The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SATURDAY APRIL 4 1S63 pUBUC BENEACTRESS fine Srta MRS A ALLEN THE GREAT REMEDY A LADY or WORLD WIDE REPUTATION res Tsi CON STIIUTIOS Xt mi MBs A ALLENS CNLY KNOWN REMEDY WORLD'S HAIR RESTORER OB IHnsical fruit Cilonfeciiotttrn JO KR TOKS CRAY BUB asa ocsxxsx or mJ 24 taS TO ITS ORIGINAL YOUTHUL COLOR KIDNEYS AXD BLADDER AND ICECREAM AND Schools o3 RERESHMENT saloon AND ANCY CAKE BAKERY mH Imd Tbs Rrstorkr Hxi'torrctr Ths Hub Cvunvxiss Bxxrnna 1 Opposite Chicopee Bank MRS HOSMER will receive pupils for the Plano Melodeon and cultivation of the voice OR LAD1KS AND CHILDREN Grubes Patents miscellaneous a OTHER financial read REAP HEAP Xllcbical Rort Cox XT PeA JI IKL THOROUGHLY TESTED Ur ltd Tax BUKiGtri 1 Xnrou Ca So I ISil AXE ACIs ENOUGH coywri rvrto water th cnvtetten tbst 1 ei4 to ebi 4 frr Meh It 1 tadav PhEsdelphia JUKS A BrrkB a38 ISK A HATCH 38 Wall street I was Applications male at her residence 23 West Union st allalS Sly TOBACCO nstcET rsa A Urr plain CaTend sb ct'toi mix'd Ila iM Cavradlsh panfeh A ans tr Turtbh IRRITATION of the neck or THE DtADDERlN IAMMA11ON THK KlliSl VS AND CA TARhH TH BtVDUIt TKWGIRY AND ifVUNlNtl OK AINH'L or It truly a reign mrsrdy and too mu cannel be raid II It frets A lujlv dura ha bran kro nn to rrihre the mret un'nt owhi An' von troubled 1 that dtlrrMre pata 1'1 IhataiaJt Of Ihebaek and ihrvar tbehl? A leaapwetW a dajr ol C'HiotltnUou atrr will Um you Uk mafia These Danger 'rs and Tronblesors Diseases which hast thu tar Refuted tt heat directed Treatment can he completely Controlled by the REMEDY sow before nil Bh ut to IK tte reqkireiBWiu tato aa re nt fO Ae cenrrat Aetata Na WORLDS HAIR DRESSING OR ZYLORALSiMUM earcntlal to use with the Kcst 'r'r hut the Hair Dre as Ing alone often restorer sad never falls to Invigorate beautify and refresh the hatr rer dcring it soil silky and disposing it to remain in any desired position CONTTinTiON' ATER bar proved Itarlf 11 Ute lark that hu drroCrtA ujen IL is suited to be th young and old It st erutlx ns the Hatr prevents its falling or turning pay and imparts to it a beautiful glossy appearane It never tails as serh a comt tel tcmeltHtr that awVta glr ra Mr aa wear tber at titEtcultka abvul this te rha cwbbikvI the re rf to Wat' and I1 utbar aatoeMmrmt ilru sl th ttni LYrCOWaWEA OR WHITE Th I disease dr mH nt'emaa tnrtmwnailsn trueaua liitottt ef the vgm and otn it In a I rase kcssi nanl br severe pain in the bsek aerva the boarU and tbronch the hit A aspowlcd of the mrstklne may bo taKsn three time a slay Hb sit injection a tab pftorfal tf lb in lUctiKS mlxtJ ItU Cl want morning and ivtulug THE HAIR PRENMKO Ci LTIVATES AND IIKAITII IRS CONSTITUTION WATER whk'h gtrrs these organs thee to recover their healthy tone and vigor We are able to state that the CousUtu tion Water has cured every ease of 1'iabeti lu which It baa been given SrX ITR CENT INTRST IN GOLD rtM send in tnelr orders before that ttma We also keen on hind a emsUnt supply of all classes of Hwverament Secarilleslorsaleatthe lowest marxet rates 8 1 Treasury Note 8 per cent Bonds of 1 58 1 A One Year Certificates of Indebtedness ORDTSETSLA I hj noiU in wBrrhgfbe most Dr avreyj Ionia ADo Hradat Hratbure Scld remark em plug od Ae lake a reaspooutul aCer (tinner Tba draw hi alt rss rmay be iacrtucdif deslnd but shonM budtoc grade ally Dmtrncs IrrllsU atU drench the IHrrsr and hr et strut are aM kad Lb lu degeneration sal eenttrened dwaeu H1TMCUN3 has lorcttnee jtvrnnn thease of bneha cabebaaad Lipper in the ttstinrr tot three etaraMS aadwly tbriu hit want of a better remedy I I YfATEBJ TOUPEE BECK SAYLES BROKERS the purchase and sale of every description of STOCK BONDS In the markets cf Bostcn New York and It wm cane the Hair to grow on bald place It will stre ugthen the Hair and stop Its falling It Will cure Dandmil and all Dis' as 's et the Scalp It ean do no hanu and will do good IT I NOT A DYE bat acts directly npon the roots the Hair giving them the natural noutUhraent required produeing the same vitality and luxurious quantity as in youth It will restore It on bald places require no pre vious i rrparstlon of the hair and is easily applied by one self Ona bottle will usually last for a year as shirr the hair Is once restored oecasioual applieatk