The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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6 J' 1 THE SPRINGIELD DAILY "REPUBLICAN: WEDNESDAY ALXJRCH" 12 1913 I iv 4 wi A LOCAL INTELLIGENCE THE EYE IN ADVERTISING CATCHING QUICK ATTENTION WILLABD REELAND SPEAKS Advertising Expert Tells Publicity Club About Good and Bad 'Ulus ratio ns for Publicity Purposes One of the most interesting addresses of the season was given Yesterday before the publicly club by Willard reeland of the 'Norton 'company of Worcester spoke on Sir reeland opened his address by analyzing a number of cuts of various advertise ments which wcro given in sample copies of Good Storekceping a magazine pub lished by the dealers' service department of Good Housekeeping which were passed about among the members of the club Jtofore the speaker was introduced Tilton Hell of Boston rose and extended a hearty invitation to the Publicity club of flits city to attend the last dinner of the season which is to be given by the Pilgrim publicity association during either the last week of this month or he first week of April President' Stewart Anderson ac cepted in behalf 'of the and assured Mr Bel) that a large number of the mem bers would be present Mr reeland showed how the value of an illustration to advertising copy might be greatly diminished by the failure of the illustrator and advertising man to lealize certain essentials which might at first glance seem like mere unimportant details Both illustrator and advertiser must keep in mind the space relation of cut and copy the proper accentuation of important fea tures and the subordination of minor de tails and a thousand other tilings upon which depends the success or failure of the advertisem*nt His address was as fol lows: When some teacher of psychology has convinced you that the time limit of attention to a single idea is six seconds practically no more nor no less yourew point of advertising is shifted to a close study of two an apt illustra tion or a concise interesting display line The more diversified the classes of readers you are seeking to interest the more in clined you are to use an illustration for a picture speaks all languages and tells a story in a glance that would require many translations and changes of copy to be effective in reaching readers of widely va ried education and experience What is it that makes men purchase your goods? Salf interest or in plain English selfishness Self interest always demands the largest returns for the small est possible outlay Self interest drives us Io economy to developing economical methods Self interest is whafr prompts us to save our time and energy Self interest is the fundamental factor in progress There we have the foundation for our Illustration in tho appeal to the self interest He haunt a picayune bit of interest in vour product unless it can be of use to him If you make something to use to eat to wear show its use Only a few years ago it was the custom to spend many ducats to retouch and embellish an illustration of our product hang it up detached and forlorn in some portion of our and expect the reader to delve through a more or less concise of copy to see what it was all about are lacking material and knowledge to build their own bridges What do you know about motion? Have you been paying your good money to draw nffontinni tn tho nf someone else? Have you paid some artist to draw a beautiful girl with outstretched arm that looked tine to you until you saw tt on page 104 with the 'arm guiding the reader's eye directly to Patent reversible os cillating butter churn? Most of us have at some time in our career Have you had drawn a tine sweeping ar row design pointing to some striking dis play line that represented 14 hours of per sistent perspiration only to find that you had forgotten to so slant the display type that the movement of the eye was arrest ed and turned back into the text? You see samples every day where tho eye sweeps around ovals and loops to an arrow )Kint and then is carried by the type lines clear off the pageancl up totthe clock on the wall How many times have you had a catchy illustration in the top right hand corner of your and your display text in the top left hand corner? Yet you! should know' that the eye travels from left to right easily and only with difficulty and hesitation does it reverse its course When you design your Ido you draw lines around the masses to see' if you have followed