 1968 as in bor and you will be having your former years to present the very self a real ball of fun Indiana Has An Interest In Steel There is a rising tide of foreignfeel Imnnrts in this nation It is Ml mmw aMaa! 4a4 me or our coumry xnuuuui tnem van has a terrific production of steel It is generally agreed that each the' foreign threat is one that 'major industry in America is re strikes home to all Hoosiers Isted to another A shutdown or Of course the question arises as curtailment of steel production to what we can do In this here will reflect in similar slow many facets of industry there is downs in other fields There should that oT exports So if we are to bp some legislation to help our i export there must be a fair steel centers Senator Vance Hart amountlof trade with foreign na 1 ke of Indiana has introduced such That means there must be legislation It is supported by Sen some imports too ator Everett Dirksen of Illinois However we must also think of The bill number S2537 calls for the folks at home Declining sales a quota of production to be based and unemployment lie ahead un on the average amount of foreign less some solution is found to put steel imports in the three full etaai nn a fair vears nrecedme the legislation footing foreign imports Under the bill provisions foreign Uved in our county at Rome and loyd consumption to that city at the age of six travelingv ahnartl a narkat fn makn tha frin There Here is where private citizens was no problem about conversation with those two eentlemen Lt was like a home who work in the mills Everyone write to their congressmen and coming to be with them will feel the pinch if production is senators to support Senate Bill inally as they donned life jackets we limited or halted by the import of 2537 In that way they would also awakened to the fact our boat was coming fArmffn RtMli The Challenge Of Crime The challenge of crime to Amer icans offers one: of our greatest threats It is something that all citizens must help turn back It is something that should be studied and fought In that battle each person in our nation has a part Prosecutor Lloyd Whitmer re cently gave us a digest of an ar finl in and It was most revealing Here are fronting us in regards to crime 4 It A 1 aa aHImAR 4 A linln wnai call we uu as liulciw iv reduce the threat? The report makes some suggestions irst society must seek to pre vent crime before it happens by11 lMAmwnRs a efaVft tn tton became a part of our lives wein lif hv strenethening cluded two trips aboard the Delta Queen American me oy strengtnening law enforcement ana ny reaucing uruxmiax vvpvituiuuk i a ann nirnn bm mxrmuMii iw mi iimii training schools or placed on Second society atm oi reauc probation Another Commission ing crime would be better served imaginwi ourselves shat ohnti in nor if tho evcfum nf criminal justice moetween we imagineq ourseives nomg 'nt of male cimdren nowliv developed a far broader range of wbL Tho bts con wore ing' ini the United States will be techniques which to deal with' 1 during their lives An independent survey of 1700 persons found that 91 percent of the sample admitted they had committed acts for which they might have received jail or prison sentences Americans also think of crime as a very narrow range of It is not An enormous variety of acts make up the Crime is not just a tough teenager snatching a purse It is a professional thief stealing cars It is a well heeled loan shark taking Ainnn! IsniHmsta hiici ness' for organized crime It is a criminal administration by those being aboard one of them in 1968 grew 9 ia ii 1 a ALa laMMi Tn Aiumict fir R7WA WTfiA AifiX polite young man wno suuuemy and inexpUcably murders his fam ily It is a corporation executive conspiring with competitors to keep prices high No single for mula no single theory no single generalization can explain the vast range of behavior called crime Americans think con trolling crime is solely the task towDoaxa lor you ana Mrs uummings ne thun surasted 1 keen in touch with the rtrfruniTatinna rt Marine Deoartment and told than the rooms the Delta Queen aiiU i a niu i IramAivIreielv aiinarlfil ifi fhfifiA UPPP on the lake steamer We areliving strict ly Not only are our own quar ters lavish right across from us is a lounge that has a television set bopks about the river a radio a kitchen chairs and setees And it is just about our own for all uractical intents We rested a few moments then went into routine up to the pilot house to watch the river talk to Captain Lanius and to think about our good fortune to be a guest aboard the motor vessel as guests of Ashland Oil Company The big power plant just upriver from Newburgh looked like a giant ship as we neared it passed if and moved on up river Captain Lanius was a bit unhappy about the low stage of the river He said we are most of the time We watched the radar work and picked Standing left to unidentified Joe Wittwer Arthur Cummings BillVanWhy George Zimmerman George Hassler Bonus Laine Speedy Whelan Note the uniforms included jackets better than teams are equipped around here today Billy VanWhy would have been right up to date today with his turtle neck sweater We have a hunch the young fellows who wear them today think they have something new not a fact however as this old photo proves 1 wu IkUiyWJIWI MW resolution emphasized the importance of out vessels that passed us along the river gpecisj effort by Legion Departments and As the new moon settled down behind Post8 support of the Com 4 the hills along the river we decided it Eee local committees and such pro was time for bed But before retiring grams as may be conducted throughout completely let us tell you about the Al ar lied Ashland The boat is pushing eight aAirftM juMittaml barges carrying 148000 barrels of oil hasis on the importance of American Legion participation in National Employ the Handicapped Week