ue once In three mouths will ensure agEnot gray hairs to the most advanced age I A 7 I I whose hair requires frequent dressing It has no equaL No lady's toilet is emnplrto without It The rich glossy appearance loiperkd is truly wonderful 1 vie anes the hair removes all iUndraff and Imparts to It a moet de llgbtful tragranco It will prevent the balrrrent falling out an! Is the most economical and valuable bslrdreaa etnn 'fw aieUij "'g 'ed fay knew where to sspW Truly be kwcklkA lL frtrai Re can be CcnJ al kN rriAArwyXfx I er HartAwd OtX lie bUe tarwlb Ibe sad I t'J IWf'b with a tboHratl aifrWrd bsl Nwaf the 5a 1meao rbaaad JrrttaHonot Uw MwMre IraAIeUu Nncta MaM nOKUll Her preparation for the Hair have not only the large st sale in the United States ard Canada but within the past few years to supply th immense demand from tore irn conn tri Depots for their exclusive sale hav been open ed In London and Liverpool also In aria Havana Vera Crux and Valparaiso reursly cured me ant you Msaa you MI I ta wire ccfeftkace in 'Ska Yen re truly MRS A ALLEN SUIT R1S ENSTRU ATION which In the umnairled fcwale a const rees Tit'S disease aud tbreegb nlx the et re nave and dangvrea tula are the re suit amt moth alter month without anefbrt mint made toxwistn tiue tho tupprvssion becointa paUeslgTsw nally loses aptretite lhe bowds are const igstr akhtwca con's on and eonumpuMi finally tads bar tareot BATTLE ARM or sale a small farm Somh 2S milts from Smith Ormpe Iwpot and 5 miles to Athol containing fit acres acres of heavy and Chestnut timbe also a large sur Anol' to LEU MAYO Scuta Orange or GEORGE ELTON South Lee Mass m2' wd Boston board siocEs BonSa and Government Securities purchased ana sold st tha Brokers' Board We confine our transactions stnctly to the execuucc oi orders on commission American Gold and fiver oreign Gold and Silver Demand Notes and UncHrrent Money purchased at our Office K8 STKTE ST BOSTON BUHNE1T DRAKE CO Bankers Stock and Exchange Brokers Central Refekbsces Edward 3 yler Cashier Suffolk Bank: Henry Shed Esq Ca hicr Bank Mutual Re demption or anv of the Boton Bank Spnnufielu Warner Jr Esq Cashier Chicopee Bask fi4 amd 3P SALE er TO The large 2 sterv Dwelling House situate in the village of Hunt Ingtcn lately occupied by William Esq The house is nearlv new and dr rate condition has A me garden spot attached and is within fiva minutes walk of church post othce and rairoad station The prembe will (be sold eh ap Possession to uarebasc tenant elven April 1 IcdJ or paniculare Inquire cf GILLtJ STEVEN Westdell 4 ARM OR SALE in Enfield Onn A containing 25 acres good lan 1 well watered plenty cf wood and fruit near school an i ehnrh A cevd ih SIITV Dwelling House (new good Haro beds fbrTo bsceo Ac situated oremBew estef shaker illare and Sis or miles irom 1 hompsonvUle pot Terms carer Inquire on the prcmlstsof HAhE or A BuKT z5 Mm st S'TONR IN THE DLkDDR CAlCULr GWTTU BRICK DVT 1 HMSIT AND MVCUbOK MILKY 1H8CHAHG ATR URINATING Disease eceurrtoa fre es one aud the same will ba entirely eund bv the Cwtrelretuon Water tf takes rerhy length of Um Tm dsM sbo' ld rry with the rerertty of the disc MO frxmtvcntv ore to teaspre nful thrva Hmre a day 1st water During the pawaevof that slew 1 Ins tbu pain and urgent tvwptoms should bo cembali with the prefer remenle then followed up with Cea slit Utica Waler a above directed eXnwviG asd Real EWe Broket Mala rtreet rttasgfi'WMau JDt Y3Kiyh Nv Noi New! a GrBQuUted A ocular ol prices Ill sent mi pjaction tal Vi XfOUNT PLEASANT INSTITUTE Pri 1A vatc Classes for Boys Amherst Mass XstaJlHaiea 1846 Location unsurpassed for beauty and Circulars forwarded uobu request m23 Imd NaSH A principal ITENDELSSOHN MUSICAL INSTI ItjL TUTE sides the well known superior facunitS for high musical culture afford to Young Ladies iu the amily of th Principal every home comfort and edaca ion al aGvantage of the mot approved family hooi Ntxt term commences May 7th or circular addiess OLIVER Pittsfield Mass m21 4e 4v 11 AYIILY SCHOOL AT LONGMEADOW ne Summer Term cunmences Monday April 20th and continues fourteen weeks The charge wi 1 be very moderat? for these times and the care aud irstruction such as to ccmmend the school to PreiJ Kenerally (J Lt vl I' 1 it Al A Longmeadow Mass March 30 1862 in31 3wdawl4 THE CURATTVK proparUe of th