Dark Flight (The Shadow Slayers, #3) (2024)

Sandy S

7,178 reviews189 followers

May 16, 2013

DARK FLIGHT is the third full length storyline in Cassi Carver’s SHADOW SLAYERS series. The series follows Kara Reed (the daughter of the late Fallen Demiare king) and the two Fallen Demiare Angels in her life who would do anything to protect the woman that they love. If you haven’t read the series or haven’t yet read book #2- Shadow Rising, this review may be a bit spoilerish although the book blurb does let the reader know.

Some background: Kara is a young woman who once believed she and her BFF Abbey were witches until the day she met Julian and Gavin-two of the most beautiful and fascinating Demiare Fallen Angels- also known as the Silver Wings- reveal to Kara that she is descended from Fallen royalty. What ensues in the first couple of storylines is the relationship between the trio as they endeavor to protect, release from bondage and, circumvent the evil that is trying to prevent Kara from coming into her powers as the rightful queen/princess of the Fallen. But when Kara’s bond mate Julian is killed trying to protect the woman he loves, everything changes. Julian returns as a shadow of his former self and a Dark Wing-a fallen angel who lives in the Shadowland-somewhere between earth and hell; but the man Kara once loved is not the man who had risen from the dead.

DARK FLIGHT continues the storyline as Kara is sent on a journey-a journey that will reveal much more about Kara’s family heritage than anyone had ever known. Julian will discover that more than one evil is hot on the trail of the woman he once loved and unleashes a plan to protect Kara that will break her heart and send her into the arms of the only man Julian calls brother and friend. As Gavin and Kara set out against a common enemy, Gavin will come face to face with his past when the Demiare are thrown into a war against the man Gavin once called father.

The journey is difficult for Kara as she must traverse a different path. When the time comes to go it alone, Kara will meet a power so strong and yet beautiful, it will forever change her life –physically, emotionally and philosophically- and the new Kara will be something the Demiare never knew could exist.

Most of the previous storyline characters play an integral part in Dark Flight and many, it will be discovered, are much more than friends. Jaxon will reunite with the mother he hasn’t seen for over one hundred years; Gavin will discover there are more members to his family tree; a new life will be brought into the world; and Kara will be surprised to discover that perhaps the truth about her Demiare heritage is a lot more complicated and familiar than anyone had known.

DARK FLIGHT is a fascinating and amazingly detailed urban fantasy storyline that furthers the history and background of the Demaire Fallen Angels and their lives. Kara is a heroine who loves with her heart and her soul; fights for what she believes; and is willing to push the limits of her emotions and power to save the people (and Fallen Angels) that she loves. Cassi has woven a story of love and loss; pain and sorrow; revenge and triumph. I have enjoyed the Shadow Slayers series from book one and I am in total agreement with Cassi’s decision about with whom Kara will share her life and her love.

see all of my reviews at : thereadingcafe.com

Mistress of the Dark Path

139 reviews6 followers

June 17, 2013

Dark Flight is the third book in the Shadow Slayers series. I admit I haven’t read the previous two books so I was literally jumping in the middle by starting with this one. It took until about a quarter into the novel before I could really get into it, but once I got my bearings it got pretty intense. Based on the bits of back story provided here and there, a lot has happened leading up to this one. The author did a great job of sprinkling the details so those who have followed along the whole time wouldn’t be annoyed, but people like me could still figure out what was going on.

Kara, the main character, is really relatable. Based on what I could figure out, she didn’t know she was anything but human until about eight months before. Since then she’s been trying to find her way after discovering she is immortal and part of a kind of fallen angelic race (for a lack of a better way of putting it). She’s smart, resourceful, and not one to let all the powerful men around her do all the work. I really grew to like her.

Then there are the male characters. Since this story is told in third person you do get to be in their heads sometimes as well. Gavin is the main one for this one. He’s strong, but honorable and sweet. At first I was worried he’d be a pushover, but he didn’t always let Kara have her way. Julian is/was his best friend, depending on how you look at it due to some circ*mstances that must have happened in the last novel. They are at odds with each other because both love Kara, but they know they have to work together to overcome a greater evil. Admittedly, this does make for a love triangle. The difference is there is hope Kara just might be able to get both guys in the end. I’ll leave off on saying more on that, other than the author does a good job of making it all palatable and believable.

Other than the very beginning, the pacing was a bit slow at first but it picked up as I got farther into the story. I was kind of glad it didn’t get too crazy for a while since I was trying to get things figured out. I’ll definitely have to go back and read the first two books as this one showed me this is a series worth following. There are plenty of other characters who were likeable and some bad guys who were definitely evil. Lots of twists and turns as well, especially for Kara who experiences a major physical change I won’t spoil, but thought was awesome. Oh, and I really wish I had my own animated pillow. You’ll have to read the book to find out about Stripey, but let’s just say he’s awesome and something you’d want to have around.