that law of motion which says that the eye travels from left to right nnd passes easily from mass to mass over a break narrower than the distance across the smaller mass? There is another law of motion that you must observe too If there is any part of your that you want to particularly em phasize contrive to have the more prom inent lines converge there Designs Require Unlty Designs must have unity to be pleasing This moans that when you use some freak ish design full of unusual shapes illogical unsupported then you are likely" to dis please and distract more readers than you can attract The love of beauty of har mony of dignity is inborn Cater to it Emphasis is necessary sometimes out rarely to the extent where it mars the design You can cry wolf'" as ef fectively with a picture as you can with language Sometimes you can hit the pub lic an awful welt in an illustration or a design and get away with it but usually the public sees it coming ana aucns some illustrations lead me to think that the ad vertiser felt like John the old town crier of bury port Johnnv was one of tbo last of the old town criers of New En gland who really did a big business but even in Newlmrj port the wheels do turn and Johnny was forced out of the field his big bell and Voice quieted A few years later someone took Johnny to a football game a ud foe the first timo he saw a megaphone A wistful look dime over face and turning to his friend he said "Gee if some smart Aleck had only invented those jn my days have been in business The megti phone cmnhiisis in design is going 'the path that old John traveled It is a relic of a past tfge: Traditions Control Artists You know what tradition means to New England it by hve and you have what tradition means to artists When you begin to talk about using a few simple lines and hating a picture that the artist usually says I 1 wanted once a drawing of a new spring hat and just the uppet portion of a dapper young man to put thfi hat aud 1 carefully explained that I wanted nothing else Wha did I get The man the hat both part of a 10 story building two tiutos and a cab two church steeples a smoke stack three trees and a small monument in a small park And all for The only trouble was that we did net have the same view point I had been trained to eliminate the nonessentials his training had been such that he regarded detail as all import ant Why do I bring up this point of the lack of co ordinated effort between artist and advertiser? Because we advertising men are largely responsible that there are not more good commercial "artists You find a finer more intelligent more seri ous minded more lovable set of men in any craft But they are not salesmen we should be They are not in touch with the public pulse we are They are not trained to make drawings that shall ex press a single idea without" intrusion of any other idea: rather are they trained to produce work that suggests many ideas In shojt they never were taught to draw a picture that could be completely ana lyzed in six seconds and that is our ideal We must train ourselves first and then we can intelligently instruct the artist SPECIAL NOTICES orbes Wallace orbes Wallace Victor and Columbia alking Machines We can show you a complete line of both machines Sold on convenient weekly or monthly pay ments A machine sent to your home on approval if you desire All the records of both the Victor and Columbia catalogs Let us send you a selection if yon are already the owner of a talking machine Telephone 4100 Talking Machine Section a Catalog for Old Illustrations The old type of illustration still has its place in the catalog for you can safely assume that you have tho in terest aroused when he will spend his time in looking at your catalog But for space cur cards and billboards you are not justified in making any such assump tion The picture must be relevant You are not spending your money to amuse the reader rather are you seeking to interest him If you can make the illustration sug gestive rather than full of detail you have accomplished a great point toward making it efficient Primarily you want to put the brain nt work for as soon as the whole of your story is known to him ho nets or his ceases We mustencode that this is not always possible but it is always worth striving for Those of you who havti had large ex perience in buying commercial art know tho difficulty in keening unessentials out of advertising "llustrations If you are pic