medk iue direct thrmyetvre th or gan ot ecretx'n and so ltcrttg the condition of tao rtKsacb ai liver lht lhe starchy pri wlplc of the rood to not converted iitosurrj Log I una tix iufiuccee ci Ladles and Gentlemen visiting the city win find a neat aud convenient place to get a Lunch or an lee Cream at11 times day and evening Wedding and other parties furnished with' aU hinds of AKE plain or fancy ICE CREAM of all flavors Shmet bozbs Pudding Pyramids Iuit co*k norioNEET Ac at short notice All kinds of Ornamental Work done to order Ice Cream sent to all parts of the city for 50 cts a quart liberal discount made to estivals airs aud Picnics Cake Ornaments of aU kinds for sale Also the choicest kinds of Confectionery i Jv16 'y 267 Main er 8rBiNGiSM Masa Ibtak ihal DO eaav'sM twrtkfcig val ry IumlU arurk re wkleb ty touX own yrtflt ttu tts three Iwy rvuer a bta 4re Die bretrel Ike ret CM bar to rf Kretorer Urt yr: 1J par buKrto wre trefta Y4IV0018T3 THEOTGHLU I THE WORLD 1'trvr IM 0MENW1CU 8T NSW TOTL tnre Mremk to iu oiLinul Color 1 mil flvd tbli btiel dy fbv Ihuroeghiy tret fl lu Daxviua TJm 1 Ww IIGbMdr la tbr leaf wj with Um UubIU ad lr fl MMr tbi fctiitottivr wM I iwi Lur Iwm rltkrdUsM tr Swvivw Here durtuiUic mH! tuir round la wrihl P'Utrr lbs iM'Ud Jebr Uol I nrxui'd two bottlro CwthatM Wlrm: la two Saj art ruling it I rtMKS relics aad after LaAtaob itl' I wi' retire caretu artsr ugaUfa my oaMgocdbtMth DTkMRNORRHtKA OR PAINUL MNjrRllWX ANn IS MENc'RKHAGIA OR VKOklbh I LOW Both dire arlng from fVlty roret' et th roc ttrnMfuU la tha betertw little and areout pankl by sevre pla and the aire procure rear tion whhhvlll to sprttly cured by Hie Cotutllattaa Th rtiseaee known ALLING Tim WOMB Mcb th result cf a relaxation of th Ilgaairoto of tbal organ nd Is tn wn bv a scare or be lures and dragvLdf pains In th bar aad think and 1 Ihar acreuin nr sharp lclntfng or Minor lag paint through lire parrs wul In all raw tw i Hire cd by thr uwdlsln lb re toasclbfrelm ot ftnraJrrtt tion of th Womb hlh call Xrvourecrehkhwnl covers ui much Ignorenc and innl'wrrere outer ten floe not reallv knowwhthr the tvmptom are th or th disease lb xnai'tiKiM We ean only euumerat them hre I pek more porthe ulartv ef Cold eet I'alrltalioa cl th Heart bur aired jitiuory akefulnrss I'laahc of 111 laaorLl Uul arid Dima of Vithux LASELl seminaky AUBURNDALE MASS The Summer Quarter of this hool commences on Thursday April 3fuh This Institution offers to yenng la dis the best advanta es of health and culture in our Each department ot the school has iu separate teacher or Catalogues Ac addess GW BRIGGS Principal Auburndale March 28 1863 m31 eodlm yTALUATION BOOKS ruled and beaded tc correspond with the state bocks made in convenient form for use for sale by SAMUEL BOM LES A CO RenuMicaB lock 0OT TON MACHINERY OR SALE 1 an way Head with Crewter trolls) 1 Doubler make 2 Beads I 1 aH River Spetder spindles bobbin 6x8 2 Petter 20 6x8 I 22 4x7 All lu the best cf running order HX1DEN MO CO mlS Haydenville Mass YVaMIeY DYR OOlVBS A SAVING CENT fcr amUy Uss Twenty twj C'IOSh Kit Shade5 filirit fast colors or twenty five cents tot tan color as rsanv would esst at the the times that sun Ylme required from one to three Ths process staple srd any one can use ihes) wit) At every store where these Dyes are sold cm be seen samples cf each cckr on elk and weal Thej are rut ud in ckaes cl 25 and 15 cents ManuActure? bv ROWS A STEVEN'S 258 Broad ay Boston jor sslb by Druggists and ia evcryCitvjLm ONT BOTTLE DID IT RV MORLEY wrt: "Tl cf Mre A Alien' 1' Hair Urel rt bM bren to cbang Hi Icrvwti of gl Ion Ing re okl mej i lq the Ort I 1 hue ryoulh Tita don by Int i treu 0 Oihr of iy cillnlwr liar II wnh lbmnetlt Th Zj luUlamuma I regard nlvi bl drvrelug tire QTEAM and GASPLPG ESTABLISH GEO DWIGHT Jr Dceler In Wrought Iron and Gas fipo Malleable and Cast Iron ittings Boilers Steam and orce Pumps Cumlonseis Heaters VnlvtB co*cks and fcols Aeent for ae? Jenks Son 8 celebrated Rotary Pumas Also furnish to order Patent team and aivn to the heating and licht ng of artories Public Buildings Churches Stores and Dwell solicited and promptly attended to firuers soncireu Post paice Building Vysqoeduct both Him? and Barn 1 qn von ng Orchard of clioic fruit 11 a to the an tbanorthrtrebaiUl Grove to Hielfrbtof trmr ISo