This is a good series and one I would recommend to urban fantasy fans. With most of the main characters being of the winged variety it’s not typical and a good change of pace (though not quite as dark as Nalini Singh’s Guild Hunter series). If you’re looking for something fun and different, pick up Dark Flight and its predecessors, you won’t be sorry. I give it four whips!

Note- I was provided a free copy of this novel in exchange for an honest review.

    angels blog-tour for-review


255 reviews28 followers

July 17, 2013

Every time I finish reading a book from this series, I’m left wanting more. Cassi Carver knows how to keep you hooked throughout her books and from book to book. Even though DARK FLIGHT might be the last book of the series (although I really hope it isn’t), it leaves us with a satisfying ending. So either way, readers will be pleased with this ending.

But I’m getting ahead of myself. Like any good series, The Shadow Slayer series should be read in order since it follows the same characters from book to book. We first meet the main character Kara, when she thought she was just an awful witch (awful, as in not able to control her powers), in book one. However, when she learns she’s a coveted female from a race of fallen angels, her life turns upside down. Ever since meeting Julian and Gavin, her fallen angel protectors, her life has never been the same.

While I enjoyed reading about Kara in the other books, her character in DARK FLIGHT didn’t seem to have the same ferociousness as in the other books. With her added strength and by training intensely over the last few months, she has gained new kickass abilities, but for some reason, it just feels as if she simply going through the motions in this book. It probably has to do with the fact that she would do just about anything to defeat Brakken, so whenever she learns that she needs to do a certain thing or travel to a certain place, she more or less does it without analyzing it. As if she doesn’t have any other choice. However, she’s still the same lovable Kara who’s full of spirit and energy. The awkward positions she puts herself in are hilarious and entertaining, and her commitment to her friends and fellow clan members is a quality that definitively makes you want to be her best friend.

Of course, this book wouldn’t be complete without Julian and Gavin. Personally, I’ve never been fond of love triangle, but this one is quite something. Kara has been in love with Julian for some time now, and they already know that they’re bond mates. However, ever since Julian reincarnated (or regenerated as they say in the book) he can’t recall what happened before his death. Since it’s hard to have a relationship with someone that can’t remember you, Kara finds herself falling for Gavin, who’s always had feelings for her. I’m not going to reveal who she ends up with, because that would be a major spoiler, but I’m pretty sure Cassi Carver always intended to finish it this way.

Overall, the mythology of the series is quite interesting. In the first book, I had a hard time grasping everything, probably because we learn everything through Kara who learns only little bits and pieces at a time. However, I like the fact that in this book, even though we now know a lot about this world now, Cassi Carver still threw us a few curveballs. One thing that has always bothered me with the mythology is that, as a race of fallen angels, only the men have wings. This means only the men have supernatural abilities like flying and teleporting from location to location. Since Kara is obviously wingless, she has to depend a lot on the men, which doesn’t say much for women independence. However, I’ve learnt to ignore this little fact since Kara seems to have pretty much all the men wrapped around her little finger. In reality, she’s quite independent even though it appears as if she needs to have a man close to allow her to travel between her human life and her clan life.

To say that Kara’s transformation in book three is a surprise, is quite an understatement. Of course, she plays a major role when it comes to fighting Brakken, even thought Julian wishes she wouldn’t be. As a heroine, Kara is definitely kickass, smartass, and funny. It’s no wonder that she has every angel falling for her, whether male of female. She has this intrinsic ability to pull people towards her, which makes her a perfect leader and the perfect main character. If you haven’t read this series yet, you might want to look into it if you’re looking for a fun and easy read, that includes sexy scene and steamy shirtless angels. For once, book three leaves us with a satisfying ending, however Cassi Carver left us with a new side story which might lead us towards another book. I can only hope to see more of Kara and her fallen-angels in the future.

Find this and other reviews on Tynga's Reviews
An electronic advance reader's copy was provided by the author for an honest review

    2013 kindle own


693 reviews83 followers

December 20, 2014

This is the third book in the Shadow Slayers series by Cassi Carver. I just can't get over how great this world and the characters are. Just about the time I think I have a handle on how things are going to go, the author flips or twists things around. It certainly is keeping me on my toes and very interested.

This story opens a few months after the close of book 2, Shadow Rising. Kara is training hard with Gavin, although with a score of only 17 to Gavin's 316 it feels like she is never going to get the hang of things. Kara has finally accepted that she is a part of Mercury Clan, but she continues to live in and work in San Diego. Much to Gavin's chagrin.

Gavin is working to get Julian's assistance in helping to take out his father, Brakken. Gavin truly believes that Kara won't be safe until Brakken has been sent to the Abyss. But Julian is still having trouble using his powers. So Gavin is trying to get another black wing, Mazeki, to help Julian, but he also must convince Julian to allow the training. Mazeki was the blackwing that assisted Kara's father before she was even born and they hope will come to her aid once again.

