Colors (Dragon Knights #2) (2024)


8 reviews

October 27, 2021

Not likeable

I get so frustrated reading books that are filled with ridiculous drama. I had a really hard time getting through the first book of this series, but was hoping the second would be better. It's not. The characters are so immature and unnecessarily angsty.

Lisa Daniels

80 reviews11 followers

March 21, 2016

Colors by Gabbie S. Duran was heartbreaking, yet heartwarming in more ways than one. It was passionate, artistic, creative, and imaginative. It was emotional and I loved every single word of it. This book is one that will stay with you for a very long time.

Alyssa White ran away from her past and is basically living on the streets, waiting tables and selling her art for mere dollars to survive. Not always having a roof over her head, she sometimes stays at the shelter that helped save her life and depends on her friend Megan to feed her when she cannot always do so herself. Life is pretty tough for Alyssa but it is nothing compared to what she ran away from. And she will try her hardest to keep that life a secret from anyone who tries to get too close enough to find out.

Chris Richardson, also hiding from a dark past, uses sex to replace the urges of his old ways. And the women aren't hard to come by, considering who he is. He and his cousins make up the notorious band 'The Dragon Knights' and are known all over the world. This bassist is so well-known that even a little accident in a restaurant and him losing his temper results in getting a girl fired on the spot. But after the situation really sinks in, Chris cannot help but to feel bad for that girl and can't seem to get her out of his head.

Alyssa is infuriated after being fired for her clumsiness and for getting ripped off at an art gallery she was really depending on. Desperately trying to find a way to pay her overdue rent and buy her next meal, she is forced to paint caricatures by the beach. She finally earns enough money to do both when her most prized possession and the object that holds her money and all her belongings, her backpack, is stolen from her. She runs to catch the thief but something goes wrong. It is the accident that leads her to Chris.

What has he done this time? Chris suddenly has the strongest urge to protect the waitress he got fired and decides he will stop at nothing to keep her safe from here on out. This includes paying for medical bills and giving her a place to stay. The hard part will be convincing Alyssa that she needs to trust him enough to live in his house... to once again, live under the same roof as a man.

Will Chris gain Alyssa's trust and get her to confess the past she fears catching up to her? Or will she run back to the streets to fend for herself? Will Chris be the one running if he learns who Alyssa really is and what she has done? Or will they chase away each other's darkness and let the 'Colors' take hold?

Colors was an incredible and unforgettable read for me. It spoke to me in so many ways and I'll always hold it dear to my heart. I'm so glad that I picked up this book!! After letting go of my artistic ways a few years ago, it inspired me to rekindle my old passions and to try again. Thank you, Gabbie S. Duran, for writing such a beautiful and unique story that touched me in ways I can't explain. This story really hit close to home and I highly recommend it.

Reviewed on behalf of 'Your Next Hot Read' by LisaRae

Books Laid Bare

2,275 reviews37 followers

March 21, 2016

4.5 Stars
The second book in the series, I was delighted when I got my hands on this one, I’ve been looking forward seeing where the author was taking not just this story but the series as a whole.
But I will say right here and now, this an emotional book, there were aspects of Alyssa’s life that I really found distressing, she had been through so much that I just wanted to reach into the kindle and give her a hug.
Alyssa lives hand to mouth, but her crappy little apartment might not be much but it is a million times better than the time she spent on the street.
Doing everything she can to keep her merge roof over her head she is one disaster away from losing everything, little did she know that her disaster was just around the corner and it was called Chris Richardson.
Chris is the bass player for the Dragon Knights but when he is accidentally doused in coffee at Alyssa’s place of work, he is none too forgiving and the resulting furore leads to just one outcome…Alyssa gets fired.
Could life kick her anymore? She really is barely scraping by as it is but when she is mugged and her backpack stolen, it is the final straw, she has nothing left to lose and makes a decision that will leave it mark forever.
I wasn’t over armoured with Chris initially and even when he showed some semblance of remorse for the fact that she had lost her job, I still was struggling to actually get a feel for the real Chris, but when fate stirred things up a bit and brought the two of them together again, it was his chance to put his best foot forward and there was no chance that he could deny that there was something pulling him towards her. Letting her disappear from his life is not an option.
Alyssa has secrets that she is desperate to keep to herself but we have all read enough books to know that, that is just never going to happen but what the heck will be Chris’s reaction when he eventually gets the whole truth?
Well he did me proud, he stepped up to the plate and proved that hell would freeze over before he ever and I do mean ever let her go, from a confirmed bachelor to the perfect partner…a step too far, well no not for the right woman and Alyssa was his woman!
A cleverly written book, one that pitched a home run with Alyssa, she had everything going on and I from the get-go I had my fingers crossed that she was going to get her happy ever after, because if there was ever a woman that I wanted all that hearts and flowers s**t for it was her.
While I didn’t know if Chris was the man for the job, I have to say that …the man did good!!!