I feet on th top of will hraoUful live! rial rf ebok 1 la af om 11 acrtA htoh pnacrtt one ol the port I fitibb VIEWS UbsrotmMnth Hirer VaiWybJ Is stein I hr Th roHrt tern of Ok H'kato ANo Twr rr ArX of trn ne Ure Vah of two tLn 'rrtfttf wbteh to la fU ZXmm vrtohreg to re aZXrell do 4i to view UbwabypgUtolh CPRINGIED BRASS OUNDERY Taylor street Springfield AU kinds of Brass rtivEU and fl sbman Sr vbb Cast ogs sword 1 rimmm CarBoxes Babbitt Metal prompt executed Pith manner orders solicited and all work war ranted to give satisfaction Cash paid tor eld Brass and Copper 17 6m EKAblLS bTaBLlNS CJ AKGKKS SIONUMENTAL 125 Main street opnosite NorthCburch String field Monuments Head tunes Mantels i fared in tire latest styles from Italian and American hies Also Monuments from Granite lorJml anS Jti 5 roe "tone All orders will receive prompt attention oljm A 1 bANGhti TMiMOVAL A8A KNIGHT umber £1 and Pump Manufacturer and dealer in Lend and Block iia Bathing Tubs ati Closets Mable Wash Stands co*cks Copper Boiler Drain 1 Jt Ac has vel hiss iop from his old stand on la str et to his Buihlimt on the southside of Pvt chon st ect two doors west of Music Hall in loving none but the best workmen he is able to do wotk 'in toe most thorough manner and a style not to be surpassed Bridge and roof building We continue to consttnet Railroad andHiehway bridges a to Roofs ot Buildings upon the lan of "Howe a atent Trass promptness a id despatch and upon the most teisonabte terms Turning 'ables and Draw Bridges Stenrton will be given to the construct ouof IPON P'UDE upon tae most approved plans All our wmk warranted to tb eperUmG(s Springfield March 12 1S61 A WHITING Teacl*tr of the Yt ic and Singing also gives lessons on the Organ snfi Piano or terms apjly at his Booms Ne 6 Haipdtn House 51 WHITING wou'td repecmHy inform the citizens of SnrinxtieM and vicinl trat he has removed to thD City and will devote ail of liis time to his prorrssion here t25 124 i American life DKnrs sfecihOf A Care for Colds Cotisbs and LheunuUm or Ate K5 rt ret RUIT A gPRINGlELD DYE HOUSE 159 MAIN STREET Where and Gents' Garments and Goods of every description are Dyed and inished in the best style every facility at hl new Dye House with experienced help and the host Dyes and for Clc arising and Ing SILK COTfON and WOOLEN GOODS In a sjle equal to New York or Bcston Dye Houses or through the 0 JIHE MAE0N HAMLIN CABINET QJIGAN Musicians are Invited to cull and exaxirro the Impore taut improvements in Mason llnrulin Cabinet urgsui them far in ADVANiBpf ether instruments of their class regard Mason instruments as the best of their class of which we have any knowledge aud Uke pleasure iu reeon ruling tlreir Cabinet Orns esp dal ly as very desirable Instrunerrts lor public aud private use" A DISTECKER Organist of Church of the Puritans New York JAMES LINT ilrearri of Madison square Clrnrch New York HENRICH GLLIIAA11 i'rmist4 Now York THUD HAGEN Editor ot New York Musical Review and World KARL KLA' Sr Teachertc MAGRATH' rganirtol RcvDrlise se hurch Brooklyn MO KSTHfil Organ'st Calvs Church Yew York GUSTAVUS SMITE Organist Imroaeulatc Crnecllon Church New York CIIAKLs LL cr ganist of Christ Church ifth avenue ew York A lL WrrLSriHN Pianist Composer Ac AN A WOLLEN1IAU1 ianist Cemnoser JOHN 4LN DLL Organist Rev Henry Hard Beechers Church Brooklyn Testimonials to similar effect from Sighmund Thalbcrg 'V ill am George Washburne Morgan Carl tn ahn Georce James Webb Lowell Mason WmB Braoburv Geo Root Guatv matter aud many others are the hands ot the manufacturers aca Prices ot Cabinet Organs $10 to $450 of lodons $60 to $25 Warerooms in NefYork Nos 5 and Mercer str ct opposite Howard ar erooms in Bo ton 274 ashlop ton street Circulars scat to any add rest on wHcat0 xrT mj(l 3md MASON A HAMLIN rp 2o And dealers in Governukxt Skcrttim Agent fbr THE 8 IVE TWENTY LOAN And prepared to furnish th US ive Twsntt Ysab Six Pm Cist Bcxm direct from the government ATTAR Ox K5T aftsr ITT lt the prlvCeje of corvert Htfuetitl Tender Notes Into ive Twenty Hnd at par111 ww Panic wl ecure a United Mate Glenwood seminary rd tuins its full Board of (twelve) Teachtre has in at tendance this winter term more than 100 pupils oj whom 85 are boarders and till otters unsurpassed faculties for improvement aud a plea ant home for