Unbeknownst to Gavin and Julian, who are busy plotting to keep Kara safe and out of the Shadowlands, Aiden visits Kara with an invitation from Mazeki. Aiden tells Kara that Mazeki has promised to help train Julian, but only if he can have a meeting with Kara. Gavin refused and never told Kara. So of course, Kara has Aiden take her to meet with Mazeki. And meet with him she does. Alone. No Adian, no Gavin and no Julian. Not surprising Kara finds out some disturbing news and is given a task to complete in order to aid Julian.

Boy oh boy, the twisty and turny mind of Ms. Carver is amazing. Just when I thought I knew where we were headed, the unexpected would surprise me. I don't think this will be the last book in the series. (I really, really, hope it's not!) We are left with yet another surprise at the very end, giving us a nice set up for the next book. I have to go 4 stars on Goodreads and hope that book 4 comes soon.

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319 reviews5 followers

May 22, 2013

I will be writing a review on this but I want to get it right. I loved this book and can't wait for more. Please check back or the review soon.

Ok where to start. I read Slayer’s Kiss and love it. I could not wait for the next book. Out came Shadow Rising and loved it. Once again I wanted more. Then The Silverwing’s Sorcerous comes out. Now Dark Flight is here. I Love this series!

This time we find Kara, Gavin, and Julian working together to bring down Brakken. Brakken is Gavin’s father and is the pure evil. Brakken wants Kara for what she has done to his sons, he is also looking to make Gavin suffer with raising Gavin’s son as his own. Kara is trying to help save Gavin’s son as well as the other women from Brakken; they also need to save her clan and themselves. The only way to do this is to send Brakken to the abyss.

Kara is determined to help with the battle and Julian and Gavin want her to stay away. Kara learns of ways to help and takes matters into her own hands. The guys are not too happy about this when they find out. However Kara says Julian has no right over her after what he did to her. Gavin just wants to keep her safe so helps her on her journey. Kara goes through some big changes in the book but it has helped her grow. She has the help from all her closest friends Abbey, Jaxon, the witch coven, and the clan. Julian also goes through some big changes as he has to learn what life as a black wing is like and how to control his new powers.

So do they save the baby, the women and life as they know it? Does Kara learn to control her new powers? Can Gavin come to terms with everything happening to him? What about Julian is he able to learn to live again? I guess you will just have to read to find out.

I so can’t get enough of this series and can’t wait for more. I look forward to what twist and turns are to come.

*ARC provided by Cassi Carver

    arc first-reads


269 reviews19 followers

July 2, 2014

I really enjoyed this book. It had twists and turns all around, and a lot of characters to keep track of, but somehow it is not difficult to keep up with everything. I liked how it popped up surprises and unexpected revelations every once in a while, making it more exciting to read. The bedroom scenes are steamy, just like in the previous books, and the personality of the main characters continue to deepen throughout the story.
I had trouble putting this book down, and I hope that the story about Kara and her angels will continue=)

Rachael Davila

11 reviews1 follower

September 12, 2013

I've read Cassi Carver's entire Slayers series. I laughed out loud, embarrassing myself in public. I love her snappy dialogue and world building. The characters have depth and heart. Kara Reed is spunky, loyal, courageous, loving, and a force to be reckon with. I love the ending of the series and like that Ms. Carver left it open for more. I'd read anything she puts out!

Sarah (blissbubbley)

230 reviews

June 5, 2013

I almost made the very big mistake of reading this book as a standalone and hoping that I'd be able to pick up the story from the previous two books... I'm such an idiot!

This series is a trilogy and should be read as such and after reading the first few pages I did get so mightily confused that I picked up the first two and started over. Don't be an idiot like me and try to read this as a standalone, it seriously doesn't work AND you'll miss the wonders of the first two books.

Carver has managed to create a whole new world in these books, one that leaves you gasping for more and more. After finishing the first book I couldn't wait to start on the second one. The books are pacy enough to keep you hooked but not too drawn out to get you wishing time on.

The book has a very intriguing love triangle and I didn't feel any allegiance to either Gavin or Julian but lucky Kara! With this being the final part of this series, it all was tied up nicely with some of the secondary characters from the earlier books. I really like that attention to detail as some authors can ignore the full cast and I appreciate that Carver had thought this through.

The book seems to allude to more so maybe there will be a fourth book, if not there is plenty more here to write about with different side stories and relationships. Well done Cassi, another favourite series :)

No spoilers at all as I don't want to spoil it for you all but it gets the full 5 out of 5 :)

Reviewed for Larissa's Life

Dark Flight (The Shadow Slayers, #3) (2024)


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