which this year will be October 6 12 All posts are urged to help implement the presentation of American tation Awards for National Employ the Handicapped Week" anji iwlstffrifv ifth there must be much more 1967 trip to Pittsburgh on the Delta Queen operational and basic research as we saw the big towboats moving upand into the problems of Crime and town river as we travelled thoughts of i 4 it ama 41mm In i OAR m0W both within and without tne sys 4am ft? fiYiminal Sixth the police courts and cor trip would be possible aboard an Ashland rectional agencies must be given boat On September 7 we got a most 4 Ji 1 iJ llUfA hail substantially greater amounts oi wu a money if they are to improve their be happy to arrange a trip on one of our a haluafa trtr mt and Mrs riimmintm Ha anility to control crune Seventh individual citizens Civ li Pious institutions and all levels US to contact Jack Ditty in Ashland V4fa 4 4 a SLA 1' laAtalAAM Im If of the pblice the courts ana cor of government must taxe respuu rection agencies In fact as the sibility for planning and imple report makes clear menting the changes that must be crime cannot be controlled with made in the criminal justice sys ouf the interest and participation tern if crime is to be reduced of schools businesses social agen Going into a discussion of crime cies private groups and individual in one editorial or article is difn citizens cult because there is so much to existence of crime the talk say and such small space to say about crime the reports of crime it in However we have attempted and the fear of crime have eroded to present enough here to encour the basic quality of life of many age thinking about the problem Americans A Commission study and a challenge for us all to Join conducted in high crime areas oi two large cities found that: 43 percent of the respon dents say they stay off the streets at nigW because of their fear of crime iw 35 percent say they do some quotes from that report: Americans take comfort in the view that crime is the vice of a handful of people This view is inaccurate In the United States today one boyrift six is referred to the juvenile court ACommis sion survey shows that in 1965 more than two million Americans were received in prisons or juve nile training scnoois or piacea study suggests that about 40 per if the system of criminal justice Mnt nf All mala nhilnrAn niW IV i mg ine uniieu oiaies wui vc itxiuuuuv Tt ir hnw Mnmst has arrested for a ncmtrafkic offense individual offenders inira me system xruuium justice must eliminate existing in In 1962 we went to justices if it is to achieve its ideals and win the respect and coopera Alex Chnberlain wbohad attended the tion of all citizens groundbreaking of Cannelton LockZ and ourth the system of criminal trfo we trap Ashla justice must attract more people Jbe boats owned byAsWand Lid better people police prose and corporation Abod fort cutors judges defense attorneys rast we met Paul Blazerj presideand probation and parole officers and Wer chairman of the board of the Ash corrections officials with more Und compmv He tod warted knowledge expertise initiative rids one of htoboata toletbim kiw infPPritv Mr Blazer passed on before we took our footing with foreign imports unueijurc uu piuvioiuua Peonle outside the steel industry steels imports would grow as Hartwick whose mother went i ft aIaaI MAM timnltAn 4LI thr b4 4k tieta nf fwsi ftllnT ihA fihft Antfft ctadi Ainer ca sicci i am nf ihn loffftfit tndiiflfriM' in thp IT10V6S UDWdfd tau if hAnnfitft a rar raarnina to ail Hoosiers not alone those in Indiana can help They can will feel the pinch if production is senators to support Senate Bill be helping themselves sm 1 set Perry county SiSecondmig celc hrafion of 1963 Is here Tell Citv is presenting its iwn annuals stage shows sexmetts ana visits land arts bound for Ash Schweizer est A at this land a hundred other things that A GWMid Ky and return program arranged for that go to make up well planned cole ESk The came when eent snows tnere win oe plenty oration tiie Aetna Louisville' schedule wai roovfd to do by everyone All agescan At the time Tell City is present wtoa day earltorthanexceetocLWe were' have a good time ing opportunities for fun to all it ws that day Back in June Cannelton was will be publicizing this entire area Thanks to the 'fins cooperation of Jack ntM all publlcity will go out' on a wide an Ashland Oil Company boat we were able to catch the Allied Ashland at New burgh Monday July 29 THE HAS been a day of waiting An early morning call from Mr Ditty sug gested that we change our plans of cat ching the boat at the Owensboro Locks and Dam to boarding her at Newburgh He said the craft had been slowed so much at locks that it would be midnight when we could get aboard the Kentucky city He thought we could join the boat oreign competitors enjoy a big at Newburgh about 6:00 pm A later call ndvantaffP in lower labor costs aid we could get with the Allied Ash threatening the economic well be No foreseen technological develop land at Newburgh about 8:00 This is what tnrt nf Mir nmintrv Cinno Indiana ment can offset that did hao a of steel strikes home to all Hoosiers Jt c6Tu Ain ii in 9 JEm M'i fa JA 5' Sr I Y'" Tsnnra "M' Ml blwH HUmUi flul 11 ilm ElW.

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Author: Virgilio Hermann JD

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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

Birthday: 1997-12-21

Address: 6946 Schoen Cove, Sipesshire, MO 55944

Phone: +3763365785260

Job: Accounting Engineer

Hobby: Web surfing, Rafting, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Ghost hunting, Swimming, Amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Virgilio Hermann JD, I am a fine, gifted, beautiful, encouraging, kind, talented, zealous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.