omig laoics seek ing an education a Soring session opens on Wednesday April 22 18G3 Anolv to HlKAM OKLL 1T est Brattleboro EVENING INSTRUCTION IN WRITING BOOKKEEPING AND ARITHMETIC At the Commercial Acaeemt Over Store Polls for either of the above branches are admitted at anv tine Individuals by spending a short tine inthis school mav acquire a tree flowing and elegant st jlo of writing Ladies as well as gentlemen may join the classe and it i hoped they ill do so to a greater ex teThe best advantages arc offered for the acquisition of a practical knowledge of the useful and beautdul science of Bookkeeping as applied to every department busi ness 14 COLTON Principal TB ra PICTURES 10 cents or 3100 per dozen Vstrotvoes 2S cents a upwards said to Cor yr at rartiCBU( AN AN'S Trxvelms Amb otroe Ssxoon Buvxsa Barnes Lot su fllSmi dii to New York and Btreton la fr taken a usual at cur old prices A1 SteW cs copiea from old Daguerre 'types Aa 7 Remember at the Branch Gantry near Music Hal and foar doors south cf the Repubh can Block BEAUTIUL GIT Ad Engraved Card Plate with accompanying Cares make etul Ho'idar or Birthday Present (Give CARDS £ID'be advl edof the most approved and nd the most fashionable va iLtksoi tsVELOPEs st tc rooms kw? portraits Plans Label Seals and icpYpii ENGRAI ING and LITHOGLAHt lth and all descriptions of IT xun Kce in the best manner Ord shy Chicopee fully executed o5 Main stonro sic pHCBBUClt Bank JI 63 VALUABLE TESTIMONY KRY A WI BnIKR Ma write have threiuali lire dv i xr'nal frifiul Sir A Ailin' d' lUlr id Eyliblaum tor veral muullu I art with gt at rct aud evtlre tlou I mu nuw cithi bald iwrfny: hair wry and brittle but rcgslned th oftnrt lterUr year AMERICAN and OREIGN PATENTS HDDY SOLICITOR pa I NTS' Late agent ot 8 Patent Office S' a hhigton (under the Ac of 1837 I 7 STATE STREAKY jm dtc Kilby street Arter an extensive practice of nward nf twenty eara eottlnu Patent In the United States: also to Croat Britain rance nd other toretgu eountrij La velto Bona Assignments and 11 Papers Drawtocs far Patents executed on 1 beril term nd with desnatch Itesca cbes made I to American or or ri wi rt to determine the validity or utilrty or Pn mto or Ins anii legal or other advice ndorwl In 11 utters touching the same Copiis the claim of auy uPtora'S by remitting One Dollar Argument The Altenc'Xotoi'to the largest in New nslnd but thrjnvli it inventors have advantage for scout im I atent rtascemiuing the patentabUity of bv inmcamrably ip rtor to anv which can prove that none 1 MORL 1 CL LS 1 ENT OICE than tire and cup S'T PR ADS ANTAGE AND A Bl LI 1 HIE lib 1 re vr to hcllvc and he wool t' ai nn nrnvo that at no other office ot the KtuU a inn charges tor professional so modrato lire im mnfn Iirm tie of the subscriber during twenty years pret has (enabled him to a cumulate a vt collection of sped flcatlous and official relative to 1 he b'Vides his extena ve Ubt nry 4 W1 and leal works and full a counts ot patents granted li tic Unitet I a 14 uropc ren or him beyond fines Ui re Atoll ng ftofthf lini? PfttOlltR All necewitv of a j'mrnev to Wasltlnuton to procure a nm" mid mo usual grout delay there are here savrt luventors OR SALE desirable lot of extra ur ifitiir? Beds Carpets and aU kinds of utensiia to keen a netelwith to be sold at a great bargain within i aays at the Hampden186 Chicopee la BOOKS ruled and headed in the most approved form and bound in con venient size to carry in the pocket for sale by SAMUEL BO1VLES CO Republican Block TVTEW THING A Machine for elling 1x frees Light not expensive easily adjusted to any ir'egvlarity of surface ami equally adapted to large or small ees: will save the loss of tune au timber spent in or further particulars tefiche cl SHELDON WARNER Enfield Mass 3 eod6d 3w 1 CL STEANli SL ATI NG WILLIAM RAYNER successor to the late Iho'sLMyimrw I continue the business io Surin fi id and viclni A ful supply of Brattleboro Maine ami Rutland Slate constant ly on hand ani sla big in all bran lies executed promptly aud fiiiihiully Allw ik warranted Old Koo's repaired at short notice Orders lift with Messrs A Dwolly Co Man st or addressed to II Kajmr Nonhauapton wfllroet with attention nu3md The undersigned fiom thifi date IN are co partners under the name ami firm ot JAMES JOSLYN SON Doing business at the old