Jamie Zishka

803 reviews12 followers

March 21, 2016

Colors is the second book in the Dragon Knights Series. Although it is the second book it could be read as a standalone, but I would highly recommend reading Wishful Thinking the first story Lexie and Kaleb's story because you will see more of them in this book. Gabbie's imagination is beyond any author I have read she just knows how to capture your attention from the very first page till the final word. I would give this story a 5 stars and highly recommend to others. This story will capture the lives of Alyssa and Chris, and boy what a whirlwind romance this was.

Alyssa has been through hell and back in the short life that she has lead so far but she has done everything she can to banish her past from the future she is trying to create. She has bad luck in life as it is and when she gets fired from the only job that is keeping her head above water because she had a run in with a broody stranger she finds herself doubting life once again... she continues to pick up the pieces and hopes for something bright to come her way but what she finds is herself in another situation with the same broody stranger that will forever change her

Chris has his life mapped out for him but has demons of his own and vows to never fall in love. He keeps busy with his band and his music its the only thing that keeps his life afloat. When he has a run in with a girl that causes her to loose her job he instantly feels guilt and doesn't know how to make things right... when he finds himself in an even worse situation with the same girl he will make a choice that will forever change his life as well.

Throughout the journey that Chris and Alyssa will endure they find themselves getting lost in each other, but when secrets and demons creep up will they be able to push through them to see the colors and light at the end of the rainbow?

I love this series so hard! I would highly recommend this book and any book really by Gabbie S. Duran because not once has she disappointed me with her creative mind. Get to one clickin this book you will not be at all unsatisfied. Thanks again for another great ride and I look forward to more in this series and to more in general from this author!

Kimberly Anne

3,167 reviews183 followers

March 18, 2016

Warning: this book is going to pull at your heartstrings.

Alyssa thought she had escaped Hell when she left home but living on the streets is a new kind of Hell. Broke and desperate, she lives in a run down apartment and does whatever she can to make money: sell the art she makes and waiting tables.

When she loses her job at the restaurant because of a jerk she accidentally spilt coffee on she doesn’t know what to do. She is behind in rent and barely eats as it is. She makes some money doing caricatures by the beach.

When a thief steals her backpack containing her only money, she chases him down. Unfortunately this decision will change her life forever.

Chris Richardson is the bass guitarist for the famous Dragon Knights. He has woman dropping at his feet. When a waitress bumps into him in a restaurant, he loses his cool on her. He feels bad later when he realizes she lost her job because of him.

He can’t get this girl out of his mind. He doesn’t understand the connection that he feels to her.

When a horrible accident happens, fate throws these two together again. This time Chris is not going to just let her go.

Alyssa is scared that everyone is going to find out the truth of her dark and ugly past. She feels something for Chris but she can’t take the chance of getting hurt again.

Chris is shocked that he is willing to give up his bachelor ways for this beautiful girl. He has never wanted just one woman before. He is absolutely devastated when he finds out the truth about her but he is going to stop at nothing to love and protect her.

I absolutely loved this story. It was heartbreaking learning about Alyssa’s story but also endearing how her and Chris fell in love. Alyssa deserved to get her happily ever after more than anyone. I liked Chris as well. He was a bit of a work in progress but he finally got there.

I absolutely love this series. I would definitely recommend these books to read. I can’t wait to read more books from this talented author!