turing the operation of a machine both photographer aud artist when untrained will show the particular operation the whole of your machine several other ma chines in the background several work men engaged in other operations and a maze of belts and power transmitting de vices as well as piles of stock finished and unfinished It is done on the plea of being more natural Usually it is all wrong for it diverts The eye is singularly insistent upon seeing only the one thing that most interests all else fades into oblivion Try it for yourself Watch a lathe tool at work and see how much background in trudes ook back over the vacuum cleaner Once the cleaner appeared and the woiniiu using it often nn impossible wom an garbed in an impossible and furniture and pictures on the walls and sometimes a view through an open win dow And you looked at it and said "Mighty and then read the on the opposite page where some copv man claimed vour attention with a bold display lino asking "Whv von save more money last Now you see the hein of a skirt a pretty foot the vacuum sweeper and tho beginning of the and the pile of dirt that is just being dumped out And your wife sees it and says not null our house to pieces this spring let's buy this vacuum Day of Human Intereat Tbis ls lite day of "human But it is the sunset of that dav when the human figure is considered the synonym for human interest This does not mean that you should not use the human figure it is essential that you should It docs mean that human interest is far broader iu its scope than mere delinea tion of humanity The canal the great aqueducts building in New' York and Los Angeles the Woolworth building ra dio activity Dr tuberculosis cure lour municipal group are all matters of human interest When a thing is both notable and timely it has "every essential of human interest Show Dr Smith the great surgeon riding in an express to Balmer and you attract little attention' but show the doctor Hying to Balmer in his new aeroplane to save a life and you have human interest It is amazing to see the indifference to day in illustration to well known basic laws' of psychology and optics Take into account always Unit the mind and the eve Iw ith resist certain things without votir being conscious of the resistance How many of you know anything about apper ception? How many of you realize that A ou must link a new thing a new idea to something that has already fallen with in the experience of the average man be fore you can get full recognition within his brain cells? Yet it is absolutely es sential Therefore in planning an illus tration try to connect the new idea iu some way with the previous experiences of the class of reader that you are trying to reach It's like building a bridge across an abyss over which yon tactfully lead the reader into a new and unexplored coun try You may sure that most readers Our Talking Machine Section is a most enjoy able place to spend an hour and listen to all the new records Tkird loor orbes Wallace Evidences of Spring at The new merchandise is here in great variety enabling you to choose your Spring wardrobe in accordance with your own taste and the latest dictates of fashion Balloch To Wear Clothes I One could not choose choicer fabrics or wish for better workmanship than are exhibited in our Spring Suits and Overcoats Shirts Whether you wish Custom Shirts or Ready to Wear we know we can please you Only exclusive patterns are here and the fabrics are of the best Balloch Quality insures satis faction Cravats A wonderful collection of neckwear The sort that dis criminating men like to wear" The New Blazer Scarfs are very desirable A number of colors The Umbra effect is in great demand $115 BALLOCH of 482 Main Street MILLINERY OPENING 1 MARCH 12th and 13th MISS MCCALL 389 MAIN STREET Bookstore Bldgk Once he get si our viewpoint we ill find i iti inspiring coworker Our training means work AVe are in clined to pav much attention to tor we must but we are too Jittie inclined to perfect ourselves ns designers Yet wi should know something about emphasis decoration balance shapes movement color typography psychology for all these things enter into our design which is the bait as the copy is the hook and the me dium the line where with we go fishing in the sea of new demand tocatchthe elu sive prospect aW I Medal Wining PEACHES Only the big ripe luscious red cheek ed peaches the pick of or chards are good enough to go into a DEL MONTE can