stand of Janies Joslyn as whor*sale and Retail eaters iu besuish CL4MS Lobstbvs Ac Ac Our arrangements are such as to secure the BEST AND GREATEST VARIETY the markets ffcri! and in point of time a little ahead of any other dealer In this city Thankful for past favor we solicit the patronage ot the public JAMES JOSLYN LateMissiHgcr ot Oo No 1 Cvpre st 2d door from North Main st Springfield April 1 1863 mo TWO GOOD HOUSES one JL on rea laadthe ettaren ob Sal? a aous: with two neturfit with ore hUf acre lu3 wetl with fruit Hue it bv ALRED ROWE Nflte Rl Estate Dealer over Chico ee Bank al SALE or EXCHANGE Two Dwell JL1 ir Hon in the ei ot Sr ringfiold Mass tvo crv and attic trante baUd ng thasantly situated ia good order no iacambrauee Would i xchange for a house ana lot in Brooklyn worth from cr other slreble property Address Bax 3685 New York Pest Office m3 4 vd No 22 State street Boston riWS BECK BERRY axYREa lyd CPRINGLELD INSTITUTION 'Gh AYIXG TncerporaUd A IS i Banking room No 7 oot's Block il State streets Receives deposits and rays iatet vn au sinf from one to Oat fftousaul Di nars Josiah Hc vZLre President WILCOX Vice President rtrerev 8 Treas Siivet trv Sec'y Di Dav Josiah Hooker Mil ox Thompson Stebbins William Gtjnn Henry Rice JI to aaw Lewis Brown Hssby Wilsox Brown wilson BANKERS AND BROKERS No 19 Wall street New ork Buy and tell exclusively on commisioi Government Securities Stocks Bonds' Ac Business purer no otiated Refer in eriifi ld by permission to Siriiffl kl Ins i tnte for Savings Messrs Homer oot Co Mr Benjamin Day MrJno King Mr Lewis Broren irmcrly of 31 Chamber street has now an office at 19 Wallstreet mlfi gniodiw fetZr WrM llt6BLT iMOS BLANCH kRD Mwto It wt Itoto 4 tba with to torot Wto 4 ES HOADLY Teacher cf Piano Melodeon Harmony and Singing Terms for Isstrvctioh At the Hampden House Music Booms entrance on Mali street One Dollar a Lesson At the residence of the pupil ifteen Hollars forTwvi Lessons 1 63 JUSICAL INSTRUCTION testimonials revaiv th motcpb0 ana sue eeortul practitioners with whom AiN1' I TRUTH STRANGER THAN ICTION no hesitation in ft eaimot employ apcrwninorcemin tent to 'wort I A All ttttajrwhii tel TiI bavsthetoi4rtee4 nw ne toe Patent OUice" Eddy has made tor me THIRTEEN I DOCTOR APrhOE Ind tout nVw7nn PR PILI INGHAM Mcartown Ditoro rottniy tllent and ability on hl part loai'uiinc to wire ol my Lmll? c'n ontoeir cnan CR i Aniirwn nf hu I EVERY nN of which ws declied In btaravor by the ConuulwionCT oi Patent jny Boston Dee IS 1 £4 OVERNMENT 5 Principal and in VX forest In gold Now is the time to buv as the con version of into these bonds will cease July tot? i con ffirti them at par and very smrtl Sion Also all other Government Secuibl' Bank blocks and Bunds dealt In over the tnicopee Bank by ALRED R0WE Holyoke savings bank HOLYOKE Office at the Store of Gustavus Snow Deposits from One to One Thousand Dollars received a11 hours of the dav and evening (Sunuays excepted) Davis Anderson ATrostees Warron Chapin Joseph Carew Edwin Ban Cvrus rink 8 A labor Joseph Ely Chester Cr IV a'lmel Allyn Stewart Chase Henry heel er II Walker lagg James Allyn Geo Prentiss Arthur Mitchell secretary earsons Gustavus Snow J1 SAV Office at the Acawam Bank Deposits received everv buiuiessiay from 8 ft nx to 3 iu President Bemis Vie Chaplk Harris Trask 8 DayCali'bRiceM Chanin lyirt Gray Wasni Southworth Baker StebblnGadO Bites William Belcher Secretary A Soule 1 reasurcr 8 Bailey Dep "Its nia tc nt any time between the quarter on tag th trlrei Mondays ot february May Ausni unite ber will be put on intcrert on the qua ter dy succeeding th deposit at the rate of five per coat per annum Ji 63 H1HE Gl ELD IVE CENTS A SAVINGS BANK Banking room No 1 Court street Hampden House Block North side of Court quare Ba'lac8 hcure from 9 to 1 and to 4 in Joseph Pyncbon Vice Beach iVm Calhoun Wta Rice Aianrin Chapin TnjteM Bond A Cha in Daniel Pypcbon Tho? wameJr Walllgher Bites Charles Ci apin lames Russell MoslV Geo le Dand inith Rockwood uller Jr Charles Batab Spdngflcld Aaon West SprtngflfM Mtmck Gilbert A Smith South llafllev Parsons Holyoke jl Sivdaw Treasurer Daniel Marsh Secretary Bond pISK HATCH BANKERS VALUABLE LAND OR About tour nf tend beiongirg t'1 tae estate of thetatc iancl Bates situated about onc tlibd of mite north or th Deoct