Theresa Alberts

838 reviews6 followers

April 4, 2016

Colors by Gabbie S. Duran is the second book in The Dragon Knights Series. The story of Chris and Alyssa enraptured me from the very first page and had me greedily turning each subsequent one with a need to find out what happens with them. This book was a 4.5 star read for me and I highly recommend this series to others.

Alyssa has been running from the horrible past she escaped from one rainy night and hasn't stopped since. Even though it's been two years she continues to look over her shoulder wondering if they will come looking for her after all the time.

A chance meeting with Chris Richardson leads Alyssa to lose her job and maybe more if she can't make enough money to pay the rent. With art as her only outlet from the darkness, she draws characatures on the streets of LA for tourists. But when her precious back pack is stolen, with all of her money inside she chases the thief and once again runs into the famous bass player of the Dragon Knights.

With Alyssa in the hospital recovering and Chris feeling a pill and guilt over being the cause, he does the unthinkable and invites her to stay in his home while she gets back on her feet. What Chris doesn't anticipate is the feelings that he begins to have for Alyssa, ones that he hasn't felt for any woman before and makes him want things he forever swore he never would.

The path that these characters take in overcoming their past and moving toward a future where they trust others to help and care for them is heartbreaking at times and makes you smile during others.

I loved that Lexie and Kaleb were a huge part of their story as the reader was able to see where their relationship was after finishing Wishful Thinking.

You MUST one click this amazing series! I cannot wait for the next book!

Sassy Southern Book Blog

4,690 reviews260 followers

March 23, 2016

Alyssa White seeks colors to escape the darkness that is all around her. She is physically abused by her mother and sexually abused by her step-father until she finally manages to escape one night. Yet she barely manages to make ends meet and two years later she is still worried about being found.

Chris Richardson is the bass player in the band The Dragon Knights yet is still not happy where is life is. When he "runs" into Alyssa he realizes he wants her to be okay and genuinely takes an interest in her. With two totally different lives and pasts will the two find a common ground or will both their tumultuous pasts be too much for them both to handle?

This story is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful in redemption. The past of Alyssa is so horrifying that all of her guards are so understandable. As she slowly lets them down it doesn't take much for them to go back up and that trust is not easily attained again. I think for me what I found the saddest was how cut off from the world that she really was with growing up in the condition that she did and from what happened when she left. She is so innocent yet hardened at the same time.

Chris is typical of what we think a rockstar would be - tons of sex with women whenever he wants and not letting them get close to him. Yet he begins to scale back his antics when he realizes that it affects Alyssa. His heart is huge when he wants it to be.

I loved all the other charcters in the book like Maggie and Lexie who truly embraced Alyssa and showed her true friendship and a sense of belonging.

I definitely look forward to more books from this author!

Helen Ward

38 reviews

March 23, 2016

I hadn't read the first in this series but didn't need to to enjoy this book. Alyssa has a very dark past full of horrific abuse and neglect. She has spent years hiding from the authorities trying to scrape a living from selling her artwork on the street. Chris is troubled bass player in a well known rock band. After fighting an addiction to drugs, he then uses sex as his high. Using as many girls as he can along the way. After 2 disastrous meetings,Chris feels obligated to help Alyssa after she is injured in an accident. Both become increasingly attracted to each other but past experiences prove very difficult to overcome for both of them. Past reactions and choices emerge to bite both of them in the backside. Can they find a way to forge a brighter future together or will the past force them apart.
This book covers some very difficult subjects which could trigger strong reactions in the reader. Has mature content which is upsetting, though does explain why the characters act and react the way they do to each other. I wanted to bang Chris and Alyssa's heads together on occasion but I did enjoy the strength the main characters had to find deep inside themselves. The story itself is fast paced and held my interest well. I would recommend this author and look forward to the rest of the series.


373 reviews11 followers

March 21, 2016

Fate has a way of really crashing into Alyssa and Chris.

Scared. Shattered. Rebuilt.

Alyssa escapes her childhood by the skin of her teeth. Shes been hiding in plain sight for over 2 years between loving in a seedy apartment and a shelter for battered women. Everyone thinks that a bad relationship is what has her so leery. If they only knew. The only thing that keeps her going is her art.