Somewhere in the world there may be peaches as delicious but never at the price you pay for PEACHES Ask your grocer to day for DEL MONTE peaches and realize their unusual ness packed where they ripen the day picked and pre served by heat alone You will find the high standard of quality in Del Monte Asparagus Cherries Raisins Honey etc Used by the Army and Navy Hospitals CALIORNIA RUIT CANNERS ASSOCIATION San rancisco Largest Conner of ruits and Vegetables in the World BARCLAY brown Istf AND CTSL bird VS VI': BOSTON i Bakery Dept 1 Crispy Crullers The kind you enjoy with a thor oughly good cup of coffee No I i grease but plenty "ofj nourish I ment and satisfaction I Speaking of Bread I It is really more economical or I you to purchase bread than to 1 make it at home that is pro I viding you get the right kind I I The Kind We Make 1 cannot take exception to I any of the ingredients xve use and we are positive you cannot 4 take any to the bread itself A ULL LINE i CAKES AND ANCY PASTRY MADE DAILY OUR PRICES ARE LOW ROBERT SPARE 415 Mata St Tel 1774 2LL22Z112A1L1L2AZA2ALL1L2A12 1 PRINTING AND BINDING I The homestead job pkint JOHN OTTO Prop 11H Worthington st lectrotiper chas van vlack 135 Dwight Street Springfield Mass STRINGIELD PRINTING AND BINDING COMPANY COR BRIDGE AND DWIGHT STS 12 Milton bkadley company ART LITHOGRAPHERS Willow Street Springfield UNERAL DIRECTORS WASHBURN Undertaker cor State and Dwight sts WASHBUBN SPECIAL NOTICES saaoasBSKisoBaBBHBmsiQiKamsBnsHinasnBannBMnranESMnffiww ButThree More Days and Then Ends She Clearance Sale I I I 4 Note the Low Prices in the Notion Section a 4 These Low Prices Make Busy Trading Days in the Underprice Basem*nt 5c doz: Scarfs and Shams 200 odd doz Towels in 4 4 imnai worth up to 49c each Mfg" Clearance Sale 14 Each Black Lisle Hose Mfg Clearance Sale 19j Pair These ore the regular 25c How Black Silk Lisle grade Excep tional quality Mfg Clearance Sale IJ Pair 100 Nottingham Lgce Cur tains slightly soiled 3 yards long Mfg Clearance Sale 7fc air 25c Table Oilcloth 45 inches wide white and colors 4 Mfg Clearance Sale fc Yard I Very Pretty Long Muslin Petticoats 95(? Each Long Muslin made of exceptionally fine grade of Lingerie Muslin All have deep embroidered Mfg Clearance Salo Doe $125 eather "Pillows cov ered with heavy grade of ticking Mfg Clearance YDcEach These Pretty Laces at Mfg Clearance Sale Prices Choice and most effec tive Linen Cluny Laces 3 to 5 inch widths Both white and ecru Mfg Clearance Sale 1 Ge Yard ine Kid Gloves Mfg Clearance Sale t94 Pair We continue offering these exceptionally fine Kid Gloves at the above most attractive price Some are white others black "tan gray iu fact all good shades Mfg Clearance JDc Pair All the Embroidery Remnants Mfg Clearance Sale 12 All short length pieces of Embroideries Edg ings Insertions Head ings Bandings etc Clearance Sale lZtac Yard 25c doz Wash reg ular price 5c oach Mfg Clearance Sale 12 for 5c 69c Table Damask 72 inches wide heavy quality Clearance Sale 43c Splendid Muslin Drawers Mfg Clearance Sale 12 'zd Good Muslin Drawers made of excellent quality muslins Mfg Clearance Sale 22 Each Sleeveless Guimpes Mfg Clearance Sale 25d Each Very neat Net Sleeve less Guimpes white or eern Mfg Clearance Handsome Shadow All over Laces Mfg Clearance Sale 39d Handsome Allover Shadow aces 18 inches wide Very attractive patterns Mfg Clearance Yard Handsome EiRbroid cries in theMfg Clearance Sale Very effective designs in Swiss fiouncings 'also Corset Cover "Embroid eries and Voile iounc ings all IS inches wide Mfg Clearance Extra Heavy Outing lannel Gowns 69" Each These are the usual 98c quality and are in very pretty colors Mfg Clearance Sale 9c Each Splendid Corsets Mfg Clearance Sale 79c Pair Oyer two hundred pair all told Some of our verv best makes and all desired sizes Mfg Clearance Sale Pair All Short Length Pieces of Trimmings lOd Length Hundreds and hun dreds of pieces in this offering on special bar gain table including Bulgarian Persian Crys tal Gold Bead kinds etc Mfg Clearance IO Length pretty Swiss and Voile iounc ings the 45 inch kinds The newest of all pat terns Mfg Clearance Sale Huck Turkish and Damask worth up to 17c Mfg Clearance Sale llc Each Handsome Trimming Braids Mfg Clearance Sale Yard An exceptionally pret ty lot of ancy Trim ming Braids also Bead ed Edges in this offer ing Mfg Clearance f)e Yard Hundreds and Hutt dreds of Lace Remnants 5" 25d Each Allover Eices of all de scriptions