near the farm for the Aericul turai dl ge and bv which the Ktulrtad wi'l ran A this rart of the citv is rapidly filling np th On sl d'ncie th above offers rare chance for profitable iu vcrtmerit Most the purebuse money cun remain on r1MKSIRAXCIS BATES 3 ort streret oref RVl 8 ELMER Kiteiwd 17 EAL ESTATE OR The LL Seibers otfcr to cll the teal tate on the northerly tide cf bn an et a tew rxis easterly ot Alain streut in SodnefiOid twdnz the save formeily owned by reeman A Mattoon feet on Lyman stre taiul about X' foul to Western Rauroad wi two large and cvnyenicnt store houses ihvreoo One ot the buildinj has been owl lor manufacturing purposes with steam power WM BIUNU' COVE LU ELAM bTOCKBRIDQE arm anti 0artcn ECIAL NOTICE our Graje Vines forO oucdollar ltetawite Concord Hinn Hartford Bro llflc Also a general assotinent ot iuit nd Ornamental Trees lowering Shrubs Kos Strawberries Currant Ac at low rxte Stock of Evergreens unusually loroe aud ne a At 1 IN Suffield Ct March 13 1S3 mUdawtali pUANU and SUPKRI HOSHAl'E VT Just 2iXI Ba No 1 Peruvian Gnrno Bss Coe's supernhosphata 50 Bbls Oyster Shell Lime 50 Bb I xli 50 ilbls Liebig H) Tom Caswr rumace PARK ML Art ITIREES TREES TREKS I fhab re ceivefrom Kochester a complete nt of xua size Mandan! and Pwa Tear Poach Cherry Apido and oilvr Tree Ma good time for Spring planting wlikh In audition toV ck now on hand will afford plant rs of trees an opportunity to make their own aeheuonj pt cbclce trees fr jm tho largest and st selected stock in thh section at Uirmicea Onurs areons wi hmg tret seket and packed at th jxureerj Clroularsstut on B0DVRTHA mSHM 69 TOR GARDEN ING JAMES fr the past six vearo bead gardener to harle Ilj si of Wist nrlngiild rotoi cttuliy nnuounces to toe Oi ga dns and in tills city that he te prepared to cont a tor to epl ig iu enter of ucnlaces during th umni rt "wii le rate mv be left at The Thtetl Main street two door routhot Brtlgv tr or tlironehttc iost oftu Job ing aouc in all untlies 01 th vde for i re euho se mid Bonier Grape Me Irnlt Omametnal Trees rc pectfully liitedand punctu ally executed CARD Sanford street Springfield blass manufacturers of Machine Card Clothingot all descriptions ter Cotton and ttool too Staples tor ft imlow Blinds MQyTAGUE Agcnt TAYLOR Agents for Chico neo alte ad vicinity for the sale of Grover tBuker Sewing celebrated Parlor Gem Ha price A Smith's Premium Me lodeons 1 PEORGE CHENEY VX TEACHER VOCAL MU8IC Piano orte and Guitar Amherst Mass Rooms at ths Amherst House PIANO ORTE AT A BARGAIN as JL excellent instrument nearly new in £cod condition and fuilY wan anted PIANOS TO LET good nistru meutst the Pal onto jl 255 Main st opposite Chicopee Bank I NG AND REPAIRING or PIANOS AND MELODEONS Bv WM LOMBARD Hamoden House Music Rootns Cor Main and Court sS Springfield Mas AS GOOD AS NEW THICK WOOD'S Mi flora Throat Threat ITraffire Nxl Catarrh Dteetoel 1 th Sila Chronic Di 4 Scroful Prom teuand eitrelv expert nro lu to Jwv4te earn hetoerabkd to promt Mfr Bit a cure toho mar cH Limit bb ou Cta trtrr Chicopee NJ 111 Wi4w pirm Drive oa Lrinsu at hxMmpi a i'ur bowrt tripUKta Tra hi 8 7 cto' to btcLekaad htrfulJM IM Mu kmak ta th alow you va4er Um rrtTt If "to rt Wro r(u rt tka to ral to or wlwr vrvh Kit ro n4 be re lr VAS nt rs jiBQTnkkS KlEfiVn V'nn Qu NT nib CrXSl UL VkIUTMENTO CAN5 ClK' 3 toort Hare to Real (Estate HOUSE ORn SAI on Salem Inquire of A HOWE OR SALE AT A BARGAIN a large and desirable Three tory Dwelling House anil LHtu atedon Gardner street near Main Lot about (m rods bv6 rtoctttd with a good variety of bruit Terms caj Inquire of A BURT House and lot for sAuE The two stoiy bick house 19 WL'liam street with a bS foot lot OU tuZstreet by feet deep with good frut and all hvme conveniences Mill be soln cheap Apily to al GEORGE 8 LriVls Kepubllcanoffico A arm in LuDgmeadowte about one mile south of church aud oiily a few rods from school house coiitaiwmr sixty two acre A part or the money can remain on mortgage or hirtncr paxticu iars inqui of NUAii BLIS3 mgmeadow March 6th QQ BUILDING LOTS OR The OtJ most dcslrabla unoccupied Building Lot within 1 mile of toe Annory are now In market and ottered fr sale upon liberal These lots aie locatto about 5 rods east of tie Annory ground fronting on clory st Bay Hoad ami Hanco*ck st a upon amw street tube