Jaded. Addict. Rockstar.

Chris is all that and more. Hes the bassist for the Dragon Knights and practically lives on sex. Its his addiction to curb his past addictions.

Then fate steps in and turns both of their lives upside down. To say that the road to a relationship is rugged would be a pretty big understatement. This book is full of angst, heartbreak, betrayal, love and redemption. Both will have to work for it though.

Its hard to write a review for books such as this because just about everything that can be said is a spoiler. Just know that it really is worth a read and it will keep its hooks in you page after page.

This is my confession: Don't give up on Chris, he does have a lot of redeeming qualities.

Amazeballs Book Addicts

2,812 reviews242 followers

March 20, 2016

Colors is book two in The Dragon Knights series. It can be read as a standalone. If you read the first one Wishful Thinking you'll be happy to see those characters in this one. If you haven't read Wishful thinking don't worry won't be lost, Gabbie does a great job letting us know who everyone is.

Alyssa has had a rough unthinkable childhood. She has escaped to the streets. Things aren't easy for her. She has her art to help her. Chris Richardson is the bassist for the rock band Dragon Knights. He's a player. He's lonely and fills his time with music and women. Alyssa literally runs into to him more than once. The second time she runs into him it a little crazy. When she runs into him the second time, he doesn't want to let her go. They both have things in their pasts that they would rather not share. Chris a great character, he sometimes doesn't do what you would expect him to do but that's what makes him a great character. Alyssa has some surprising secrets. They have a lot of ups and downs and things that made me going omg. I was hooked on their story.

Colors is definitely one you should check out.

A copy was received for a review.


922 reviews7 followers

March 23, 2016

There isn’t a day that Alyssa isn’t constantly being cautious about her surroundings. Never failing to watch her back around every corner, hoping that her past doesn’t come back to haunt her.

Chris’ life couldn’t be more perfect. With his music and plenty of women throwing themselves at him, he’s living the life. At least that’s how it appears on the outside. Inside he’s fighting demons, trying not to give into the darkness that is constantly surrounding him.

Colors is a heart-rending yet beautiful story about overcoming hardships and fighting for the happiness you deserve no matter what may stand in your way. It’s a story about not letting the pain from your past keep you from the possibilities the future may hold. Colors is fast paced and flows well from start to finish. The pain that Alyssa endured broke my heart but her strength and independence even in her most vulnerable moments was commendable. Chris ended up surprising me. Even with his tendencies to be a jerk, he did whatever was in his power to right his wrongs when he could have easily looked the other way. Gabbie really knows how to draw you in with her writing and I can’t wait to see what she comes out with next.

Carmen Baldwin

298 reviews33 followers

March 23, 2016

I loved this book, was waiting for this book,have never read any books from this author but read about this book from goodreads. So put on wish list in Amazon for my kindle. This about two people who have very bad pasts, with Alyssa I cried for her so painful was her past. Chris past was painful but he was strong and when he meets Alyssa was not good and the second time was even worse, but he was so good to her after that, when she was hurt by his car, he took her home with him, she did not know he was a rock star. It was slow but they started falling for each other and Chris started finding about her past and finding out she is a artist, she hates the color black and loves colors for love and happiness with that he calls her colors. Chris has two moments that are not good for Colors but he makes up for it. I just loved this book, there is true love but not instant, he had weakness but boy did he love her and her him. Great characters around them. Loved the ending will be reading the first book by this author.

Rebecca Austin

3,117 reviews3 followers

February 3, 2022

This story is so heartbreaking yet so beautiful in redemption. The past of Alyssa is so horrifying that all of her guards are so understandable. As she slowly lets them down it doesn't take much for them to go back up and that trust is not easily attained again. I think for me what I found the saddest was how cut off from the world that she really was with growing up in the condition that she did and from what happened when she left. She is so innocent yet hardened at the same time.

Chris is typical of what we think a rockstar would be - tons of sex with women whenever he wants and not letting them get close to him. Yet he begins to scale back his antics when he realizes that it affects Alyssa. His heart is huge when he wants it to be.