in this collec tion Hundreds and hundreds of pieces to choose from to 1 yard length White and colors Mfg Clearance Sale 35 Each Odds and End Corsets Mfg Clearance Sale 39f Pair Odds and ends culled from our regular stock all good models arc: these splendid Corsets Mfg Clearance 39c Pair Spool of Sewing Silk 250 300 Yards 12 Spool biggest' values we have ever offered in our Notion Section An ex tra large spool of black Sewing Silk made by one of the most famous silk thread manufacturers Comes in black only and in three sizes 250 and 300 yards on a spool Mfg Clearance lUCj Spool Lot of Pillow Cases slight ly soiled and mussed worth up to 17c each Mfg Clearance Sale El lie Each 200 Sample Couch Covers at reduced prices for the I Mfg Clearance Sale I Better Sample Silk Waists Mfg 'Clearance 4Sale Very pretty Silk as well as Chiffon Sample Waists All handsome models and the best ofill colors Mfg Clearance Sale $29SEach HANDSOME SERGE DRESSES Clearance Sale $498 a little price for Dresses such as these They come in all good colors and are especially pretty Manufacturer's Clearance Sale $49S Each 10c Unbleached Cotton full 36 inches wide Mfg Clearance Sale Gc Yard HANDSOME SPRING SUITS Clearance Sale $1500 All told we shall offer about one hundred of our very choicest Spring Suits for Wednesday only' You'll find all good models in the season's latest and most approved styles Some are Serges others are Mixtures in fuel materialsof all sorts and kinds Both for practical service as well as the more dressy styles 5 Manufacturer's Clearance Sale $1504) Each Best Six Cord Thread 6 Spools for 244 Clark's 200 yard Machine Cotton black or whito Mfg Clearance Sale Spools for 24 KINSMAN COMPANY' Dress Shields Mfg Clearance Sale Pair el I s' Shields Nainsook cov ered and well made Mfg Clearance Gc Pair or Wednesday gathered a collection of unusual attractions in all wanted lines of Spring merchandise The prices in every instance are much lower than usual and the quality of the merchandise presented in the Clearance Sale is without question far superior to that of any other similar event we have ever attempted If you have not already taken advantage of the low prices in the Clearance Sale do so now In fact even if you have come again Every day brings new attractions every day has greater values in store for you So come Wednesday RerrierTRljep This Sale Ends Saturday IMiptit Pretty Muslin Gowns Mfg Clearance Sale 79C Muslin Gowns that generally sell for VSc Choice and most attrac tive styles Mfg Clearance 79e Each Rich Silk Sample Waists Mfg Clearance Sale S189 Hundreds and hun dreds of beautiful Men saline Silk Waists Plain colors as well ss pretty color combinations Vari ous models to choose from Mfg Clearance 189 Each A SPECIAL PURCHASE HOUSE DRESSES 69d each Hundreds aud hundreds of very neat Mouse Dresses in stripes and checks Many styles to choose from 4 Manufacturer's Clearance Sale G9c Each ine Doeskin Gloves Mfg Clearance Sale 89d Pair ine White Doeskin Gloves Exceptional quality Mfg Clearance S9e Pair nTOmnwi 11 1 1 I liV 1 rLn RuAiffi Pt Raw I'wS lA irimin 1 i Cl 4 1 1 I 4W KrVMZ NUBHtvvM A yaffil MEi a rm a agMMsi vziu 1 JJJjrwnhSX inulin ir Tw ZJaJl JJH imos 1 1 1 hr ll II Sbtffi 1 1 1 i i 11 i 1 HRTSBUMA ri nrww titrrri i i i a fl 1 1' I a NO BETTER TIME IN ALL THE YEAR THAN WINES AND LIQUORS PICTURE RAMING BY EXPERT WORKMEN" A Large Line of Mouldings to the sense of taking castor oil uiLak 1 MW pure Italian castor When UaSlOPLaXoll in powder form HEATING PLANT 3 In selecting a heating system 5 for your home there are four 3 points to be considered: 3 1 Proper Ventilation 2 Heating Efficiency 3 Heating Economy 4 Cost of Installation Our success in house heat ing is due largely to the fact that in planning a system of heating each of these point! is given proper consideration Wyckoff Lloyd Go 19 Worthington St Tel 106 SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAq GARRATT BARRY Importer and Wholesale Liquor Dealer TO INSTALL IN YOUR HOME A NEW PIANO OR A PLAYER PIANO HEADQUARTERS IN WESTERN MASSACHUSETTS OR THESE SUPERB INSTRUMENTS: SOHMER Pianos KURTZMANN ANGELUS The Original PLAYER PIANO Music House HOWE Proprietor 29 Years The Music Center of 168 170 State Street A Building Select rom Lowest Prices ORBES WALLACE I gives better results? TO! ifin money back If A die I UCa Size Mt dieapoolat SPRINGIELD MASS No 131 East Bridge Street 1.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.