opened through the lot being Ute contuuatlon of Horlda street Apian of the lots may be smnat the office of ha's tv Rice on State st or at the office i the sub scriber No 3 Music Hall buildlug and pa cu larlv armorers desiring to tuili a good style of dwelling will find these lots as ta location Mid price wl CTlhJ their attention 2md KAxDOLlH LH) ARMS OR InBecktt onefarm of 300 terrs with timber to cut 3C00 cords of wood and bark 4 miles from Chester Station Two good su Kite witbsaa hemes ami modern fix arcs ot grams arch brick tbhnutes of pood bui dim with good water to ail Good fruit good tillage lent school near cut about 75 tons of hay general com itlon good farm derlrablo toe fann of 250 acres two and ore half mil from Chester Station whh timber suffici nt to cut 117 aer Good buildings good pas tures will cut 25 tons fhy situated one mile from farm bssoldwlto or without th tim ber and if not sold some of them are for rent Apply to mdti MaTbSwawSw 1 1 1 LKKIV ckt Valuable for sale IN NORTHAMPTON mi miuhlv built Dwelling House erect cd and in by the lite JU shcl rvmcroy and a Cure Cohte Ccugbs and LheimUm I TBYU0DT 1XTBRJTD I duuvliterf te now forsalCi I or al 123 ttrL 1 In trontofthe teXH Holyoke aoattraMirc to the tpRy Obi WOLD KlLi1W tourist onilthcrsidea Church with Inwn Hall Court I TrWTCT i th i DIGl ji EH Alton prcpar Wrld Kroiwro Houee and the Tublle square on the pst are Ml in pW MLVL STtytofralMiura anv realty ffir tolo in chaniftMto walk of five minute In the rear orchard mowing Kt ftf uai all riloi £lrto Ito irataratavUr ami ara all toy purport to be built in mostrar tai manner stl wlto etefal and Bonnets eathers Crape Ac dyed any shade parlors dining and romi kitehen PW iiomaopatblc I hsnraey IM Mata sta cot I A GOOD PECT Shawls of an kinds Table and Piano Spreads Grat X' whole Garments Ac Cleansed and Pressed 'I'ratoen wHh rah an or1 with ditto mid KndTmwday to each lsleuram enlM SC G00JedXrdar Ladies Dresses Dyed tor 1 Tb gt most orartpul of all the towuson the Con auJ ilhetimtie I original rater Work left on Mtndy fluishyd on Saturday following necriem Knrcr (h jor 9 I formerly by Robert Brock and Sons tronttaton I roo llrci Azlwnv Alli WT SfEWBXCMSD ANCY DYBUORSS JggggaSBSfiSS Without egotvm permit ns to say tot ad who ns from the J2of building lots thn areftlraln I walefdut with ritenvi ts bccon acquainted with thia I a itflred of cnt mn rtat ff pc I fymptou SL weurenvtafkidoracow huprovU Uituncpa rrQUtTH be flutebed next Thurs isy Any artnle lu Jk cotton i OD KL tafij CUABU1 gTODDABD EsnW Xtlrr ffit boaow lv special attto MllkrtroehBoKw th 4MM of th 1 kriMrt I kra rratostol ourcustoim need not buy new Lae curtate I 1 VALUABLE ARM rom totrtatid tttwM expert I keep square by farnra I I earn toecabkd to prowl redfrt net aenre a I rnQM a rjTINriIILD MlMsTCR clean carpet cheap and vevyluntann roil SALE ITTmr rallon Um lbl Cabol rtrra rKJ Kid glove colored Wark aad Uratsed 1 ta turn nute I ri STONE I 1' Crod wrU HOdtijl Pronrirtor of Ibe 1 1' In Rprtagflfld eoMfttfc te part tri tarn ESTABLISHED 7 GOT VtoXaTfiV YDen MU I I VUM 1 I SNU AND TOBACCO MAb'V'CTl KKK' A new ml th rongh both Barn convent wn 16 and 18 Ch ambses st I ri3Ul Loft fr Hy and Cciur wiut mtuung water (o merty II Chambers tre I New gt1 1 would cUth a'tenUon of Dealers to the article orhl miaufseture vix: MOWS SNU CepeWb YELLOW SNU Scotch Homey Dew Toast Scotch ttth My febtA lrih High Toast 1 CvJib or LaLiiyftH't I CALLtD TO TK1 KrDTCTIOM ix ruici or CfiX3M a0 COq WHICH Bk A SklOB 4 Aj OrttaCA I IU tag known Itilliviu of bettie seld tt cry year BUY A BOUNTIUL SUPPLY HAIB NO is rm DISTINGUISHING BADtIK OTHER YOUTH MRS A ALLEN xBi oath wits a xrrvTxrtow TAKE Ma A Auxs' Wctlffi' Hm RYOKBR and 7ilvflsauvm or Woaxo Hair DbsssisO ir excel all other Kr re NO toriug hair stron tinning when weak pre ting tailing or tumlrg rray nd when yay restoring it nturl color without the OTHER us of dy Th rtch flowy apprnc im parted truly wonderful Will not sell or atain lltc finest Um Theta ttt it they never tad has astonished thouiuuid No tody" toilet 1 complete ithout the It lobalsamum or Hair Dressing It clrswc th iter and USE impart to it a most delightful fragrance and te luit to both young and eta NO THE RESTOKLR REPRODUCES.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.