I loved all the other characters in the book like Maggie and Lexie who truly embraced Alyssa and showed her true friendship and a sense of belonging.

I definitely look forward to more books from this author!


Book Review Virginia Lee

95 reviews28 followers

March 23, 2016

Virginia Review
This is book two in the Dragon Knights Series. The story will draw you in and keep you hook from first page to the end. You will be feeling a roller coast of feeling in this story. What do you do when every day you cannot live a normal life, for all the tragedy that has happen in your past. Alyssa is consisting hiding from the ones that are searching for her. Chris is doing the same hiding from past trauma and use any escape that he can find, that can soon burn him out. When these two damaged souls meet, you can see the sparks flying and maybe things can make a huge change for them. Highly Recommend this story you will fall in love with the characters.

How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist
Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful
How would you describe the pace? steady
How would you describe the characters? developed
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *

Virginia Lee

1,882 reviews33 followers

March 23, 2016

This is book two in the Dragon Knights Series. The story will draw you in and keep you hook from first page to the end. You will be feeling a roller coast of feeling in this story. What do you do when every day you cannot live a normal life, for all the tragedy that has happen in your past. Alyssa is consisting hiding from the ones that are searching for her. Chris is doing the same hiding from past trauma and use any escape that he can find, that can soon burn him out. When these two damaged souls meet, you can see the sparks flying and maybe things can make a huge change for them. Highly Recommend this story you will fall in love with the characters.

How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist
Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful
How would you describe the pace? steady
How would you describe the characters? developed
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *

Laura Smith

600 reviews20 followers

March 21, 2016

ARC given by the author for an honest review.

This is book #2 in The Dragon Knight Trilogy but can be read as a

WOW! What can I say? Colors is one book that will pull at every
heartstring you own. I was hooked from the first page and was pulled
into the harrowing story of Alyssa and Chris. Two people with horrible
pasts and secrets they want to keep hidden. When fate brings them
together, each of them slowly begin to let their guards down and begin to
open up to each other about their pasts. Can Alyssa and Chris fight the demons of their pasts together or are their souls just too dark to be able to make things work?

Colors will take you on one emotion roller-coaster so make sure you have some tissues ready because you will need them.


76 reviews1 follower

June 1, 2016

Colors gripped my emotions from the very start and never let them go. It had me on an emotional roller coaster of lows and highs that I did not want to get off of.
Chris and Alyssa's story is far from the typical " girl meets boy" scenario.It was an unconventional meeting that brought their paths together. The path was less than smooth and neither one had the will within themselves to let go of their demons of their pasts to see what may become. Or did they?
This story is well worth the read and highly recommended to those that enjoy the unknown at every turn!


562 reviews17 followers

March 15, 2016

I absolutely loved this book. I was sucked in the second I started reading. The characters were very emotional in different ways. They both had pasts that drove them to be the people they were when they crossed paths. Put them together and they slowly chipped away each other's pasts to become the people they deserved to be, happy and loved. This has to be my favorite Gabbie book to date. I adore Chris and Alyssa.

United Indie Book Blog

4,472 reviews83 followers

March 23, 2016

Wow! Right from the start my heart was pounding and my emotions were everywhere! I wasn't really sure what to expect when I started reading Colors but I'm not disappointed at all. The writing is smooth and flows great together with the POVs. The characters are powerful and really shows what family and friends will do to help and support each other. I really enjoyed Wishful Thinking but I was blown away by Colors!

review by raychel

Monica Cervantes

18 reviews

December 13, 2016

While this is Book 2 in the series, it can be read as a standalone... I did appreciate reading book one first, as the characters have some crossover. Some of the material may be difficult for someone with a traumatic childhood, but it was done tastefully. I appreciated the story.


Sheila Brannan lake

138 reviews6 followers

March 30, 2016

Real life struggles

I am loving this series. Gabbie has been able to capture my attention with the real life drama that occurs on a daily basis.

Tanya Vought

Author3 books91 followers

March 20, 2016

Review to come soon!

Colors (Dragon Knights #2) (2024)


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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Rating: 5 / 5 (80 voted)

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.